Chapter 3) Meeting a Funny Person

"It's actually a mix of ancient Chinese and Russian." L reply. Lucy look carefully and could see that it was true. "But why though? Whatever, I can just look at the photo." Lucy flip the book and decide to look at the picture instead. It was drawing and it was still kind of hard for Lucy to understand. "Shh~ I am done here." Lucy left his place and went to look for Diana and Jean. He got to them but could see a few men harassing Diana. "Come on you woman! I already said that I am the city lord son! Why don't you want to be with me!" The city lord son said in an angry tone. *Tap tap* The city lord son feel a few tap on his right shoulder. "Huh!?" He turn around just too see a giant in glowing armor looking down at him. He gulp and try to back off. Lucy grab him by his collar and lift him into the air. "Ahh! Let me down! Don't you know who I am! I am the city lord son!" He shout at Lucy. Lucy does not care who this bastard is. He is using his power to abuse those lower than him. Lucy did not say anything and just form a claw on his right hand. "What are you going to ah!" Lucy dig his hand into the city lord son heart. Lucy pull out the city lord heart son which was still beating. *Gchhh* Lucy crush the city lord son heart. Lucy toss the city lord son corpse away and look at the other. "Ah!" They all scatter away in fear. "We got to get out of here quick!" Diana drag Jean out of the library. "Tsk!" Lucy shake his head and follow after them. As they got to the entrance of the city. They were block off by the guards there. "No one is to lea...." They look and saw a giant man with the two suspect. They gulp as they are not sure if this is the correct person that murder the city lord son. "That's him! Stop him!" The captain shout from behind Lucy and his party. Everyone take out their weapon and point at Lucy and his party. Diana and Jean was scare for their life. Lucy does not give a shit about what these people want. He just want to go back home.

"Stop right there you murderers! We have you surrounded! Give up without resisting and it will be easy!" The captain said. Lucy chuckle while cracking his nuckles. "My captain said..." Before the guard can finish his sentence. Lucy approach him with great speed and punch at his head causing his head to explode. The other saw this and charge at Lucy. Lucy took out 3 boomerang and threw it towards them. The speed of the boomerang was too fast that it just went past through the guards like nothing. Lucy charge at the remaining 5 guards and crush them to death. Shortly, after Lucy dealt with the guards. The 3 boomerang return, Lucy caught them and store them away. Lucy approach the captain who was on the ground. The captain was so pale that he could collapse at any moment. Lucy grab him by the collar and lift him into the air. Lucy laugh at the captain as he is just about 5 ft tall. Lucy drop him back down. The captain fell to his bottom and just stare at Lucy in fear. Lucy crouch down to his level. "What what.... are you going to do?" The captain ask with a shaky voice. Lucy didn't reply and grab the captain by his foot and began slamming him like a rag doll. Bits and pieces of the captain was everywhere. After just 3 second of slamming the captain to death. The captain body got detach from his two leg. Lucy toss the two leg away and continue walking towards the entrance. Diana and Jean want to puke but stop themselves and chase after Lucy. Those that witness the scene was puking hard as it was too much for them to take him. Some with kids began to rush their kids away from the scene. The city lord soon arrive to just witness a gruesome scene in front of him. He too want puke but stop himself. Even though he had been to many battlefield. This is just too much for him to take in. "Where did they go!?" The city lord ask. "Sir please don't go after them! There is a giant with them!" Many civilians beg for the city lord to not chase after the murderers. "I am the city lord god damn it! If I can't even deal with 3 people then what am I?" He shout at his people. "Heya!" The city lord and 20 of his men charge towards the entrance to chase after Lucy and his party. *Boom* As soon as they got to the entrance. A loud boom happen and everyone within 15 meter is all gone and they are everywhere.

"Lucy! Aren't you going overboard!?" Diana shout at Lucy. "I do what I want and if you don't like it then be on your way then!" Lucy end there and continue walking. Diana want to part way from Lucy as she does not want her brother to see what Lucy do every time to his victim. But she can't at the same time as Lucy is their best hope of returning back. In the end, Diana decide to just follow Lucy with any complaint. "So, did you get any information on where your hometown is at?" Lucy ask. "I did. We have to head west and we should get their in about a few month. Most like a few week if we take the short cut." Diana said. "Oh. And where is the short cut?" Lucy ask. "Oh darn it! I should have keep my mouth shut on that part!" Diana curse at her talkative mouth. "Huh? Where is the short cut?" Lucy ask. "We should be getting near it. Well not really. We still have a few more day until we reach the short cut. But can't we take the long way. Taking the short cut is too dangerous." Diana beg Lucy. "No! I want to go home as fast as possible." Lucy reply. "But you might find what you need to return home from the long path." Diana said. Lucy stop in his track. "You, know what. You have a reason there. Alright! We will take the long path." Lucy agree to what Diana had just said. Diana and Jean sigh in relief as they already read about what the short cut have. There are countless of dangerous creature and even staying there for a night would drive a person to insanity. The day is still long and they have a long way to go. They walk for about 4 hour and everywhere they look is just trees and plants everywhere. "Can we rest for a bit Lucy?" Jean ask. "Sure. But just for 10 minute only." Lucy reply. "That will do." Diana said.

