Chapter 15) Leaving the Forest of Graves

"Greeting to your highness!" All of the officials greeted Angi. "You all may rise!" Angi said. "Thank you your highness." Everyone rise and take their seat. "What is it that you have call all of us here?" A general ask Angi. "I call you all here to discuss about a family." Angi reply. "A family!?" Everyone was confuse as to why is this family so important. "If it was just a family argument then I am fine. But there has been foul play for this family!" Angi slam the table. Everyone got a shock from the thud. "And how bad is the state of this family?" A general ask. "So bad that only the two daughter were left unattended. And they are not even in their teens yet!" Angi reply. "Where are they then!?" All the officials ask. "Lily! Bring my two little princess here!" Angi call out to Lily. Lily come inside with Emily and Penelope. Itoro saw Emily and was taken aback. He know that if his highness investigate into this further then he is fuck. "Why are you sweating so much Itoro?" An official ask. "I am a bit hot." Itoro reply. "Hot~? It's the middle of Winter. How can you be hot?" A general said. "I wear a bit too much cloths." Itoro said. "Whatever~" The official said. "Need a break Itoro?" Angi ask. "No no I am fine your highness! But can I go relieve myself?" Itoro ask. "Go! And come back as I am not done talking yet." Angi grant Itoro permission. "Thank you your highness!" Itoro left. Itoro want to make his escape but he was being escort by guards and cannot make his escape. "Excuse me but can you guys let me relieve myself alone. I can't have other men looking at me when I am relieving myself?" Itoro ask.

"Fine." The guards reply. "Thank you guys." Itoro went inside and began making a plan to escape. Itoro peek outside to check on the guard. The guards were in position and seem to not be moving at all. "Damn! This is going to be hard to escape!" Itoro curse. Itoro lost all hope on escaping. But he then saw the guards move away as they got distract by something. The guards quickly rush away. Itoro saw this and ran out. Itoro was near the exit anyway. He got there and ran out. He is running back home. He will have to run away as he know that he will be caught soon. He got home and began packing important things that he need. "What is the rush son?" Itoro mom ask. "I will be going out for awhile mom. And I don't know when I will return." Itoro finish his sentence and rush out. His mom was confuse as to why his son is acting like this. 5 minute later, Itoro father return from the meeting. "Where is Itoro!?" Itoro father said angrily. "What!? What is happening!?" Itoro mother ask. "Where is he!?" Itoro father shout at his mother. "He say that he will be going out for awhile and that he does not know when he will return." Itoro mom reply. "How long has he been gone for!?" Itoro father ask. "About 4 to 5 minute~" Itoro mother reply. "Guards~!" Itoro father call out to the guards. They came rushing in and kneel down in front of Itoro father. "Go capture that son of mine and bring him back!" Itoro father shout at the guards. "Yes Sir!" They all shout and ran out. "What is happening!?" Itoro mother was so confuse. "That son of mine! I... I... He is not our son anymore!" Itoro father said. "Explain everything to me!" Itoro mother shout at Itoro father. "It's like this..." Itoro father explain everything to his wife. Itoro mother heard the whole story and cover he mouth in shock. "How.... how could Itoro do that!?" Itoro mother ask. "That is not child anymore! I will have him back and have his head rolling!" Itoro father said angrily.

Itoro was riding on a horse and was making his escape. "Stop him!" A guard shout at the gate guards. "It's Itoro! Close the gate!" The gate guards began closing the gate. Itoro hit the horse hard and barely manage to go pass the gate. Itoro look behind him and saw that guards on horse back is chasing after him. "Fuck! There is only one place left to lose these guards!" Itoro said. "Capture that criminal at all cost!" The general shout at his men. Itoro was being chase by 5 general and their men. In total, he was being chase by 400 men. "General! Seem like he is entering into the forest!" A few men shout at their generals. "Everyone stop!" A general shout at everyone. Everyone stop and did not proceed further. Itoro stop to catch his breath. He look back and could see that all 400 men stop about 10 feet from him. Itoro then saw his father and Angi pop out of the crowd. "Father!?" Itoro was shock to see his father here. "I don't have a child like you!" Itoro father shout at him. "Itoro... Come back and..." Angi did not finish his sentence before he was cut off by Itoro. "Never!" Itoro shout at Angi. Everyone began cursing at Itoro for shouting at Angi. Angi raise his hand to calm everyone down. "This is for your own good Itoro!" Angi said. "My own good!? Ha! I bet I can find my own path somewhere else!" Itoro said. Itoro was speaking gibberish that everyone does not understand what he truly mean. "Come back and I will do my best to make sure you are safe." Itoro father said. "As if!" Itoro ride further into the forest. "Those people are just going to fake everything!" Itoro said. "Argh!" Itoro did not get very far into the forest before he was shake off his horse. Itoro look back and saw that the horse had ran away back towards the entrance. Itoro began to have an uneasy feeling. But he still ran further into the forest as he do not want to be capture and take back.

