Krea quickly recollect himself and dodge to his right. The spirit was spewing curse at Krea. "How dare you dodge and not accpet your fate!" The spirit curse at Krea. Krea ignore and look for the weapon. It was too dark so Krea decide to use some time to create a torch. The spirit charge at Krea again but he dodge and went to the fire pit. *Clank clank* Krea slide two force against each other. The spirit charge again and Krea dodge again. Krea then return back to the fire pit and manage to light the fire. The fire start and Krea pick up a torch. Krea swing the torch and halt the spirit movement. Krea could finally see what the spirit look like. The spirit face is all full of maggots and is half gone. Flesh was hanging out from her face and her hair was a mess. Her chest was open and her organs are hanging out. It was so disgusting that Krea back off. He does not want to see this anymore. "HOw do you like my look?" The spirit ask. "Too disgusting!" Krea shout back. "Does not matter! I will soon feast on your flesh and drink your blood!" The spirit then charge at Krea. Krea dodge to his left and stab into the spirit heart. Krea quickly back off and shake away the maggots that land on him. Krea then look back and saw the spirit backing off slowly. "You.... you! How dare you~!" The spirit roar and the sword broke. Krea does not know what to do anymore as the wooden sword is his only weapon. Krea did not give up yet and pick up a stick. Krea charge at the spirit and swing at her. *Pak* Krea got her in the head and pop her head out. The spirit body slow down and plop down. Krea swallow a mouthful of saliva while panting. "I did it~ I did it!" Krea said. *Cluck cluck* Krea look at the body of the spirit and limbs began to pop out of the body. It was like a spider now but it was a human size spider.
"You are so dead now brat!" The spirit shout at Krea. Krea back off and fall to his bottom. "Ah!" The spirit pounce at Krea. *Whoosh* Something brush pass the spirit and sent her flying. "Whose there!?" The spirit got up and shout at whoever kick her. "You must be a vengeful spirit." Lucy said as he began to appear. The spirit saw Lucy and was shock as she had never seen such a tall human before. "Who are you and why are you disturbing my meal time!" The spirit shout at Lucy. "Sir Lucy! You can't kill her without the sword you give me!" Krea said. "Ha! That was just a wooden sword that I carve for fun and that talisman, well it was just a rock in a bag." Lucy said. "Then..." Krea was in shock. "Correct! I just want to see if you have the courage to get close to a spirit." Lucy explain to Krea. "I do!" Krea said. "I know you do." Lucy reply. "What do we do now?" Krea ask. "I got this. Just got take a breather." Lucy was using modern language that Krea did not know what he mean by taking a breather. Lucy could see that Krea was confuse. "I meant for you to go take a rest." Lucy said. "Ahh~ Okay!" Krea went and stand at a side. Lucy look at the spirit. "How about we make a deal?" Lucy said. "There is no deal when you have taken my meal from me!" The spirit said. "Are you sure~?" Lucy ask. "I am very sure!" The spirit reply. "Aww~ That's too bad then. I was going to help you reincarnate." Lucy said. "Wait! We can make a deal!" The spirit agree to the deal. "That's more like it." Lucy said. "Then what do you want me to do?" The spirit ask. "Help this brat with his behavior and while I got and look for your once lover." Lucy said. The spirit heard this and was shock. "You knew!?" The spirit ask. "Of course I know. You must have a lover that say that he will come back to you but never came back right?" Lucy ask. The spirit nod as Lucy was correct.
"You should be around your mid 20s and have 2 kids right?" Lucy ask. "How... how can you tell!?" The spirit ask. "Just the way you're acting. You were very good as a mother. And you just seem to meet your fate a bit too early." Lucy said. "You're a smart human." The spirit praise Lucy. "Thank you and name?" Lucy ask. "Oomu, Oomu Lancaster." Oomu reply. "Lucy and make sure to take of this brat nicely. I will be back soon. If not then 2 day. So where do you live or your place?" Lucy ask. "I live in the same city as this brat." Oomu reply. "Then I don't need to go back then. It is much easier that way." Lucy said. "What do you mean by that Sir Lucy?" Oomu ask. "If you live there then your love must be there also." Lucy reply. "Umm hmmm." Oomu nod. "Anyway, teach that brat like you're his mother. You must miss your kids." Lucy said. "I do... I really want to see them. But I can't." Oomu reply. "Someone must have put a charm to prevent your from going near the city then?" Lucy ask. "It was my lover, who was suppose to marry me. But after finding out that I was pregnant. He ran away but return when he heard that I was dead. His father put a charm and prevent me from going to the city." Oomu explain everything to Lucy. "I think it's time for this brat lesson." Lucy said. "I will do my best." Oomu transform herself back to her human form. She was a bit average the average women. "Do take care of this brat nicely. He is too spoil by his parents." Lucy said. "Yes Sir Lucy!" Oomu glare at Krea. "Now tell me brat. How do you treat other?" Oomu ask. Krea does not know what or how to answer as he had never show respect to anyone before. "I... I uhh I..." Krea had his head down low. *Pak* "You're causing trouble and yet you are not even admitting to how?" Oomu shout at Krea. Lucy mind his own business as he know how scary a real monster is.
