Chapter 9) School of Rebas

"Please sir! Don't kill those 3!" A man is a knight armor beg Lucy not to kill these 3. Lucy ignore the man. The man saw that Lucy have no intention of stopping. He take out his saber and charge at Lucy. He was careful as he was sure that Lucy would use one of them as a human shield. Lucy toss the three delinquent away and pop out his arm blade. *Ding* Lucy and the man clash. "You're petty decent." Lucy said. The man ignore Lucy and back off. "We can call this fight off. I can apologize to you." The man said. "Ha! I don't need an apologize. I want these three to pay for what they have done." Lucy point at the poor family stall. Half of the flowers were all destroy. "That... They are non-important people. We can't..." The man did not get to finish his sentence before his vision was cover by something. Before he knew it. His whole face hurt everywhere as if it was being crush. "Ah!" The man scream and try to free himself but cannot. Lucy brought the man closer to him. "Go tell your leader or whatever that I will be coming to see them if there are more than one leader." Lucy then toss the man away. The three delinquent rush to the man and check on him. "Are you okay Jor?" They ask. "I''m fine. We should go back and inform madam of this." Jor said. "But will we get in trouble?" They ask. "I will deal with that." Jor said. "Okay." They nod and help Jor back to his feet. Lucy look at the family. "I will be back. I got to collect some debt first." Lucy said. "I will go too." Diana said. "No! You go back to the inn. And no arguing back." Lucy said. Diana was a bit sad by this but was happy at the same time. Lucy may seem ruthless but he still have a soft side to him.

Lucy follow those 4 back to the school. Lucy got to the school gate and was stop by the guards. They could see that this person is above their height but they still act like what a guard would act. "Halt! Only students and staffs are allow to enter only!" 1st guard said. "I am here to collect some debt." Lucy said. "Debt? This school does not own no one any debt. Now get lost!" 2nd guard. "Ahhh!" The two guard scream echo throughout the school. Students and staffs who hear the scream went to the school entrance. They all got there just to be greeted by two guards with their throat rip out. "Close the school and have everything lock down!" A staff said. "Get to a room now!" The staffs shout at the students. The students began to panic but still did as they were told. A staff went to inform the headmistress of what happen. The staff storm in just to see that the headmistress is scolding 4 people. "What is it now!?" The headmistress ask in an anger tone. "Headmistress Illo. I'm sorry for storming in but the two guard that is guarding the entrance have been murder!" The staff said. Illo was not sure if it was true or not. Jor and the three delinquent heard this and turn pale. "He really is here..." Jor said in a shaky voice. "Who?" Illo ask. "The person we told you about." Jor reply. "Who?" Illo ask again. *Boom* They hear a loud boom and rush to go check it out. They got there and saw a giant man with 10 staff corpse around him. "Please! Let me live!" A female staff beg Lucy. Lucy ignore her and lift her into the air. Illo was about to shout for Lucy to stop but she was a bit too late. Lucy pierce the staff chest and take out her heart. Lucy toss her corpse away and focus his attention to the next staff. She try to back off but was grab by her hair. "No no! Help me!" She scream for help. "Stop!" Illo shout at Lucy. Lucy look up and saw a female in her mid 30s with some familiar face. Lucy ignore her and shove the heart into the staff mouth, forcing her to consume it. The staff resist and have the heart smear all over her face. Lucy then punch her and rip her jaw off, killing her instantly. Lucy toss her corpse away and look at Illo.

"So cruel!" Illo said to herself. Illo jump down and make her way to Lucy. "What business do you have that would make you kill so many of my staff?" Illo ask. "I did give that dog a message did I not?" Lucy reply. "I did get it but you don't have to kill all of them." Illo said. "Ha. I would not have if they did not attack me first." Lucy said. "Now tell me the real reason why you are here?" Illo ask. "I am here to collect 1 million gold from you." Lucy said. "1 million gold? That is too much!" Illo said. "Then your head it is then." Lucy disappear from his spot. Illo did not get to react at all and she is already in Lucy grip. "Payment or everyone life. Decide." Lucy said. "I'll pay I'll pay!?" Illo struggle to free herself. Lucy loosen his grip and Illo fell down clutching her face in pain. "I expect you to keep your words." Lucy then disappear from everyone view. "What do we do now headmistress?" Jor ask. "Hmph! Who do you think you are to order me around! Gather some men and take care of the family." Illo said. "Yes headmistress!" Jor went and gather a few men to go take care of the family. They went out and soon arrive to the family but they stay behind a building to stay hidden. "So...? How are we going to approach them?" A guard ask. "We should try to approach them with peace first." Jor said. "Alright." They began making their way to the family selling flower. The father saw the guard and greet them. "No need. Headmistress sent us here to..." Jor did not get to finish his sentence before a voice cut him off. "To threat this family." The voice said. "Correct! To threat your family and make sure that you all leave this place." Jor said. He then realize what he had just said. He turn around and saw Lucy. "Argh!" Jor was lift into the air. He ask for help but saw that his men is all dead already. "Why don't we go and visit your little boss shall we?" Lucy then disappear. The next thing that Jor see it him on the roof.

