Chapter 12) Forest of Graves

Krea was in this position for the whole night. Morning arrive and everyone came back just to see Krea still in his position. Krea was shaking so bad. He was cold, hungry and weak. "Such a brutal punishment." Everyone said. But this is still a light punishment just that these people have never been through this kind of punishment before. The city lord and his wife look at their son. "Is this too much for Krea Angi?" Angi wife ask. "Lily... You should know that this is just a light punishment for Krea. Sir Lucy could have gone with a more brutal punshiment but he show mercy to Krea." Angi reply. "I can't watch our Krea being in this. Please ask Sir Lucy to stop." Lily beg Angi. "If I stop Sit Lucy then our son would never learn his lesson. "Are you hungry brat?" Lucy ask. Krea quickly nod his head. "Then what would you do to get foods?" Lucy ask. "I will pay for it with my own money!" Krea shouted. "Wrong!" Lucy hit Krea. "Is that not correct?" Everyone ask. "Will you all accept his money then?" Lucy ask. Everyone stay silent. "Follow me brat." Lucy said. "And what about these stuffs?" Krea ask. "Well, do you want to carry it then?" Lucy ask. Krea drop all the item and follow Lucy. Everyone was confuse as to what Lucy will do next. "I will be taking this brat out into the wild." Lucy said bluntly. "Permission granted!" Angi said. "Thank you your highness. Follow me brat." Lucy thank Angi and went towards the entrance. Krea sway back and forth while following Lucy. "Sir Lucy, Lord Angi order us to accompany you!" Two guard salute to Lucy. "Name?" Lucy ask. "Ah oh! I am Furnam and this is Estab." Furnam introduce him and Estab to Lucy. "Make sure this brat did not fall down." Lucy said.

"Are you going to give that stranger permission to teach our son!?" Lily shout at Angi. "Shut up! This is why Krea is so arrogant and stubborn!" Angi shout back at Lily. Lily was taken aback as she did not think that Angi would shout at her. Angi left and return to the castle. Lily quietly follow after him. Lucy and everyone got to the entrance of the forest. "What do you call this forest?" Lucy as Furbam. "We call this the forest of graves. And the name should tell it all." Furnam reply. "I can see that." Lucy being at the entrance could already see the countless of graves here. "Come on brat!" Lucy said. Krea follow after Lucy. They walk for a few hour before the city was no longer in sight. "You stay here for now brat. We have something to discuss about." Lucy said. Krea nod obediently. Furnam and Estab follow after Lucy. They went to a spot where Krea could not see them. "You two return and go inform his highness that I will be back with his brat in 3 day." Lucy said. "But we are told to..." Estab want to say something but was cut off by Lucy. "Don't worry, he will be fine as long as I am around." Lucy said. "Alright! We trust you on that." Furnam and Estab obey and return. Lucy did not return to Krea, rather he went invisible and hide up in the tree. Lucy will keep a watch for Krea but will not show himself. "Why are they not back yet?" Krea ask himself. He wait for 20 minute yet no one come back to him. Krea went to look at where Lucy, Furnam and Estab went. He got there and found that they were gone. Krea realize that they have abandon him. He began to panic. This place is liter with graves and there was no animals to be seen. Heck, even the wind cannot go through this forest. When they arrive here, the wind was blowing but as soon as they enter, the wind stop and it was dead silent.

"Sir Lucy? Furnam? Estab?" Krea call out but no reply. Krea hair began to stand as he could feel like he was being watch by something. And it was not something nice, he could feel like the stare was going through his soul. Krea began to walk back where they enter from but he is actually going further into the heart of the forest. Krea want to call out but decide not to as he could feel many eerie gaze on him whenever he call out. Krea is just wander aimlessly in the forest. Krea is cold and hungry. He walk for a bit before he collapse. "Krea! Krea! Are you okay?" Krea hear her mother call out to her. "Mom?" Krea slowly open his eye and saw his mom. "Mom!" Krea quickly got up and hug his mom. "You must be hungry my baby. Come with mother." Lily said. Krea nod and follow Lily. "Mom? Why is your cloths so torn up?" Krea ask. "Oh that... uh is because I came here to look for you that is why my cloths is all torn." Lily reply. "Oh... But why is your voice so deep mom?" Krea ask. "Ummm, that is because I was uhhh... calling out to you yeah that is right calling out to you!" Lily reply. "Oh..." Krea was happy that he was with his mom again. He miss her so much. "We are here son. We should rest here for the night." Lily said. "Okay mom!" Krea reply happily. "I will go look for some foods. You stay here and rest okay son?" Lily said. "Yes mom!" Krea reply. "Here is some foods for you to eat first." Lily give Krea a whole boil chicken to eat. "Thanks mom!" Krea was so happy to get to eat again. Krea look up and his mom is already gone. He did not think much of this and look at the chicken and lick his lips. "Ah!" Krea open his mouth to take a bit. *Pak* A hand hit the chicken away from Krea hand. "Huh!?" Krea was confuse as to who hit his hand and the chicken.

