Chapter 5) Cannibal Freaks

Lucy got back to the city and toss the old hag onto the ground. The old hag try to escape but was pull back by Lucy. "Come one come all! Come take a look at the person that had been terrorizing your village!" Lucy said out loud. All the villager began to come out of their house and gather around the old hag. "That is the witch that had been taking out baby!" Many villagers curse at the old hag they call the witch. "Witch? So does she..." Diana ask. "Yes. She take our baby and children each month to consume them." The mother said. "That is so cruel! Burn her!" Diana began chanting. "Burn her! Burn her!" The villager began chanting along with Diana. "Good! You all do the work then!" Lucy said. The chanting die down as they are not sure to as they are scare to go near the witch. "Huahuahuahua! See! No one has the courage to com... Ah!" The witch had her had rip from her by Lucy. "I don't want to hear your voice! Stay quiet!" Lucy shout at the witch. "Yes yes yes your grace!" The witch stay quiet while groaning in pain in secret. Lucy look and saw that no one is willing to step up to do the work. Lucy decide to do it himself but in another way. Lucy grab the witch by her collar and went to the village entrance. Lucy tie the witch with the vine hanging from the sign. "What are you... Ah!" Lucy cut open her abdomen and take out her intestine and her heart. He broke her jaw and place the heart perfectly on her hanging jaw. The intestine was hanging out. The witch twitch but was still not dead yet. "We are done here! Lets go!" Lucy said. Diana and Jean went to Lucy side and dare not to look back. It was too much for them to look at. All the villager did not expect this giant to be this cruel. The witch is cruel for eating their children but they somehow feel a little bit of pit to the witch. She had not been put out of her misery yet.

"Lucy. I know that she has done evil thing but aren't you a bit too much?" Diana ask. "That is still a light punishment in my book." Lucy reply. Diana shake her head as she could not believe what she had just heard. "Big brother Lucy, look! It's that square face again!" Jean point in front of them. "Well well well what do we have here. The ugly giant again." Isabel said. "You're the ugly one here young master!" Isabel guards shout at him. "Thank you. I know that I am too beautiful that you all cannot resist my beauty." Isabel said. "Urgh! I want to throw up." Diana said. "Hey there again my angel. Still want to give me a chance?" Isabel ask. "Ask my fist if you want a chance!" Diana reply. "Hehe. I woul..." Isabel did not finish his sentence before he was drag away by his guards. "We still got a village to worry about young master~" They drag Isabel to the village. "Let go of me! I still got a date to catch!" Isabel shout at the top of his lung. They soon arrive to the entrance of the gate. All the guards look up and began vomiting violently. "My face is not that ugly!" Isabel shout at his guards but they ignore him and ran from the scene. "Huh?" *Drip plop* Something drop onto Isabel left cheek. Isabel touch the mysterious substance and look closely at it. "Blood? Why is there blood here?" Isabel look up and saw a scene he wish he did not look up. Isabel vomit violently and join his guards. "What so we do young master?" The captain ask. "We ask the villagers about who did this idiot!" Isabel hit the captain. "Ah yes yes yes. Everyone spread out and ask all the villagers about what exactly happen!" The captain shout at his men. After 10 minute of asking, they all return and share their information about what they found out. "All the same? It seem like that giant and his party was the one that eliminate the infamous witch cult." Isabel said. "Then should we like try to allied with him young master?" The guards ask. "I want that possibility too but where are they now though? That is the real question." Isabel said. "We can go back and try to catch up to them." A guards ask. "Alright." Isabel agree.

"Lucy... We have been walking for 5 hour now. I want a little rest." Diana said. "You can rest. I will keep going." Lucy said. "Awww~ Can we get a least a 10 minute rest?" Diana ask. Lucy ignore her and keep walking. They walk for 10 more minute with Diana mouth everywhere. Lucy suddenly raise his hand telling them to stop. "What ha..." Diana got hush by Lucy. Lucy grab them both and jump to the trees without making much noise. Lucy look down and saw a few men carry a man on a stick like an animal. Diana was about to say something but Lucy cover her mouth and tell her to hush. She have tears in her eye. "Someone close to you?" Lucy ask. "He is our uncle. He was to escort us back but was attack. Can you help him Lucy!?" Diana beg Lucy. "Why would I?" Lucy ask. "Because if you don't then you will not get what you want to return home." Diana quickly said. "Fair enough. Stay put here and don't move or make much noise." Lucy said. Diana and Jean nod as they understand. Then they saw Lucy began to fade away. They stare at Lucy in wide eyes and mouth as within just a few second, Lucy was now invisible. They try to look for Lucy but he was nowhere to be found. Lucy was already on the people trail. "We got something delicious for tonight. Though he does not have much fat, muscle will do." Cannibal 1 said. "Cannibal freaks." Lucy said and follow them to their place. After following them for 5 minute, Lucy arrive and could see that it was a huge village. "Lets see here. There are 1, 2, 3.... 22 hut. 3 to 5 people per hut then that is quiet a lot of people to put down." Lucy said. Lucy move from his spot to set up trap that will ensure that no one can get out.

