Chapter 16) Meeting Some Familiar Face

"Ambro, get behind me!" A girl told her little sister who is still 3 year old. Ambro got behind her sister. "I'm scare~ sister Katie." Ambro said. "Hehe! Come on now little lady. Come with us without much resistance." A bandit said. "You vile creature only know how to have fun and not care about other!" Katie shout at the bandits. "We're bandits come on! You should know what bandits are!" The bandits said. "Hmph!" Katie sneer at them. "You little bitch! Come on men! We will enjoy ourselves!" A bandits said. The bandits charge and start attacking Katie. She was no match and lose within 10 second. "Tie her up and we will enjoy ourselves!" A bandits said. "No no! Don't rape me!" Katie said. "Shut up you little cunt!" A bandits said. Katie don't want to be rape by stranger. "Retard bitch! WE are not interest in your stupid body! We are only here to steal your food and belonging!" A bandits said. "You're all not interest in my body?" Katie ask. "Heck! Even if you beg me I would never sleep with you!" The bandits said. This kind of piss Katie off but was glad that they are not interest in her. "But we might kill you." A bandit said. "No! Don't kill me! I still have a lot to live for!" Katie said. "Damn you little bitch! I was going to let you live but your stupid mouth keep yapping! Now we got no choice but to kill you and your sister!" A bandits said. "Killing children is not in my book." A lagging voice echo from the top of the trees. This startle everyone. "Whose there!" The bandits ask. *Whoosh* The bandits saw object headed their way. It was going at a fast pace that just within a 2 second, the 3 object reach them. The 3 object pass through 3 bandits and they all began to fall apart. This cause all of the bandits to take out their saber and ready themselves.

"Show yourself!" The bandits shout at the mysterious person. *Thud* Everyone hear a thud as if someone had drop down. "Show yourself!" The bandits shout again. "Yes yes! Don't need to rush to your death!" The mysterious person said. The bandits wait for whoever this mysterious person to show himself. "Are you a spirit?" A bandits ask. "No. I am not. Just someone passing through." The mysterious reply. "Then quickly...." The bandits want to ask this mysterious person to quickly show himself. The mysterious person slowly materialize in front of the bandits. Everyone gulp as this person is too huge to even consider a human being. "Here I am! Shall we get the show started!?" The man ask. "What...!?" They were not given any warning before a bandits had his head cut clean off. The mysterious person was passing through bandits after bandits and soon, kill all of them. It was a brutal sight as all of the bandits had their organs spill and blood everywhere. The mysterious person went to Katie and cut her lose. Ambro ran to her sister sobbing as she was worry about being left alone. "It's okay now Ambro! We are safe!" Katie calm Ambro down. "May I know your name sir?" Katie ask. "Your name first." The man reply. "Oh! It's Katie and this is my sister Ambro." Katie said. "Lucy. Nice to meet you two." Lucy said. "So? What are you two doing here?" Lucy ask. "We are here to hunt for foods. We are a poor family." Katie reply. "Okay~ Later then. I will be leaving." Lucy said. "Where are you going?" Katie ask. "Do I need to tell you that?" Lucy ask. "No..." Katie reply. Lucy turn around and walk away. Katie got up and began gathering her stuffs. "Come on Ambro, we will go back. Today is not a good day to hunt." Katie said. Ambro nod and take Katie hand.

"What a beautiful city!" Lucy was amaze at this city. This city was near the ocean and many people here make their living by fishing. But due to them fishing so much. The city lord had to make laws that prevent people from over fishing. Lucy make his way into the city as it was getting dark. "Whoa! Look at the man!" A woman said. Everyone look at where the woman point and saw a giant man. "Whaaa..." Everyone was amaze at how tall this man is. Their eyes follow Lucy around. They were just amaze at this is their first time seeing a human taller than 5'11. Lucy arrive to an inn as he want a room. As soon as Lucy enter into the inn. Everyone got quiet and just stare at Lucy. Lucy make his way towards the lady on the counter. She was shock to see this human. "May I help you with anything sir?" She ask. "I want a room." Lucy reply. "How many people?" She ask. "Just me." Lucy reply. The lady on the counter quickly search for any available room. "There are more room available. Which class? 1st, 2nd or 3rd class?" She ask. "3rd class." Lucy reply. "That will be 5 gold please." She said. Lucy take out 5 gold and hand it to her. "This way please." She lead Lucy to his room. They soon, arrive to his room. "Here is your room. If you need anything then just come to the counter and ask the staffs there." The lady said. "Thank." Lucy went inside to check his room out. It was small and not much space to move. He had to crouch in order for him to stay in the room. The bed was also small as it was design for average people only. Lucy decide to set his bed on the floor instead.

For now, Lucy will go out to sight see. Lucy was on his way to the shores as it look promising. Lucy got to the shores and was shock as it was even more beautiful than what he had expected. "If only my world have this kind of place." Lucy shake his head. Lucy retract his armor suit so that he can feel the ocean breeze. The ocean breeze was so nice that Lucy want it to be like this forever. "Come on Diana. We should go get some fish." Amelia said. "Okay, but how are we going to catch fish fast. I don't want to wait for the fish to take the bite." Diana said. "Don't worry we got the net. And did you bring the paper?" Amelia ask. "I do." Diana show Amelia the paper. "Keep it safe." Amelia said. Diana and Amelia walk towards the shores to throw the net. They got to the beach shores and set up everything. Amelia cast the net. It was very clumsy on the way how she did it. The net did not even open fully. "We should get some good catch since I have thrown it nicely!" Amelia said proudly. "Are you sure?" Lucy ask from behind them. This startle Diana and Amelia. They look back and saw Lucy. "Lucy!? Why are you here!?" Diana ask. "Going home of course." Lucy said. "You! Why did you leave us!? It was because of you that Gormon almost got kill!" Amelia shout at Lucy. "Is it really my fault though?" Lucy ask. "It is! If you did not leave us like a brat!" Amelia reply. "And who is the one that does not want me to make sure everyone is safe?" Lucy ask.