"Ah! Illo, my granddaughter!" Illo grandpa greet her. "Ah! Hello there grandpa Abara! Why are you here?" Illo ask. Abara give her a letter. Illo gasp in shock as this letter is from her fiance. She read the letter to herself quickly and was very happy. "If only he was here." Illo said. "You should know that he is extremely busy and does not have much time to even rest too." Abara said. "Ahh!" Everyone hear a scream on the roof and look up to see a man clad in a glowing white and blue armor. He have someone on his grip. "Consider this as a mercy from me." Lucy then drop Jor. "Ah!" Everyone hear a blood cuddling scream. After a second, Jor screaming stop and he splat everywhere. Illo began to panic as she was sure that Lucy was here for her. "Help me grandpa Abara!" Illo went behind sobbing. Abara was confuse as to why Illo is so scare of this man for. Lucy drop down and was perfectly fine. Everyone was shock as to how did Lucy survive the drop. But what shock them the most is Lucy height. His height was abnormal for a human being. "Calm down and explain everything to me and don't try to hide anything from me. Or I will not be able to help you." Abara said. "Go ahead do explain it to your grandpa. I will give you 5 minute. That is plenty of time." Lucy said and wait patiently. Illo began explaining everything to Abara. *Pak* Illo was slap by Abara. "You! I! You are!" Abara was too angry that he was not able to speak correctly. Illo have her head down low. "I am truly sorry about her your grace." Abara apologize to Lucy. "I don't want an apology. I want her head." Lucy words shock everyone. Abara was the most shock as he does not think that such a blood thirst person can exist. He can feel the blood thirst from Lucy.

"Please spare her your grace. I can give you want you want except her life." Abara said. "Well, did she not want to eliminate a family?" Lucy ask. Abara was stuck for words upon hearing what Lucy had just said. "It was true but..." Abara does not know what to say anymore. "I was there. If I was not there then they might have been gone already." Lucy said. Everything that Lucy state is true and there was no arguing with him. Abara head began to hurt. "How about we make a deal?" Abara ask. "A deal? I don't want a deal. But I will listen. Go on." Lucy said. "Thank you your grace. I will make sure that that family will be safe and no longer poor." Abara said. "That is quite the deal but what more?" Lucy said. "And I will also make sure that they live their life fully." Abara said. "Those are the same deal but I will take your words for it." Lucy said. "Thank you your grace. I will keep my words." Abara cross his heart. "Ding ding ding* Suddenly they hear the alarm bell. "What is happening?" Abara ask. "Well, we are with you and not sure also. Why don't we wait for someone to come and inform us?" A guard said. "Oh... Right haha!" Abara laugh at his dumb mistake. Soon, a guard came rushing at them. "Sir Abara! There is banditd attack! Well, they have not really attack yet. They are still at the gate. They can't get in because we close the gate already." The guard inform Abara. "Why don't we go check it out." Abara and his men went to check on the situation.

They got to the gate and climb to the gate bridge. "Ah! Sir Abara!" The general greet him. "Hello there general. How is the situation?" Abara ask. "Can't you see!? They can't even get in! They are a bunch of no brainer. They did not even plan out their attack." The general said. "Mind if I take care of them? I was kind of sad that I did not get to kill your granddaughter." Lucy said. Abara was taken aback as he did not even notice Lucy there. "Who do you think..." The general want to shout at Lucy but stop himself as he could see that this person clearly tower over him. "You sure you can?" Abara ask. "I can. All of these no brainer is so easy to deal with." Lucy said. "But there are 50 men! How are you going to deal with them?" Abara ask. "Just watch." Lucy drop from the gate bridge which was 30 meter high. After a few second, Lucy land on the ground and was still fine. "Haha! Look! The terminator! Oh... I am not suppose know about that. Ahem!" The bandit leader said. Lucy got up and make his way towards the bandits. Lucy got closer to them and they all could see his height. "Ahh! Attack on Titan!" A bandit said. "Shut up! You are suppose to act like you are back in the 10th century!" The bandit leader hit him at the back of his head. "Sorry boss. I was not thinking right." The bandit apologize to his boss. "Why don't we get this show started shall we?" Lucy said. "Sure! Just make sure the camera is on though." The bandit leader said. "Can y'all dickhead act like y'all is back in the 10th century!" Abara shout at the bandits. "Yes sir!" They shout back. "Here I come mutts!" Lucy said and charge at the bandits.