"Heya!" *thud thud thud* Lucy, Diana and Jean hear horse coming their way. "Whoa whoa whoa..." The men make a stop as they saw three people in front of them. "Hey look young master! A pretty lady here!" A guard inform his young master. "A bunch of small as horse." Lucy said as he could see that all of these horse are just 5'1. Even with the men sitting on the horse back. Lucy was still a few ft taller than all of them. Lucy just shook his head as he could not believe how small these human are. Heck, even the horses are small. A young man in his 20s riding a small horse approach Diana. "Hey there pretty lady! Want to come with me. I can show you a good night." He said. Diana pretend as she was puking as this man is truly ugly. His head was a perfect square and he is extemely short as he should be around 4'4 only. "Hahaha!" Lucy burst out laughing. This young master was just too funny and Lucy could not contain his laughter. Jean also laugh as he too find this man funny. "You dare laugh at my handsome face! I am the mighty Isabel!" Isabel shout at Lucy. "Isabel? Who name their ugly son like that? More like Disabel! Haha!" Lucy began laughing again. "Hmph! If you are so tough then stand up and let see how tall you are! I bet you won't even reach my height!" Isabel said. "Haha! This is too funny! You should stop being so ugly! I can't stop laughing!" Lucy cannot stop laughing. "I said! Stand up and face me!" Isabel shout at Lucy. "I will just give me a moment." Lucy took a few deep breath. "All good now." Lucy then stand up. Everyone on their horse gulp as they could see that this person is still 1 ft taller than all of then even when they are on horse back. "Here I am. What now?" Lucy said. "You you you! Let me see your face! I want to see how handsome you are! I bet your are not as handsome as me! I am the most handsome man that every girl want!" Isabel said. Diana heard this and want to puke.

"Fine!" Lucy word caught both Diana and Jean attention as they also want to know what he look like. *Psshh* Lucy helmet retract and what's inside is a face that shock everyone especially the pair of deep blue eye. "You you you you are more ugly than me!" Isabel said. "No you're ugly young master!" His men said. "What did you say!?" Isabel shout at his men. "You're the ugly one here young master! He is the handsome one here!" They reply. "Hmph! I have enough of your ugly face! Men, lets head back!" Isabel said. "Ah! Yes young master!" They all reply and went with Isabel. "Tsk." Lucy turn around to face Diana and Jean. Diana blush as she did not think that Lucy could be this handsome. "Wow! Big brother Lucy! You are so handsome!" Jean said. "Thanks but I don't really like my look. My look is causing me too much trouble." Lucy reply. "Huh? Why? You are so handsome though and why is your hair not black or brown?" Diana ask. "I was born with this kind of hair color. Don't like it?" Lucy said. "No no I do like it. It's so pretty and your eye color is so blue just like the sky!" Diana reply. *Psshh* Lucy helmet cover his face again. "Why don't you show your face?" Diana ask. "A pain." Lucy reply bluntly. "Oh..." Diana feel sad as she want Lucy to keep his helmet off. She like him having his helmet off. She want to see his face everyday as it was truly handsome. "Anyway. 10 minute is up. We should continue our journey." Lucy said. Diana and Jean nod. They walk for another hour until they reach a swamp. "We should be careful while crossing this swamp. There are dangerous creature here." Diana warn Lucy and Jean. "Don't worry about me and worry about you and your brother." Lucy said. "Hmph! Who worry about you!" Diana said. "Just saying." Lucy said. After 10 minute, they cross the swamp but it was only the first part of the swamp only. "2nd stage of the swamp?" Lucy ask. "Yeah, there are 3 stage to almost any swamp." Diana reply. "Oh..." Lucy did not think that there would be 3 stage. "Hey uh Lucy?" Diana ask. "Yeah? What is it?" Luck reply. "I want to know. Why is your voice so laggy?" Diana ask. "Oh about that. I don't actually talk but rather I let another voice to speak for me." Lucy said. "Then can I hear your real voice?" Diana ask. "Sorry but I cannot speak your tongue." Lucy reply. "Then how are you able to communicate with us then?" Diana ask in confusion. "This helmet. When you speak. This helmet write down what you said in my language." Lucy reply. "Oh.. But can I hear your real voice then. I mean without the mask." Diana ask. "Sure." Lucy retract his helmet. "What do you want me to say?" Lucy ask. "Anything. Just make a few sentence." Diana reply. Lucy does not have the caption anymore but was sure that Diana told him to say whatever. "Alright. I will just say this then. (In English)" Lucy voice was very deep and raspy. Diana heard Lucy voice and instantly fell in love with his voice. Lucy put his helmet back on. "Wow! Big brother Lucy! Your voice is really deep. I want to grow up and have a voice like yours!" Jean said. "Haha. I do hope you do." Lucy crouch down to Jean level and rub his head.