Chapter 8) 3 Delinquent

Lucy got to the alley and the people that was sent by the city lord block his exit. The city lord and his daughters appear shortly. "Sir, I want you to..." The city lord did not finish before he was cut off by Lucy. "If you want a fight then stop talking and just come at me." Lucy said. The city lord was taken aback by what Lucy had just said. "No no no no~ I don't want to fight with you. I want to invite you to my house." The city lord said. "And after inviting me over then you will drug me then have your daughters have their way with me right?" Lucy ask. "Correct! You're 100% correct! I mean no! Why would I do that!? Ha ha ha..." The city lord laugh nervously. "I am a bit hungry now and want to find something to eat. Leave if you value your life. Back off now if you don't want your head rolling on the ground." Lucy warn then. Lucy keep walking and walk pass them. "Father!" The city lord daughters shout at him. "Hey Lucy! I bought something for you to eat!" Diana spot Lucy and approach him. "Thanks! I was a bit hungry now." Lucy retract his helmet so that he can eat what Diana bought for him. "Ahsadh!" The city lord daughters start stomping in anger when they see Lucy face. "If only that bitch was not there! He would have pick me!" All of the girls said. Diana was a lot more beautiful than they are. But Lucy does not put Diana beauty in her eye. Diana is just a normal girl in his view. They want to kill Diana and if they do then Lucy will turn his attention to them. "What is this... snack or whatever you people call it?" Lucy ask Diana. "It's... I don't know also but it has beef and pork on it~" Diana said. Lucy take a bit and it was sweet and spicy. "Quite good~" Lucy said. Lucy and Diana walk away together. "Father! You got to do something! And get that bitch away from my man!" His daughters shout at him. "Okay okay. I will do something about it." The city lord reply.

"This is quite good but it's a bit to sweet. It over power the spiciness." Lucy said. "Glad you enjoy it. We should join the other. They should be waiting at the inn already." Diana said. Lucy and Diana make their way to the inn where they will stay for the day. They got to the entrance and could hear commotion from within the inn. "Come on lady! I can do better than that man you're with. Beside I am more rich than him." The man take out a few pouch and show Amelia the gold. "Better take your gold and find yourself a funeral!" Amelia said. "Haha! I was just try to be nice. Men take her with us!" The man order for his men to take Amelia with them. The man or leader felt a tap to his left shoulder and turn around. "Huh!?" *Pop* Lucy punch through the leader head and pop it. Everyone within the inn saw this and back off immediately. The leader men look at Lucy in fear. They gulp as this person is just too massive and one punch already kill their leader. Lucy gesture for them to come at him. They don't want to but decide to. They have more people and if the gang up on Lucy then they will win for sure. "Ahhh!" The men charge at Lucy. Lucy ready himself and wait for them. They all got to Lucy and attack together. Lucy did not care to block or deflect their attack. *Clank* All of their weapon broke. They back off but did not get far. Lucy charge this time and grab a guy and rip him in half. Lucy change his attention to two guy and smash them together causing them to fuse with each other and dying instantly. Lucy did a 540 kick and kick off 3 men head. Lucy look at the remaining guy. He want to escape but the exit is behind Lucy. He decide to make a run for it but did not get far. He was grab from behind. He scream and beg but all went in vain. Lucy split the man in half from his jaw.

"Haha! Pathetic!" Lucy laugh. Many people in the inn rush out as they do not want to get involve with Lucy. The inn owner want to kick Lucy out but that is just digging his own grave. He just stare at Lucy and not making any move on him. "We we we we got got got to report re re report this to... Ah!" The messengers sent by the city lord ran off to inform the city lord of what just happen. "So where is the shower or what you guys call it?" Lucy want to wash up as he is in a mess. The inn owner rush to Lucy. "This way your grace!" The inn owner said in a shaky voice. "Oh~" Lucy follow the inn owner to the bath house. They got there after a minute of walking. The bath house was quite big and nice. "Don't let other bother me while I take a bath." Lucy said. "Yeeee yee yes your your your grrrace! But dodoo you you you need uhhh some women to accompany you?" The inn owner ask. "No!" Lucy reply bluntly. "Ahh! Yes yes yes!" The inn owner back off and order the maid to not let anyone disturb Lucy. Lucy retract his armor and it form two snake coiling around his left arm. Lucy take off his cloths and was left in his undergarment. Lucy slowly walk into the water and take a dip. Lucy appear shortly after the dip and shake off the water from his head. The two maid were peeking inside as to what kind of people is it that the inn owner told them to guard. "Wha... So... Mmmm! So perfect!" A maid said. The other maid nod in agreement as there was no denying it. They have seen men with muscle but this is the first man that go so well with his muscle. After 7 minute in the water, Lucy came out and went to the changing room. The two maid follow Lucy secretly. They want to keep peeking. When they got there, Lucy was already in his suit already. "What are you two doing here?" Lucy ask. "Oh uhh..." The first maid does not know what to say or make an excuse. "We were sent by out boss to watch over you!" The second maid said. "Good! Lead me to my room then." Lucy said. "Yes! This way please!" The look at each other happily. They already have wild fantasy.

