Chapter 11) Krea the Brat

Lucy and the other press forward until they spot a few hunter. Gormon was about to shout at the hunters but Lucy stop him. "What is wrong with you lately Lucy!? Can't we do what we want for once?" Amelia shout at Lucy. "Welp! Then do what you want then. I will be leaving." *Whoosh* Lucy disappear from everyone view. Everyone just look at each other until they hear the hunters shout something. "Get these people back to base. We will feast on their flesh and blood!" The leader shout excitedly. Gormon and everyone hold their breath as they did not expect to meet more cannibal here. Amelia start to regret shouting at Lucy. They cannot do anything much as there are too much cannibal here. There are 20 cannibal here and if they are spotted then they are doom for sure. They wait patiently for the cannibals to go away and then make their escape. The cannibals went away and everyone could breath in relief. "What do we do now?" Amelia ask. "We keep going." Gormon said. Amelia could tell that Gormon was not happy with what she had done. Lucy was their best hope of returning back alive but she had to open her mouth and chase Lucy away. They will have to go pass the spot where the cannibals caught those travelers. "Careful on where you step." Gormon warn everyone. *Pak* Amelia stop on a trap and trigger it. "Huh!? What was that!? Go check it out! Come on!" The cannibals went back to check what it was. They got there and saw nothing. "Hmmm, strange. Who set this trap!?" The leader ask. "You did leader." The cannibals reply. "Guess there must have been something wrong with it." The leader set up the trap again. "Lets return. It seem like the trap was trigger by something else." The leader said. The cannibals return back.

"That was close!" Gormon said. "Sorry about that." Amelia said. "Don't be. As long as we are fine." Gormon open the trap door and got everyone out. "We better get out of here fast." Gormon said. "Come on then. We got to move fast." Amelia rush everyone. "Ahhh~ So nice to be alone again." Lucy said while walking. Lucy walk for a few more hour before reaching a river. Lucy refill his water containment. While he is refilling his water supply, he saw a young boy being chase by some knight. "Get him! Don't let him escape!" A knight shout at the other. "Lets enjoy this." Lucy sit down and watch the show. "Help me mister!" The young boy arrive to Lucy side and ask him for help. "Why should?" Lucy ask. "Because they want to kill me!" The young boy reply. The knights soon arrive while panting. "Please don't believe what young master had just said sir. He is always like this. His highness told us to bring him back. But he seem to be causing trouble." The knight leader said. "I can see that." Lucy said. "Then will it be fine if you return our young master to us?" The knight leader ask. "Please don't sir! They are just pretending." The young boy said. "Why should I believe you?" Lucy ask. "You can see the poor condition I am in!" The young boy reply. "Alright!" Lucy said and pat the young boy. The young boy heard this and smile innocently. The young boy look and saw that he was getting higher and higher from the ground. "Huh!? Am I flying?" The young boy ask himself. He look behind him just to see the man. The knights saw the height of Lucy and gasp in shock. "You're trying to go against your own faction?" Lucy ask. "No! I am not even with them!" The young boy retort. "And why do you have this badge?" Lucy show the young boy his badge. It was the same symbol as the crest on the knights chest.

The young boy went silent as he knew that he was caught. "Here! Come take this small creature." Lucy hold out the young boy. "Men go and tie young master. Don't let him escape again." The knight leader said. The knights quickly went and tie their young master. "Thank you sir! Would you mind coming with us. We would like to thank you for your help. If not for your help then we might have lost young master." The knight leader said. "Lucy." Lucy hold out his hand. "Hermann! Nice to meet you Lucy." Hermann shake Lucy hand. "Ouch! Wow! His grip hurt!" Hermann said to himself. Even with his metal glove, Lucy still manage to hurt him. "Lead the way. I am kind of lost anyway." Lucy said. "Ah! This way please." Hermann gesture for Lucy to follow them. "So care to tell me why your young master ran away?" Lucy ask. Hermann sigh upon hearing Lucy question. "Young master Krea is spoil too much by his and her highness that he does what he want." Hermann said. "A spoil brat then." Lucy said bluntly. "Shhh! Young master hate to hear that phrase the most." Hermann warn Lucy. "Ha!" Lucy approach Krea. Lucy chuckle at Krea and keep walking. "What is wrong with him? Is he that arrogant because of his height?" Krea ask himself. Soon, they arrive to the city and head to the castle. "You take some rest. I have to report this to his highness." Hermann said. Hermann went to go meet his highness.

"You're back Hermann. So? Did you manage to catch Krea?" The city lord ask. "I did not catch him but rather it was someone else that did." Hermann reply. "Oh and who might that be?" The city lord ask. "He is resting for now but I will go call him and everyone else." Hermann said. "Alright! Do go ahead. I also want to call my family here to help me deal with this brat also." The city lord said. Hermann return and got Lucy. Along their way to meet the city lord, Lucy was attracting a lot of attention due to his height and strange armor. Lucy enter the room and shock everyone in there as his height is too abnormal for a human being. "Is this the one that help catch Krea?" The city lord ask himself. "This is the person that I told you about your highness. This man here is Lucy." Hermann introduce Lucy to the city lord. "Oh~ So you're the that help catch my son right?" The city lord ask. "Could be." Lucy reply bluntly. "Quite the attitude you have there." The city lord said. Lucy didn't reply and stay silent. "Anyway. Everyone is here?" The city lord ask. Everyone look around and could see that everyone is here. "Alright. The reason I call you all here is because I want you all to help me deal with Krea. I should not have spoil him since young..." The city lord regret for spoiling Krea when he was young. "That is a huge problem. Krea had been causing people trouble and he seem to not even care." Krea sister said. The city lord family member rant on about how bad Krea was and how much trouble he had cause.