"Whose there!?" Itoro shouted. "Did not think that you would come here yourself. I was thinking if dragging you here myself." A laggy voice echo from the top of the trees. "Huh!? Show yourself!" Itoro shouted at the mysterious voice. "Should I? I mean... You're going to meet someone you know anyway." The voice said. "Someone I know!?" Itoro look back but no one follow him here. "Are you a spirit!?" Itoro ask. "No no! I am a human being." The voice reply. "Then what are you doing here?" Itoro ask. "To help someone of course!" The voice reply. "To help someone? Me then!?" Itoro ask. "You could say that." The voice reply. "Then come down here and help me find my way out to the other side!" Itoro shout at the voice. "Yes yes... I will come down." The voice said. "Ha ha! I think that god had not abandon me yet!" Itoro wait for the person to show itself. "I'm here!" The voice said. "Where!?" Itoro ask. "Just follow my voice and I will lead you to safety." The voice said. "Lead the way then!" Itoro shout at the voice. "Follow me then." The voice said. Itoro follow the voice deeper into the forest. Itoro walk for an hour before he realize he was lead into the heart of the forest. Itoro stop his movement. "Where are you taking me to exactly!?" Itoro ask. "We have to past thought the heart of the forest first before reaching the other side." The voice reply. "It seem like you are lying to me." Itoro said. "Does not matter. I already done my part." The voice said. "Huh!? Argh!!" Itoro feel a hand on his throat and was lift into the air. Itoro look and saw a giant man materializing in front of him.

"Who... who are you!?" Itoro muster his energy to ask. "I am not important to you. What is important is her." Lucy toss Itoro in front of Oomu. Itoro slowly look up to see Oomu. "Oo... Oomu?" Itoro ask. Oomu did not reply and just stare at Itoro. Itoro gulp. "Oomu was dead but how is she alive here." Itoro ask himself. "Could you still be alive Oomu!?" Itoro ask. Oomu still did not reply. "Please end this Sir Lucy." Oomu finally spoke. "Alright." Lucy make his way to Itoro. Itoro saw Lucy making his way towards him. "Back off! Back off" Itoro take out his saber. Lucy did not stop and keep moving forward. "I said! Stop!" Itoro swing st Lucy. *Clank* The weapon broke in half upon making contact with Lucy. Itoro back off but was grab by Lucy. "Go with her and replace her." Lucy began choking Itoro to death. After just 30 second, Itoro stop struggling. Lucy let go and toss Itoro corpse on the ground. Oomu arrive to Itoro body and wait for his soul to appear. After waiting for 3 second, Itoro soul came out of his body. "Come here you!" Oomu drag Itoro and force him to kneel down. Itoro does not know why but h is very scare of Oomu and he seem to be powerless. "All done here. I will be leaving." Lucy said. "Thank you very much Sir Lucy. If there wss ever a next life then I wish to serve under you." Oomu kneel to Lucy. "We'll see about that." Lucy disappear. "Come on you! Time to go face your punishment!" Oomu and Itoro disappear. Lucy had walk further past the heart of the forest and made it to the other side. Lucy stop and could see that the other side had a drop of 500 meter as it was all water. Lucy check the map and could see that he had to cross this sea and he will soon get to his destination. Lucy drop off the cliff and use his jet to fly to his destination.

"Captain Sigma! We have to drop the anchor now!" A soldier inform the captain. "Drop it! Drop it!" Sigma shout at his men. The men help each other and drop the anchor. "Drop it before we reach the whirlpool!" Sigma shout at his men. A few men drop the anchor while the rest do their best to row back the ship. "Keep rowing!" Sigma shout at his men. "Row as if your life depend on it!" Sigma shout at his men. "Look Captain! There seem to be something coming out of the water!" One of Sigma shout at him. Everyone look at where the man pointed at and sure enough, there was something coming out of the water. "Pull the anchor and row us out of here!" Sigma shout at his men. They did as hey were told and began rowing away as fast as possible. "Get out of here!" Sigma crew said. Bubbles began to emerge from the water and it is not just any bubble. These bubble were a bit bigger than a grown man. "Get out of here before the creature get us!" Sigma said. "Now, I really want to know what kind of creature it is." A man up in the air said. But the creature did not fully came out. Only its nose and a small part of its back was shown then it went back down into the depth of the sea. "Hmm!? Could dragon really be real?" The man in the air ask himself. "If it's real then I guess, it really is true but people just never see it for themselves. Whatever, I should go find land first." The man said and flew away. The creature did not funny go back into the depth, rather it was look at the flying man. After looking at the flying man for a few second, the creature decide to follow after the man. The man in the air look behind him and saw that there was something following him. "Damn... That creature really want to devour me right?" He as himself. "Got to get to land first." The man said.