"Look! They're back!" A kid inform everyone in the village. Everyone stop what they are doing and went to check out their meal. "May not be much. But it could still feed our leader along with a woman that was caught from yesterday." The village chief said. "Prepare the feast!" The village chief told everyone. Everyone cheer as they have been waiting for this day. They tie their meal to the pole while they get everything set up. Diana and Jean uncle was tie with a woman. He came to his sense and woke up. He look around and could see that he was surrounded by kids. He was confuse at first but by looking around for a bit longer. He could see corpse hanging behind him. "This can't be real!" He does not believe what he is seeing right now. "Let me go you cannibal freaks!" He shout at the cannibals. "Shut up will you!" An adult cannibal hit Diana and Jean uncle with a wooden club to his head. "Ah!" His head began to bleed. The lady who saw what the cannibal did to Diana and Jean uncle stay in silence. "Just stay in silent. Your turn will soon come. Oh I'm sorry. You are going to get eaten by our brave and strong leader. The cannibal freak went away. "You should be quiet. There might be someone here to rescue us." The lady said. "Who is there to save us? And I do hope that it's true. Gormon Towru by the way." Gormon introduce himself to the lady next to him. "Amelia Dunbolivard and it's nice to see another human being. Glad that I will not die alone." Amelia said. "And how did you get caught?" Dormom ask. "I am an adventurer that is seeking a partner to settle down with." Amelia reply. "How old are you anyway?" Gormon ask. "Guess." Amelia said. "Then I am done talking to you." Gormon said. "36!" Amelia said. "41. And if we ever get out of here alive. I might consider you as a potential wife." Gormon said. "The same goes here." Amelia said. "An odd couple aren't we? Haha!" Gormon and Amelia laugh.

*Bam* They hear a drum and turn their attention to it. They saw a massive and tall man cover in leaves. He was about 5'11 which is consider as a giant for them. The average men height is about 5'6 to 5'8. Women average height is 5'2 to 5'5. And being above 5'10 could consider a person to be a giant for them. "Hehe! Today will be a great day for me! I will eat to my heart content!" The giant man said. "Eheheh~ Jorkun! Which one do you want want to eat. The woman or the man?" The village chief said. "I will take the man. He seem to have more meat!" Jorkun said. "The man it is then! Everyone get that man and chop him up for Jorkun!" The village chief said. The cannibal men move to Gormon and untie him. "I love you Gormon!" Amelia shout out to Gormon. "I love you top Amelia!" Gormon shout back. Gormon was brought over to a table and was splay down. "Hehe! I will take it from here." The cooker pick up a knife and grab Gormon right arm. "Got to remove the right arm first~" The cooker began to sing and the other cannibal sing along with him. "Huh? Why are you not cutting his arm off!? What are you doing there contemplating!? The village chief shout at the cooker. "It's not that I don't want to move! I can move my arm at all village chief!" The cooker said. "Huh!? What kind of..." The village chief and everyone stare at the cooker with wide eyes. The cooker was lift into the air by something and had his abdomen cut and his intestines pull out. The cooker try to scream but cannot as his throat is being crush by a massive hand. "*Pak* The cooker throat got crush and he feel to the ground twitching in agony. "Who dare to disturb my meal! Come on out! I am not scare of anything!" Jorkun shout at whoever was causing a disturbance to his meal time.

Everyone in the village then saw someone appear out of the thin air who is slowly appear. After a few second, they can see that it was a person who was even more bigger than their leader. Jorkun could see that this person is much taller than him. "Hmph! You may be taller than me but do you have the strength to back it up!" Jorkun charge at Lucy. Lucy threw a boomerang at Jorkun. Jorkun saw the on coming object and use his hand to catch it. "Ah!!!" The boomerang pass through his hand like butter and keep flying until a few more cannibal were hit by the boomerang. Lucy disappear from his spot and appear in front of Jorkun who is on his knee crying in pain. Lucy grab Jorkun by jis throat and lift him into the air. Jorkun was life up into a few feet into the air. Jorkun try to beg for his life but cannot make a sound at all. Lucy jab his hand into Jorkun abdomen and rip him apart. Everyoen saw this and gulp. All of the male cannibal gather around Lucy with their weapon in hand. They were shaking so bad that their weapon start to rattle. "Kill him!" The village chief shout at his men. "Ah!!" They charge at Lucy and swing down. *Ping ping ding* All of their weapon bounce off and some weapon even broke off. Lucy smirk then jump up a few feet and did a spin kick. Those cannibal around Lucy either had their head twisted around or their head was kick clean off. Lucy land back on the ground. Now, everyone within the village began to panic. Everyone began to scatter but did not get far. They either feel down the hole with countless of spike or was rope up to the trees. Those that manage to avoid these traps were hunted down by Lucy. 20 minute later and Lucy return back to Gormon and Amelia.