3 day went by just in a blink of the eyes. "How will I enter the city?" A transparent figure ask a giant man. "This brat will deal with this. Right brat?" The giant man ask. "I got this mom!" The boy said. The transparent figure smile at the boy. "On we go brat." The giant man said. The gate guards saw the giant man and the little boy. "Open the gate! Sir Lucy and young master Krea is back!" A gate guard shout at the other gate guards. "Open the gate!" The gate guards rush and open the gate. "Welcome back Sir Lucy and young master Krea!" The guards salute to them. "Where are my parents?" Krea ask. "They are in the castle young master Krea." A guard reply. Krea and Lucy make their way towards the castle. "Your son is back your highness." A servant inform Angi and Lily. Angi and Lily rush to greet their son. "You're back my Krea!" Lily rush to hug Krea. "I'm back mom." Krea said. Krea look and saw his father. "Greeting to you your highness." Krea kneel down. "Ohhh~ Seem like Sir Lucy really teach him harshly." Angi said to himself. "You may rise." Angi said. "Thank you your highness." Krae got up. "Look at you my Krea. You are so mature now!" Lily said. Krea smile at her mom. "You really did change my son Sir Lucy. What do you want?" Angi ask. "I want you to call all the officials here." Lucy said. "For what?" Angi ask. "I got my reason for it. But not today as it is getting dark soon." Lucy said. "Alright. I will make arrangement." Angi reply. "Ah~ Okay. I will order the servants to prepare a room for you." Angi said. "Thanks. I will be back. I got some business to attend to first." Lucy said. "It will be ready when you are back Sir Lucy." Angi said. "I will go with Sir Lucy!" Krea said. Lily want to say something but was stop by Angi. "Then come back soon. Dinner will be ready soon." Angi said. "Mmm, I got it father!" Krea reply.
Lucy and Krea went out. "You know what to do right?" Lucy ask. "I know. It should be around their living room. If not then it should be place somewhere hidden." Krea reply. "I will distract them while you, Sir Lucy, go and find the charm." Krea said. Soon, they arrive to their destination. "Here we are. Sir Lucy, you can go after I go in." Krea said. "Are you the boss here or I am?" Lucy ask. "You are Sir Lucy." Krea reply. "Good! Now go and do you part." Lucy said. Krea nod and went inside. He was not scare of other harming him as he had learn hand to hand combat from Lucy. Krea was amaze at Lucy hand to hand combat as it was different from theirs. It was funny at first but when Krea learn about it, he was amaze at how useful it was. But those hand to hand combat that Krea learn were just the basic. Krea went in. "Ah! Young master Krea! What are you doing here!?" A guard ask Krea. "I have some matter I want to talk to your master about." Krea reply. "Yes yes yes! Please do come in." A guard invite Krea in while another guard went to inform their master. Krea follow the guard to the guest room to wait for their master. "Master Itoro!" The guard came rushing in. "What is it!?" Itoro ask in an anger tone. "Young master Krea is here to see you!" The guard reply. "What did you say!? Say it again!" Itoro said. "Young master Krea is here to see you!" The guard repeat himself. Itoro hear it more clearly now and quickly got up. "Get up now and go back to your post!" Itoro told the maid. Itoro put on his cloths. "Where is young master Krea now!?" Itoro ask. "He is at the guest room!" The guard reply. "You can go now!" Itoro dismiss the guard. "Yes master Itoro!" The guard excuse himself.
Itoro went to the guest room to welcome Krea. "Ah! Young master Krea! What bring you here!?" Itoro ask. "I am here just to have a small chat with you. It has been so long since I have a chat with you." Krea said. Itoro was taken aback as the Krea in front of him is different from the Krea he used to know. This Krea here in front of him is much more mature and he have manner even with the way he talk. "Ah! Sure we can have a chat." Itoro said. While Krea distract Itoro, Lucy went inside Itoro room. "I don't really need that brat to distract. I just want him to cause some trouble." Lucy said to himself. "Lets see here. I detect the charm here somewhere." Lucy life the pillow expecting the charm to be there. "Tsk! Not here. Hmmm, how about... Oh, it's moving?" Lucy began making his way out of the room towards the dot. Lucy was walking around causally as not one can see him. But he still have to be on his guard all time. Lucy got to a room and saw 2 maid there. "It's indicating that one of them have it." Lucy said. "Amri, you seem to be master Itoro favorite." Amri friend said. "Oh... Cut it Jiah... I am just beautiful that is all." Amri joking said. "Haha! No wonder!" Jiah said. They both laugh merrily together. "Pretty my foot! You are just a whore." A voice said. This startle Amri and Jiah. "Whose there!?" They both shouted in a panic. A figure began to materialize in front of them. They back off as they saw Lucy. "Who... who are you!?" Amri ask. "Should I answer you or not? I mean... you're going to die anyway." Lucy said. "What..." Amri did not get to finish her sentence before something grab her by her throat. "Ah..." Jiah try to scream but was stop by Lucy. Jiah too was grab by her throat. Amri and Jiah struggle for air. They trying punching their attack but to no avail. Lucy did not even budge.