They walk for a bit longer and stumble upon a cave. "Wow! What a grand cave!" Jean said. "Should we check it out?" Lucy ask. "No! It's too dangerous. We should keep moving." Diana reply. Diana turn around just to see that Lucy had already went into the cave. "I said! No entering the cave! If you are going to enter it then, at least have a torch!" Diana shout at Lucy. Lucy ignore her and went in a bit further. " Come on sis. We should catch up." Jean went after Lucy. "Hey you two!" Diana shout at then. *Howl* Diana hear howls from a distance. "Wait for me!" Diana chase after them. "It's so dark in here." Diana said. "Oh sorry about that. Forgot that I had night vision on. I will brighten our path." Lucy helmet flashlight turn on and light up their path. "Wow that is that light big brother Lucy?" Jean ask. "It's a flashlight. Anyway, just watch where you are stepping." Lucy said. They tread carefully deeper into the cave. The soon arrive to the end of the cave. "This is the end huh?" Lucy ask himself. But Lucy decide to keep looking a bit around first. "Well well what do we have here!" Lucy had actually found a small pond within the cave. "Wow! Does this lead to somewhere else?" Diana ask. "Only one way to find out." *Splash* Lucy dive into the pond. He follow the path of the pond and to his surprise it was quiet long. Lucy use his jet to make him go faster. Within just a few second, he reach the end and resurface. He look around and saw that he was now in a lake. "I will go bring them over." Lucy dive back down and went back to the cave.
"Why did you just leave us here in the dark!?" Diana shout at Lucy. "Chill little girl. You will mot die just staying in the dark. Unless a monster appear and decide to eat you." Lucy reply. "Did you find anything big brother Lucy?" Jean ask. "There is. This pond lead to a lake. Come on I will take you two there." Lucy said. "I don't want to." Diana protest. *Splash* Lucy drag Diana and Jean along with him. "This is such a long path out! I think I will be dead by the time we reach the surface again." Diana said to herself and close her eye. But within just a few second, they arrive to the other side. Lucy drag them onto the bank. "Look! Now our cloths are all wet!" Diana shout at Lucy. "We will dry it. We just need to make a fire near here. Doubt there is anyone or any town is near here." Lucy said. Diana glare at Lucy. Lucy create a fire near the lake bank. "Dry your cloths here." Lucy said. Jean began to take off his cloths and was now left in his undergarment. Diana hesitate as she was not sure about this. Lucy does not care about what Diana do. His armor is water proof but he want to take a dip in the lake. Lucy armor began to retract and after it's fully retract. The armor was form a tattoo of two snake coiling around his arm. Diana and Jean stare wide eye at Lucy. They have finally get to see Lucy without his armor. Diana have never seen anymore with this much muscle as his muscle can be seen through his cloths.. There are many strong people in her world but they were either fat strong or a bit above the average people.
Lucy take off his cloths and was left in his undergarment. Diana stare at Lucy wide eye. Lucy is the most perfect man that she had seen. Lucy dive into the lake and wash himself quickly. Within 5 minute, Lucy was done and return back to the fire. "Not going to dry your cloths?" Lucy ask Diana. "I am not so sure about this." Diana reply. "Alright. Do whatever you want." Lucy finish drying himself and put his cloths back on. *Psshh* His tattoo glow and his armor began to cover his body. Lucy was now back in his fully armor. "Finish drying and we will head out. "Can you go a bit further. I want to dry my cloths alone." Diana said. "Sure. Come on Jean." Lucy took Jean with him to go a bit further. After 20 minute, Diana and Jean cloths was done drying. Diana call them back. Jean put back his cloths and after a while, they continue on with their journey. 3 hour later. "We should be getting near a small village." Lucy put away his map. "How far?" Diana ask. "Not far. About 2 mile from here." Lucy reply. "That is quite close." Diana said. "It's is." Lucy reply. They walk for a bit and finally see the village but it was smaller. They walk in the small village but their was nothing or any people here to be seen. The walk further deeper into the village. *knock knock* Jean knock on the door but there seem to be no one inside. "Is this a ghost village?" Jean ask. "Most likely." Diana reply. "No it's not a ghost village." Lucy said. "But there is no one around though." Diana said. "There is but they're all hiding. I wonder why?" Lucy said. "How do you know?" Diana ask. Lucy ignore her and went to an urn near his right. Lucy bend down and open the lid and reach inside. "What are you doing Lucy? Show some respect!" Diana shout at Lucy. What Lucy to got out of the urn shock Diana and Jean. It was a baby. Diana and Jean quickly arrive to Lucy side. Diana was utterly speechless as to how can this parents do this to him. "How can a parents be so bad to left their kid out here in the cold! He seem to be freezing! Quickly give him to me!" Lucy ignore her and take out a syringe. "What are you going to do to him!?" Diana shout at Lucy. "Quiet!" Lucy shout back at Diana. Diana was taken aback as this is the first time Lucy shout at her. Lucy inject the baby who is on the verge of freezing with the serum. Within just a few second, the baby color return and he began crying. "There there now little guy. Don't cry. I got you now~" Lucy words calm the baby down within just a few second.
