Chapter 10) The Two lake

Lucy got to the first bandit and send a punch causing the bandit to cave in completely. Lucy follow up to the next bandit and send him flying and killing him instantly. The bandits jump Lucy. Lucy then pop his arm blade and spin like a tornado, cutting the nearby bandits to get cut in half. Within just a few second, Lucy had already take down 20 bandit. "Keep going, he will get exhaust!" The bandit leader said. "He already take down 20 of us already!? How can he get exhaust boss!?" A bandit shout at his boss. "Well, yeah but I was just trying to raise the moral." The bandit leader reply. Within 20 second, 42 bandit is gone already. "Boss! What should we do?" A bandit ask. "You 8 charge at him and distract him. I will come from behind him and attack him." The bandit leader reply. "Got it! Ahhh!" All the remaining bandit charge at Lucy. They charge at Lucy with the order they are given. Lucy wait for them to come near him. They got to him and jump him together. "Right now boss!" All the bandit shout for their boss to attack. "Boss?" They look back and saw their boss running away as fast as he can. The bandits look at each other and take off after their boss. "30 second for y'all to get a head start." Lucy retract his suit. "Wow! Feel nice! Have not been like this for awhile." Lucy began stretching. He had not chase after his victim like this for so long. Lucy got into position and was ready to take off after the bandits. Everyone on the gate bridge was surprise to see Lucy real appearance. Illo was the most shock as she does not think that such a blood thirsty person can be this handsome. Abara was shock too as he thought that Lucy would be all deform and ugly like a creature for him to be a blood lust.

"3 2 1!" Lucy take off after the bandits. His stride was so big that he was catching up to the first bandits. Lucy caught up to the first bandit and pick him up. Lucy was carrying the first bandit while running. *Pop* Lucy pull out the bandit head and toss his corpse away. His speed keep increasing. He got to the second bandit and send a flying kick that broke the banit back. killing him instantly. The other bandits saw this and began to panic. Lucy got to the 3rd bandit and snatch his saber and chop him in half. Lucy then switch his attention to the next bandit and threw the saber at him. Lucy speed was too fast that it was terrifying the people in the city and the bandits. The last 3 bandit was close to each other and decide to spread out as they don't want to die yet. Lucy pick up 3 rock and threw at each direction. His throwing speed was so great that the rock act more like a bullet rather than a normal rock. All left is the bandit leader. "Ahh!" The bandit leader began to panic even more. Lucy got to him and grab him. But the bandit leader dodge by ducking and running back towards the city. He want to turn himself in and get away from this crazy person. "He will fall as his speed is too fast! Haha!" The bandit leader know that Lucy will tumble down as he is going at such a fast speed. Lucy miss the bandit leader. The bandit leader look behind him. He saw his pursuer crouch down a bit and drift 45 degree and now his pursuer is back on his tail. "Argh! Leave me alone! Help me!" The bandit leader call for help. The people in the city just look in horror. Lucy finally got a hold of the bandit leader. "Please~ Let me live!" The bandit leader beg for his life. Lucy smirk evilly at him. *Whoosh* Lucy put back his armor. "Argh~" Lucy pop his arm blade and pierce through the bandit leader throat. Lucy pierce his hand into the bandit leader abdomen and rip him in half. Lucy toss the corpse away and make his way back to the city.

"Ooo open the gate!" A gate guard shout at his friends. This woke them up and they rush to open the gate. "That feel so nice! I have always wanted to run freely like this! What an awesome experience!" Lucy said to himself. Abara and the high officials approach Lucy. "Uh your grace. Would you like to come and have tea with us. We would like to have a talk with you." Abara said. "No thanks! I am all mess up and I want to return to my inn and rest." Lucy walk pass them. "Ah! Yes yes! Do you need escort?" Abara ask. "I can go there myself. Thanks though." Lucy wave at them and continue his way. The generals and high officials gather around instantly and began discussing on what they should do. They want this person to come work for them. Lucy got to the inn and went to see the other first. "Hey there Lucy? What happen!? All I hear is that everyone is to stay inside..." Gormon rant on about what happen and then switch to his personal life. "Shut up!" Amelia kock Gormon away. "Anyway, all is good if you return back. Get some rest, we will be leaving tomorrow." Amelia said. "I know." Lucy left to go find the inn owner. "Ah your grace! Here to rest!?" The inn owner ask. "Mmm." Lucy nod st he inn owner. "This way please!" The inn owner lead Lucy to his new room. It was pretty much the same but now instead of red and yellow. It was all white. "This room is a lot better." Lucy retract his armor so he can sleep comfortably.