Amelia heard this and stay silent as she is in the wrong. "And who is the one that want freedom and not for me to make sure everyone is safe?" Lucy ask again. "Enough! Can you go look at my uncle Gormon. He suffer heavy injuries." Diana said. "Should I help? I mean... She did kick me out of the group." Lucy said. "Apologize auntie." Diana said. "No no. I don't want an apology." Lucy said. Diana and Amelia was taken aback by this. "What do you want then!?" Amelia ask. "Nothing. I want nothing and I don't care about your uncle." Lucy reply. "Then get out of here!" Amelia lost it there. "See... That is why I think that your uncle deserve what he get." Lucy said and walk away. "Auntie! He is the only hope of saving uncle! But you had to go and chase him away!" Diana shout at Amelia. "Tsk! He can't do anything at all." Amelia said. "You should know that uncle is on the verge of death. He is the only one to save uncle." Diana said. "I know but I don't think he can do anything also." Amelia reply. "He can! I put my life on it! He had create many miracle and he could do it!" Diana said. Diana chase after Lucy. "Lucy! Please wait!" Diana call out to Lucy. Lucy stop and turn around. "What is it?" Lucy ask. "Please! You got to help my uncle! I know that you're the only one to save him!" Diana beg Lucy. "Give me some good reason." Lucy ask. "Uhhh..." Diana does not know what to say to convince Lucy. "Oh! If you want to return home then you have to help my uncle!" Diana said. "That? I can always use brute force for it. Am I not correct...?" Lucy ask. "Can you not use brute force? I will offer my life in place of saving my uncle then!" Diana puff out her chest.

Lucy lower his face closer to Diana face. Lucy retract his helmet and look at Diana straight in her eyes. Lucy straighten his back and put his helmet back on. "Alright!" Lucy said. "Thank you!" Diana said and tears began to flow down Diana cheeks. "Hope you are ready for this." Lucy twirl a knife and hold it against Diana chest. "Stop!" Amelia threw an axe and cause Lucy to back off a few step. "Deals off then. Later then..." Lucy wave to them and walk away. "Auntie! What are you doing!" Diana shout at Amelia. "What are you doing!?" Amelia ask. "I offer my life so that uncle can be save!" Diana reply. "You're the princess and you are just going to offer your life like that!?" Amelia shout at Lucy. Diana push Amelia off and chase after Lucy. Amelia try to stop Diana but she ran pass her. "Diana! Diana!" Amelia chase after her. "Can you two stop bothering me?" Lucy ask. "Please Lucy! help my uncle!" Diana beg Lucy. "Was the deal not call off?" Lucy ask. "That was not me! Please! I'm begging you!" Diana said. "Alright alright... Take me to him." Lucy finally give in. "Really!? Come with me then!" Diana drag Lucy towards the city. Amelia chase after them and want to see what Lucy can do. They soon arrive back to the inn where Lucy is also staying at. Diana drag Lucy to a 2nd class room. *Knock knock* Diana knock on the door. *Creak* Jean open the door. Jean was shock to see Lucy here. "Quick! have a look at uncle!" Diana drag Lucy towards the bed.

Lucy got there and saw no injuries. "Where are the injuries?" Lucy ask. "Uncle did not get attack but was curse by a witch." Diana explain everything to Lucy. "Apparently after Lucy left them. They encounter many problem and have a lot of near death experience. They manage to reach this city but encounter a witch on their way here. She apparently them to offer her Jean. But they reject and she got violent. But Gormon quickly put her down with one slash and before dying. She curse Gormon and that he will suffer heavily. "I see..." Lucy use thermal vision to check Gormon out. Red appear everywhere on his body. "Just a fever." Lucy said. "Fever!?" The other ask as they have never heard of such thing. "It is when a person body is battling pathogen that enter the body and will cause harm to ones body." Lucy was using words that they have never heard from before. Lucy could see that they were confuse on what he is trying to say. "Let me rewords it. To put it simply, he is sick." Lucy said. "Sick!? He can't be! He is curse by a witch!" Amelia said. "Up to what you think. But I can't help him without having his consent and all of yours also." Lucy said. Everyone agree as they want Gormon to be cure. "Alright!" Lucy take out a syringe and cause everyone confusion. "Now... Don't reflect or move. Just relax. If you are a man then you can take a small pain." Lucy said. Gormon nod his head and relax his whole body. "Don't fear now." Lucy inject the syringe into Gormon arm. Gormon felt a small sting but did not move and just let it be. "All done! Just relax for a day and you should feel better." Lucy said. "That is it!?" They all ask. "Yeah! Simply as that." Lucy said. "Where are you staying?" Diana ask. "Does it concern you?" Lucy ask. "No..." Diana said. "I will see you all in the morning again." Lucy said. "Glad you join our group again." Diana said. "I did not say that I join. But I am just hanging out for fun as I can kill more people if I am near you all." Lucy then left to his room.