Chapter 6) The Creature

Gormon and Amelia stare at Lucy in shock and fear. They could not believe that such a human can be this tall. His height is beyond what they would consider a giant for a human being. Lucy went to Gormon and cut Gormon lose. Lucy then gesture for Gormon to follow him. "Wait! There is still my wife left!" Gormon said. Lucy look back at Amelia and hand him a knife. Gormon took the knife and went to cut Amelia lose. "Thank you for saving us but who are you and why are you helping us?" Gormon ask. "You can ask your niece and nephew." Lucy reply in a laggy voice. Gormon gasp in shock when he hear what Lucy had just said. "They are still alive?" Gormon try to grab Lucy collar but he could not reach Lucy collar as he is just 5'6. "They are and they are waiting for you. We better hurry or they might be gone." Lucy said. "Alright! We better hurry back then." Gormon reply. The trip back took them 4 minute. "Where are they?" Gormon ask. Lucy look up the tree. "Up there? Diana! Jean! You two up there!?" Gormon shout out to Diana and Jean. "Yeah! We are but we can't get down!" They shout back. "I will come get you two! Stay put!" Gormon began climb the tree but he was having a hard time due to the tree for not having any thing to grip on. Lucy can get Diana and Jean down but he does not feel like it. "Move aside!" Amelia shout at Gormon. Gormon move and look at what Amelia will be doing. Amelia unsheathe her two axe. Amelia carve into the tree and step on her first axe. She then use her second axe and carve a big higher. She repeat this until she reach Amelia and Jean. She decide to take Jean down first. After Amelia got Jean down, she quickly went and got Diana down also.

"That amazing Amelia!" Gormon praise Amelia. "Since y'all done here we should continue." Lucy said. "Thank you for saving us but who exactly are you?" Gormon ask. "Uncle Gormon, meet Lucy. Lucy, meet our uncle Gormon." Diana introduce them to each other. "Nice to meet you Lucy." Gormon hold out his hand. "Same here." Lucy shake Gormon hand and squeeze it a bit too hard. Gormon got a shock sent throughout his whole body. "And who is this uncle?" Jean ask. "Oh this. She is my wife, well we just met but yeah." gormon words shock Diana and Jean. "How!? I mean, you are not even that attractive that is why you are in your 40s already! How can you get a wife this beautiful!?" Diana ask. "Shut up! I am a married man now!" Gormon hit Diana on her head. "Ow!" Diana hold her head in pain. "Hi there. I am Amelia, Amelia Dunbolivard. And as what tour uncle had just said. We're a couple now. I do hope that I will not drag your clan down." Amelia said. Everyone introduce themselves to everyone. "Alright since everyone is done introducing themselves. We should keep moving." Gormon said. Everyone agree and began making their way. Along the way, Diana and Amelia seem to get along pretty well. "Hey Diana. Who is that giant there and why is he so quiet?" Amelia ask. "I am not so sure also but he say that he is from somewhere far if I remember correctly. And he is really handsome and I mean it." Diana said. "Oh... And is he more handsome than my hubby?" Amelia ask. Gormon can hear what Diana and Amelia talk about. He puff up his chest proudly of what he had just hear. "Pfff! Comparing uncle to Lucy is the same as comparing a toad to a dragon." Diana reply. Gormon heard this and had a long face. "Oh... Then can you ask him to show me his face?" Amelia ask. "I don't know about that. He take his mask whenever he want. But I can try." Diana said. Diana caught up to Lucy. "Hey uh Lucy?" Diana said. But Lucy hold out his hand to her. This confuse her but she could see that Lucy was looking at something. She follow Lucy eyes and saw what Lucy was looking at. It was a bunch of giant lizard that was eating an ox.

"What do we do uncle?" Diana ask. "We avoid them if possible." Gormon reply. "But how? That is our only path." Amelia ask. Diana look at Lucy. "I am not going to do it. I don't feel like it." Lucy said. Everyone got a shiver down their spin. They all look and saw that the lizards were looking straight at them. "Run!" Gormon shout at everyone. "Run for a tree!" Amelia said. They ran back and found a good tree which everyone can climb. There was branch that was 4 feet and bumps which makes it easy for Diana and Jean to climb. They got to the tree and look down onto the lizards. "What do we do now?" Amelia ask Gormon. "I don't know but let me think for now." Gormon reply. *Sigh* Lucy sigh caught everyone attention. They look down and saw that all of the lizard was already dead. They just take their eyes off the lizard for a second and they are all dead already. "Get back down. You're all pathetic." Lucy walk away. They all look at each other then began climbing back down. They caught up to Lucy but didn't ask him any question. Rather they talk to each other asking who Lucy really is. Soon, the day was coming to an end. "We should set up camp in a bit. But not here as it's not a really good place to set up camp." Gormon said. They walk for a bit longer and finally found a good spot to set up camp. "Here is good. I will go gather a few dry stick to start the fire. And While I am gone. Try to skin the small animals that we caught along the way." Gormon said. "Got it!" Amelia reply. Diana and Amelia took the small animals to the nearby river to clean it. Gormon and Jean went to collect dry stick. As for Lucy, he was messing around a few substance that he had found along the way. Lucy was done and put away the chemical as he had already create what he need.