Morning arrive but Lucy and the other is already up by dawn. "Everyone ready?" Gormon ask. Everyone nod. "Onward we go then." Gormon said. They went to the counter to pay the bill. After paying the bill, they left without anyone notice, only the man on the counter. They got outside and could see that a few people had already got up to get ready for their day. A few hour later. "Are you sure you saw him stay here?" Abara ask. "Yes I did! Him and his party are resting here!" The scout reply. "Alright." Abara went in to check on Lucy. "Oh hello there Sir Abara! What can I help you with!?" The man on the counter stand up. "Is there someone staying here that goes by the name Lucy?" Abara ask. "Lucy? A moment please!" The man went to the booklet and search for the name Lucy. "Hmm~ Ah there is it! But he already check out." The man on the counter said. "What!? how long had he check out!?" Abara startle the man. "Uhh uhh~ He had check out about an hour ago." The man reply. "Where did he go or do you know where he went!?" Abara ask. "I don't know about that sir." The man reply. Abara and the other rush out to go search for Lucy and his party. They search for 2 hour and nothing came back. "Anything?" Abara ask. "No sir! We can't even find and trace of them at all! It's as if they never exist!" The scout inform Abara. "Where could they have gone to?" Abara ask himself. "Grandpa! Let me go and find him! I mean them!" Illo said. "No! You have already make me lose so much face already! I can't let you go and cause more trouble!" Abara said. "Is that why you let me be the headmistress?" Illo ask. "That was not my decision~ That was yours!" Abara reply. Illo ignore him and went away.

"Look! There is a stream up ahead of us!" Jean said. Gormon and Jean rush to refill the water containment. "All done! We can keep walking!" Gormon said. "Can I see those water containment?" Lucy ask. "Uh sure~ What do you want to do with those?" Gormon and Jean hand Lucy the 5 water containment. Lucy look at the water containment and toss them onto the stream. *Plop* "What was that for?" Gormon ask and crouch down to pick up the water containment. "Don't." Lucy pull Gormon back. Lucy action was confusing everyone. Lucy crouch down and fill a vial with a bit of water. Lucy flick at the vial and the water quickly turn bright green. "Why did the water turn green?" Amelia ask. "This water seem to be contaminated." Lucy reply. "What!? What do you mean contaminated?" Gormon ask. "Only one way to find out. Come on." Lucy stand up and follow the stream. Everyone follow after Lucy up the stream. They got to the top of the stream and found a lake which connect to the stream. Lucy look at the lake but it was all freshwater. He can see the bottom of the lake without any difficulty. "Hmm, strange. What could be the cause of the water to be contaminate?" Lucy ask himself. "Wow! Fresh water!" Gormon crouch down. "Don't." Lucy push Gormon away. "Again?" Amelia ask. Lucy pick up a rock and take out a piece of meat. Lucy toss the meat and the rock into the lake.

*Bzzz* The meat melt right away. Everyone look at the water in horror. "What uh what kind of water is this?" Everyone ask. "There os a high concentration of salt present in this lake." Lucy reply. "But where is the water at the stream bright green?" Amelia ask. "It seem like there are more than two lake that connect to the stream." Lucy reply. Every hear what Lucy had said and began looking for the second lake. "What are y'all doing?" Lucy ask. "Hmmm!? Oh! We're looking for the second lake." Diana reply. Lucy chuckle upon hearing this. "The lake is cannot be locate near here. Well, it is but you guy won't be able to find it easily." Lucy said. "What do you mean by that?" Gormon ask. Lucy point at the ground and confuse everyone. Lucy sigh as he thought that they would understand to where he is pointing at. "Under this lake and there is another lake in there." Lucy said. "A lake under a lake!? I mean is it even possible but are you actually thinking of going there?" Gormon ask. "I will go check it out while y'all stay up here." Lucy said. "And how are you going to do that?" Gormon ask. *Plop* Lucy dive into the salt water. Lucy quickly dive down until he reach the bottom. "Where did Lucy go? These water are so clear yet he is nowhere to be seen!" Amelia said.

Lucy though that he had reach the bottom but it was different from what he had expected. "What is this?" Lucy could see his reflection at the bottom of the lake. Lucy touch his reflection and it ripple. Lucy reach his hand out and it went through the water. Lucy decide to go through it. Lucy pop up inside a cave. Lucy got out of the water. "Wow! Look at all these metal." Lucy said. Lucy had stay in the cave for 3 hour. "Damn! If only there was Kretoen. I could have done more with this. Lets get to work L." Lucy said. "Where is Lucy? It has been 3 hour now." Gormon said. *Splash* Lucy pop back out of the lake. "Well? Did you find the source of what cause the water to be contaminated?" Amelia ask. "I did. It seem like this lake mix with another lake that has natural poison in its water. Seem like this place here should be known to the local here." Lucy reply. "There are people near here!?" Gormon and Amelia ask. "No! I mean that there are some people that are near here but they are not this near to the lake. They should be about 10 or more miles away from this lake." Lucy reply. "Oh~ Oh~ Oh!" Gormon and Amelia finally realize what Lucy mean by local. "Come on, we still got a long way to go." Lucy said. "Wait wait....? Did you find anything there other than being gone for 3 hour?" Amelia ask. "I did find the other lake but there is nothing more." Lucy reply. Gormon and Amelia just did not delve into this matter and just let it be.