"The city lord does not know what to do or say as he too know how much trouble Krea has cause for the people. "Oyy brat." Lucy said. This caught everyone attention. "Hmph! What do you want creature!?" Krea ask in a respectfulness tone. *Pak* Lucy slap Krea and the slap echo throughout the whole room. This shock everyone as no one dare to hit Krea, even his parents. "You! You dare to hit me! Arrest him guards!" Krea shout at the guards. *Pak* Krea was slap once again. "A pip squeak that is so tough huh? Come on then. Fight me and lets see how touch you are." Lucy taunt Krea. KRea got angry and take out his saber and slash at Lucy. Lucy grab Krea saber and crush it like it was nothing. LLucy follow up with a kick and send Krea stumbling backward crying in pain. "Not so tough now are you?" Lucy ask. Krea did not reply and just wipe away his tears. "Is that too much honey?" The city lord wife ask him. "I think this is the best for him." The city lord reply. Krea look around to see if anyone would help him but no one even move. He want to cry for help but know that they would not help with all the trouble he had cause them. Everyone pity Krea but know that this is what must be done to change his behavior. Lucy grab Krea and take him to the center of the city. "Get me a twig, 4 cup, 4 candle, 2 bucket of water and 1 stick!" Lucy shout at the guards. They did as they were told and got everything within a minute. "Stand up brat!" Lucy shout at Krea. Krea did as he was told and stand up. Lucy position Krea into a squat position. Lucy place the light the candle and place it inside each cup. He put two cut on each side of Krea butt cheek and two on his knee. Lucy then make Krea balance each bucket on each side.

"Now, try not to spill any water. Get me a chair!" Lucy shout at the guard. A guard quickly went and got the chair for Lucy. Lucy sit down and take out a book. Everyone saw this and was amaze. "That there is going to make Krea learn his lesson. The civilians that were trouble by Krea kind of pity him. Krea cannot hold on much long and pill some water. This cause him to burn his hand. "Stand up!" Lucy said. Krea did as he was told and stand up. *Pak pak* Lucy hit Krea on each of his calves. It hurt so much that Krea began sobbing. "Again! Got get two bucket of water." The guards heard this and went to get two bucket of water. "Not you guy this time!" Lucy said and look at Krea. Krea grit his teeth in anger but did as he was told. Krea got to the water urn and refill the two bucket. It was too heavy that he was having a hard time climbing back the 10 steps. "30 second to get here!" Lucy shout at Krea. Krea muster up all his enegry and got back with 2 second left. "Now, light up those candle again." Krea quickly light up the candle. "Place it where I did earlier." Krea set up everything and did everything himself. Lucy look at everything and could see that it was back. Lucy nod his head and went back to reading. The city lord was amaze as he does not even have the courage to do this but he was glad that Lucy came along. "How long do I have to do this sir?" Krea ask. Lucy stand up and hit him on his hand, causing him to drop the bucket. "Again!" Lucy shout at Krea. Krea grit his teeth and went back to get the two bucket of water. Krea return and set up everything all over again. This went on for 8 hour now. The people stare at Krea in pity. "I am hungry sir." Krea said. Lucy stand up and hit Krea on each of his calves. "No eating until you finish serving your punishment." Lucy said.

Krea want to cry but hold back his tears. He had skip breakfast and is really hungry now. "Sir, here is your foods." A guard brought Lucy foods to him. Lucy nod at him and take his foods. "Is this asshole going to eat in front of me? I bet he is so ugly that no one like him!" Krea said to himself. Lucy retract his helmet to eat the foods. *Whoosh* Everyone saw Lucy face was taken aback as they did not think that such a harsh person can be this handsome. "Ahhh~" All of the women look at Lucy in awe. "I wish I was that handsome too..." A man said. "Me too." A man said. "Same here," "I agree..." More men join in on the conversation. They look at each other and let out a heavy sigh. Krea sisters and female cousin saw Lucy face and look at him in awe. "Ahhh~ He is so handsome~" They said. "Whoa who could have known?" The city lord said. "Such a handsome fellow!" The city lord wife said. Krea stare at Lucy in shock. "How... How can this man be this... Whaa...!?" Krea was stuck for words. Lucy pick up the bread and began enjoying his foods. Krea want to eat too but he know that if he drop the buckets then he would be in trouble again. He start to regret his action and behavior. He want to change them. Soon, night arrive and the guards began to light up torches to light up the surrounding. "Not going to sleep sir?" A guard ask Lucy. "No. I will be watching this brat until morning. Go tell his highness that him and the other can go rest for the day." Lucy reply. The guard nod and went to inform the city lord of what Lucy had just said.