They escort Lucy to his room. He look at his room but notice that he was not with the other. "Where are my friends?" Lucy ask. "Oh, they are staying in a different room." 1sr maid reply. "Where exactly?" Lucy ask again. "On the first floor in room 12 is the female and room 13 is the male." 2nd maid reply. "As long as they are safe." Lucy went in his room to look around. It was quiet a nice room. There are many red and yellow but it does not bother Lucy much. "I will go check on them. The day is still long." Lucy turn around just to see the two maid lying on his bed in their undergarments. "Get out!" Lucy said. "Huh? What is going on her...?" Diana look on the bed and saw the two maid there. "Ohhh~ Did I interrupt you three?" Diana ask. "It's good that you are here Diana. Can you make sense of these two crazy lady. I turn around just to see them in their undergarments." Lucy said. "But didn't you bring us here for that?" 1st maid ask. "I only ask you two to escort me to my room. Now that you two sleep on the bed then I will move to another room." Lucy went out. Diana follow after Lucy. "Ah your grace did you find your room comfortable?" The inn owner ask. "It was until two crazy lady decide to take off their cloths and lie on the bed. Get me another room." Lucy said. "Crazy ladies?" The inn owner went in and saw the two maid getting dress. He was mad and scare at the same time. "What are you two doing!?" He shout at the two maid. They stop what they were doing and stand up straight with their head low. "Just find me a new room. I am going out for a bit." Lucy said. "Ah yes yes your grace." The inn owner bow to Lucy and Diana disappearing back. He look back at the two maid. "Get everything sort out! You should be glad! I should be glad that he didn't went on a rampage!" The inn owner glare at them and left. They had their head low. They were just a bit horny that is probably why.

Lucy went to check on the other and ask if they want to come along. No one want to as they are too tire but Diana is the only one to accept the offer. "Alright. We'll see you all later than." Lucy said and make his way to the entrance of the inn. Diana follow after Lucy happily. "What is a good place to go sight see?" Lucy ask Diana. "I am not sure but I want to go buy a few snack and walk around for fun." Diana said. "Alright~ Lead the way then." Lucy said. Diana hear this and was very happy. "I'm on a date with Lucy! I can't believe it!" Diana said to herself. They got to a stall that sell flower. It was a little girl and her parents. The little girl look up until she fell over. But Lucy caught her. "Careful next time little girl." Lucy said and touch her nose. "You are so tall big brother!" The little girl said. "We are sorry about her your grace! Apologize to his grace now!" Her father quickly snatch her away and apologize to Lucy. "You're good. She is cute and does jot need to apologize. Say, how much is a bouquet of flower?" Lucy ask. "No mo your grace. If you really want a bouquet of flower then you can take one for free. We will not take money from you." The mother reply. "I'll take one." Lucy said and hold out a few gold. While Lucy and Diana talk with the mother. A few delinquent approach the father. "Ha old man! Still trying to sell flower with your poor family!? Get out of here haha old fools!" A young man said while the other two laugh. "Hey! Show your elder some respect!" Diana shout at the three delinquent. "Oooh~ A beauty! If you come with me then I might consider mot hurting these family. What do you say?" The leader said.

"Mind your own business or I will have you dead on the spot." Lucy said while picking out the flower he like. Lucy was crouching and the cart is blocking his lower half which make him look like a dwarf. "Haha! A dwarf like you dare to speak to a giant like me? I bet me causing the wind will blow you away! Haha!" The three delinquent laugh at Lucy. Diana hear this and began to worry. She is worry about two thing. She does not want the little girl to see Lucy kill these delinquent. Second, she pity these delinquent. Lucy ignore them and continue picking out his favorite flower. "Ha! You are a coward to back off! Haha!" A delinquent said while laughing. The other two began mocking Lucy. Lucy was also done picking the flower he like. "I'll take these flower." Lucy said. "Hey stop ignoring me coward!" The leader shout at Lucy. Since the start of the three delinquent present. There was already many people here spectating. They pity the family and their customers. This three delinquent is the genius from the most famous school in their city. "I'm tire of you three barking like stray dogs." Lucy said. "Stand up and face me then! Oh I forgot~ Hahaha!" The delinquent mock Lucy. "Poor guy. Getting mock." The spectators pity Lucy. Lucy stand up and shock everyone. Lucy look down on the three delinquent. "Hu hu hu... *Gulp*" The three delinquent look at each other and laugh nervously. "I forgot that I have school today oh ho ho ho..." The leader try to run away but was caught by Lucy. "No so fast you three. You trash this family business. Pay up first or I will have your head as payment." Lucy words send shiver down the three delinquent spin. "We we we don't uhhh don't have money with uhh uhs us today sir." A delinquent said. "Your head should do just fine." Lucy trip the leader and have him under his foot while the other two were being choke to death. Diana want to tell Lucy to stop as she does not want him to kill people in front of little kid like last time.