Diana did not expect Lucy who is such a brutal guy to have a soft side to him. He seem to know what he is doing with the baby. *Creak* The door behind them open and a couple in their 30s peek out. Diana gave them a death stare. She was really angry at them for not caring about their baby at all. Lucy walk up to them and hand them their baby. The mother quickly reach out her hand but the father stop her. She really want to hold her baby but she know what will happen is she take her baby back. She began sobbing and so is the father. Diana was confuse as to why they are acting like this when they did not even care about their baby. "They must be acting!" Diana said. "I said! Quite!" Diana was shout by Lucy once again. Lucy was not like his usual self as of right now. "Go ahead." Lucy hand them their baby again. The wife look at her husband and he put down his hand. He too cannot watch his baby suffer like this. She quickly got up and take grab a hold of her baby with tears everyone on her face. The couple was on the floor sobbing while holding their baby together. Lucy crouch down to their level and he is really angry now. "Wha..." Diana want to say something but was cut off by someone. "Hehe! We already told you to give us your baby. Yet you two took it back. Now, we will unleash death upo..." The old hag did not get to finish her sentence before a hand forcefully grip her head. She feel like her head would explode at any moment. *Crack* Her whole skull was crush to bits of pieces. The other two old hag saw what just happen to their friend and began to panic. They try to flee. They did not get far before they were caught in a net. They try to resist but it was helpless as they were being drag back. Lucy drag them back to him and stomp on an old right leg, breaking it in the process. Lucy crouch down to their level. He look at an old hag and until her. "Where is the person behind this!?" Lucy ask. The old hag did not reply as she is too scare to even utter a word. "Not talking!?" Lucy jab his hand into the old hag chest and pull out her heart. "Eat your own heart!" Lucy shove the old hag heart into her mouth force her to eat it. "Eat it eat it eat it eat it!" By the time Lucy was done. The old hag skull and jaw were all broken and she was long dead already. Lucy crush the remaining of her skull on the ground and look at the last old hag. The last old hag was shaking so bad that the whole net shake along side her. Lucy retract the net and ask her the same question. "Our boss is not far from here! She is up in that mountain!" The old hag point at the mountain to her right. "I am save! As long as this person go after our boss then I am safe." That is what they old hag though. Lucy look at the mountain then back at the old hag. Lucy reach both of his hand into the old hand mouth and pry open her mouth. Lucy broke her jaw but she was still alive. Lucy go for one more but grab her throat instead this time. "Argh!" Lucy rip the old hag in half and toss her both of her half away.
Diana and Jean could not take this scene and began vomiting violently. It was too much for them. The couple seem to be fine or rather they seem to enjoy the death of these 3. "Lucy..." *Posshh* Diana turn around just to see Lucy shoot up into the sky. Lucy shot up into the skying using his jet and propel himself towards the mountain. Within just a few second, Lucy was gone from the village. They just see a flashing dot heading down to the mountain. "Why are those 3 not here yet!? I should have that baby by now already!" The boss said angrily. *Boom boom boom* Buildings began to explode and chaos was everywhere within the cult place. "What's happening!?" The boss ask. "We don't ahhhhh!" The guard was pull away up towards the tree by something invisible. More and more guards were being pull towards the trees. The boss was confuse and fear began to evoke within her. "What is happening!? Protect me guards!" The boss shout at her remaining guards. There was only 5 guards left and they arrive to her side. "Where is the rest of the guards!?" The boss ask. There was a total of 100 but there was just 5 left. Which mean that whoever is causing the terror must be a deadly and scary person. "Found any clue on who is causin...." The guard who was talking began to fall apart. The rest of the guards back away from their friend. "Urgh..." 2 guard look down to their chest and saw two blade protruding from their chest. The remaining 2 who saw the scene quickly back off to their boss. They all gulp as they could see someone or something began to appear out of thin air. After then person appear, they could see that it was a giant who is clad in a glowing armor "Who who who are you and what what do you want?" The boss ask. Lucy ignore her question and threw two boomerang at the remaining two guard. They were depreciated and their head roll down causing the boss to yelp and back off more. Lucy caught the returning 2 boomerang and store them away. Lucy approach the boss and grab her by her collar. She was pretty old, probably around her 80s. *Pooosshh* Lucy was heading back to the village with the old hag.