*Whoosh* Krea saw Lucy appear out of the thin air. "Sir Lucy!? What are you doing here!?" Krea ask. "The real question is, why did you follow your mom here?" Lucy ask. "Huh!? That is my mom of course I have to follow her!" Krea reply. Without warning, Krea was hit on his forehead and was force to inhale in some kind of unknown substance. *Cough cough* Krea began coughing violently. "What was that Sir Lucy!?" Krea shout at Lucy. "Look around you." Lucy said. Krea was confuse as to why Lucy is doing this. He then look around and found him to be surrounded by countless of graves. "Ah! Where am I!?" Krea ask in a panic. Lucy ignore Krea question. "Now that you go yourself into a life and death situation, you better solve it yourself." Lucy said. "Huh!? Life and death situation? What do you mean by that?" Krea ask. "Look at the chicken." Lucy said. Krea look at the chicken but it was not a chicken but a human skull. "Ahh! What is that!?" Krea shout in a panic. "That there is the chicken that you were going to eat." Lucy reply. "Ahh! I was going to eat a human skull!?" Krea ask. "Correct!" Lucy reply. "Then by life and death situation then you mean that I was put under an illusion!?" Krea ask. "Correct and you have to help yourself." Lucy reply. "No no no! Please help me Sir Lucy! I will be a good boy now!" Krea began begging for Lucy help. "Promise?" Lucy ask. "Yes!" Krea shout back. "Here!" Lucy gave him a knife. "How far will you go to keep that promise?" Lucy ask. Krea pick up the knife and look at it. Krea cut his palm and use his blood to write his name on the ground. "I, Krea Jordin, will keep the promise that I make. If I cannot keep the promise then, may thunder strike me to death!" Krea finish writing his name and drop some blood onto his name.

"Very good!" Lucy praise Krea braveness. "I done my part. Now you do yours." Krea said. Lucy smirk under his helmet. "This brat had just turn from a little 7 year old kid to mature already haha." Lucy was amaze as Krea stop acting like a kid and was acting more mature compare to his age. "Alright! Take this." Lucy hand Krea a real chicken. Instead of eating the chicken, Krea decide to save it. "What more is there?" Krea ask. "You're pretty smart now kids." Lucy said. "Give me the material to deal with this spirit." Krea said. "Here." Lucy give Krea all the material necessary to deal with the spirit. He was given a talisman and a wooden sword that has an unknown language carve on it. "Now what do I do?" Krea ask. "You wait for the spirit to come back." Lucy reply. "And why did it target me?" Krea ask. "This spirit represent your inner self. You will have to face it." Lucy reply. "Alright!" Krea grab the chicken and split it in half. He will eat once half and save the other half for later. Krea does not know exactly why is happening but he seem to trust Lucy on everything he say. "But..." Krea turn around and Lucy was nowhere to be seen. Krea did not mind and eat one side of the chicken. Krea will have to wait until night time for the spirit to return from his or her grave. Soon, night time arrive and Krea wake up and eat the other half of the chicken. Krea then got back to his original spot and prepare himself.

"I am back my son~ Was it a long wait for my return~" The spirit ask. "No mom! It was not a long wait!" Krea shout back. "I return with many foods my son~" The spirit appear from the dark and it was hard for Krea to see. "Can we make a fire?" Krea ask. "Sure sure~!" The spirit reply. "What is that smell!?" There was a strong odor that make Krea want to vomit. "That is preobably the foods~" The spirit reply. "Oh.. Your right mom." Krea said. Krea gather many twig and began making a fire. Krea got the fire start but someone blow on it and cause the fire to go out. "Why did you do that mom?" Krea ask. "I was trying to help my son~" The spirit reply. Krea did not say anything and relight the fire again. As soon he got the fire start again. The spirit blow on the fire and cause the fire to go out. Before the fire go out, Krea got a glimpse of what cause the fire to go out. There was countless of maggots that was on the fire. Krea hair stand up but try not to be so suspicious. "Mom... you can't blow on it. I am quite cold." Krea pretend so that the spirit would not suspect anything. "I was just trying to help son~" The spirit said. "Why don't you give me the foods and I will prepare it first then." Krea said. "okay~ Here you go son~" The spirit stand up and went over to Krea side to give him to foods. As the spirit got closer, the odor that Krea smell earlier got more intense. It was so bad that Krea almost puke right there and then.

"Thanks mom, you can go back and I will prepare the foods." Krea said. The spirit return to its spot and sit down. Krea light up a small fire and secretly inspect the foods. It was no food at all! It was rotten carcass and maggot with some slug and carbs. It was so disgusting that Krea cannot look at it. "How is the foods my son~?" The spirit ask. "It is actually really good mom. I will get it ready soon." Krea reply. "Very good~" The spirit said. After 5 minute of pretend to prepare the foods. "I got it ready mom!" Krea said. "Good~! You eat first~ I can see that you are very hungry~" The spirit said. "No no mom! You eat first. Your son can still stand strong!" Krea reply. "Okay~" The spirit accept the food. When Krea hand touch the spirit hand, Krea almost faint as it was just two skeleton hand with barely and flesh hanging onto it. The spirit open its mouth and its mouth was even more wider than its head. Fear appear on Krea face but he quickly disperse his expression. While the spirit was eating, Krea slowly take out the wooden sword. Krea stab at the spirit chest. "Ahhhh~!" The spirit push Krea away and scream at the stop of its lung. The scream send shiver down Krea every part. This cause him to be paralyze. "You dare to attack your mom!" The spirit shout at Krea. Krea cannot do anything as he is too scare. "I will eat your flesh and drink your blood for what you have done to me!" The spirit charge at Krea.