Gormon and Jean return with quite the stick. Amelia and Diana follow shortly after. "Great! Just let me start the fire first." Amelia nod at what Gormon had just said. Gormon take a few dry grass and use the rock to start the fire. Gormon seem to have a hard time getting the fire start. The other does not know much about starting a fire other than using two rock to start a fire. "I'll do it." Lucy place the dry stick together and cover it in dry grasses. Lucy then scrap his arm blade together and the fire immediately start. Everyone was impress as they did not think that there was such a method also. Regardless, they quickly get to work and put the small animals on the fire. Lucy check his supplies and found that he only have 4 more ration to go. Lucy took out 2 bag but put them away. He want to save it for later and in time of need. He decide to go look for his own food rather than eating what the other have. Lucy went further into the woods to look for small animals. Lucy return shortly with 2 squirrel. Everyone stare at Lucy but did not say anything. They want to know what Lucy is doing. Lucy cut the 2 squirrel from the throat to the abdomen and pull off the skin clean off. Lucy then cut the abdomen and take out all the organs. Just like that, 10 second and 2 squirrel was finish and ready to be cook. Everyone just stare in amazement as Lucy only take 10 second to finish 2 squirrel. Amelia and Diana look at each other. It take them 3 minute to fully prepare a squirrel. Lucy came and join them on the fire. "You're still pretty tall when sitting down." Amelia said. "Can't help it. Was born this way." Lucy reply. After 15 minute, all of the squirrel and small animal were ready. Lucy retract his helmet so that he could eat. Gormon and Amelia stare at Lucy with wide eyes and mouth as they could not believe that such a man like this could exist. Diana was blushing and smiling at all time. Jean only care about the food as he is really hungry. Lucy ignore everyone as he just want to finish eating and go back to creating more bomb and materials.

After awhile, everyone finish eating and set up their bed. "Get some sleep everyone. We still got more way to go." Gormon said. Everyone nod and went to their bed. Lucy jump up to the tree to sleep there. He want to look at the sky as it's really rare for him to see such a sight like this. *Roar* Not even within 5 minute, they all hear a roar that echo from the woods. Everyone gather around the dying fire. Gormon fed a few more stick into the fire and relight the fire. "What was that uncle Gormon?" Diana and Jean ask in a shaky voice. "I don't know but it should be that creature if I am not wrong." Gormon reply. "That? It will be bad if it catch one of us now! If it was day time then we might have a chance but it's dark everywhere!" Amelia said. *Rustle Rustle* They hear the bushes rustle and turn to face it. They cannot see it clealy but was sure that it was the creature that they were talking about. The creature stand at 8 ft tall and was massive. It was basically a giant ape and yeah it was just a Bigfoot. Everyone took out their weapon and was ready to battle it out to the end. Bigfoot are known to consume human and other small animals. But it like to prey on human the most. Lucy was up in the tree looking down at them. "Got to let then have a taste of battle." Lucy said. The Bigfoot roar and charge straight forward at them. Everyone either jump to their left or right to avoid being grab by the Bigfoot. Once you're grab, the Bigfoot would not let go and look up the sky laughing like a manic as it had caught its meal. However this is night time and now the Bigfoot can hunt and eat its meal without having that side effect. Gormon got up quickly and slash at the Bigfoot. He manage to injure it but has cause the creature to turn its attention toward Gormon. The Bigfoot swing his giant hand and fling Gormon flying back a few feet. The Bigfoot turn its attention to Jean who even though had a sword seem so vulnerable.

Jean saw that the Bigfoot had focus its attention to him. Fear began to show on his face and he just stood there not knowing what to do. "Jean!" Diana and Amelia rush to her side but was fling away by the Bigfoot. The Bigfoot was now standing in front of Jean with a wide grin as its had finally got its meal. The Bigfoot reach out its hand and grab onto both of Jean arm, rending his movement. The Bigfoot began to laugh then open its massive mouth. It bite down and blood gush everywhere. Gormon, Diana and Amelia look in horror. "No no Jean!" Everyone cried out loud. "You all are really pathetic. Can't even stay calm on such an easy situation like this. Next time, don't let your fear take over." Lucy set Jean down who was unconscious. Lucy pop out his arm blade and charge at the Bigfoot. The Bigfoot roar at Lucy for taking away its meal. Lucy got to the Bigfoot and slash at its arm. Lucy jump behind the Bigfoot and slash at its back. Lucy was jumping everywhere around the Bigfoot that the Bigfoot cannot do anything. After 30 second, Lucy back off and cross his arm blade together. Lucy scrap his arm blade together and cause a spark which light the Bigfoot on fire with the oil it has bite onto earlier. *Roar* The Bigfoot try to run for the river but was caught by Lucy. Lucy drag the Bigfoot by the foot and hang the Bigfoot upside down on a tree. The Bigfoot try to free itself by it was no use as it slowly burn to death.