Chapter 17) Sea Gods

Lucy arrive to his room and retract his suit so that he can sleep without much hardship. Lucy does not know why but he seem attach to Diana. "She is acting more like my wife. Seeing her eyes so close is so different..." Lucy think about Diana. "Nahh! I must be going crazy. Go to sleep Lucy." Lucy told himself. The night quickly pass and a new day arrive. Lucy was already up and is at the beach watching the rising sun. "The sunrise is even more beautiful! Wow! I should take some picture for memories!" Lucy said. *Click click* His helmet take some photos for memories. "Nice! Nice! All nice photos taken! Maybe I should reconsider my career." Lucy said. "Hey there Lucy!" Diana said. Lucy turn around and see Diana. "Hey there Diana. How is your uncle?" Lucy ask. "Thanks to you! He is feeling a lot better. Maybe just a day or two and he would recover." Diana reply. "Say Diana... What is your plan after reaching home?" Lucy ask. "Huh!? Oh uh I would uh help my people first. I don't.... uh really have uh plans for that? Why so you ask that!?" Diana ask. "Nothing, was just curious. Then Why are you here?" Lucy ask. "Huh!? Oh I was uh just here to see the sunrise. My mother always tell me stories about why the sun rise." Diana reply. "Care to tell me?" Lucy ask. "Sure!" Diana reply happily. Diana ready herself. "My mom told me that the sun rise because he is chasing after his lover. And can you guess who the son's lover is?" Diana ask. "The moon." Lucy reply bluntly. "You knew!?" Diana was shock that Lucy know about this. "Well... I know because my mom would tell me the same story also." Lucy reply. "Then I guess you don't need to hear the rest." Diana said. "Yeah." Lucy reply. "Anyway, why do you come out here so early? Sunrise and what else?" Diana ask. "Sun rise, the morning breeze and best of all, getting to see such sight! At where I live, I don't have time for these kind of things." Lucy reply.

"Anyway, we are here long enough already. We should go back and check on the other." Lucy got up and hold his hand towards Diana. "Ummm!" Diana nod and take Lucy hand. Lucy help her up. But something caught Diana attention. Lucy look and saw something coming at them. Lucy pull Diana back and back off a few yard from the beach. The thing or whatever it was in the water stop a few yard and did not dare to come out of the water. It was just there looking at Diana. Lucy instantly knew what this was as he had heard tales about these from his mother. Lucy quickly block Diana eyes and prevent her from making eyes contact with this creature. Lucy take out a bomb and threw it at the water. The creature saw this but did not run. It was still trying to use its illusion on Diana. *Bzzz* The bomb explode and electricity scatter around the water. The creature died and began floating on the surface. "Stay here." Lucy told Diana and went to retrieve the carcass of this creature. Lucy shoot his net at the creature carcass and pull it towards him. Lucy retract his net and splay the creature carcass on the sand. This creature was really strange. It was like an oarfish but with 4 whisker and 9 noses and is all white. "What is this fish!?" Diana ask. "This is no fish." Lucy reply. "Huh!? Then what is it!?" Diana ask. "Do you know what a dragon is?" Lucy ask. "This is a dragon!?" Diana was shock. "Correct! But this is still an adolescent. Not a full grown dragon." Lucy said. "How do you know that it's a dragon?" Diana ask. "Do you see those 9 noses?" Lucy ask. "Yeah... But are those not just holes?" Diana ask. "No! Those are not hole. And we should get out of here." Lucy pick up the dragon carcass and threw it back into the sea.

They got back to the other. "Seem like I will have to face their parents if they find out the I kill their son. A tsunami will occur soon." Lucy said to himself. "Come on guys! Get everyone out of here! I will meet you guys later." Lucy said. This confuse everyone as to why Lucy is saying this. They want to ask him why but he would not allow them to ask why. "Just get out of here! A tsunami will occur soon!" Lucy said. Amelia want to retort but learn her lesson. They quickly help Gormon and pack their stuffs. "Leave first and I will catch up soon. I promise." Lucy said. "Why are you not coming with us?" Gormon ask. "Well... You see. I was the one to cause all of these problem to began with." Lucy words confuse them. "Just leave as we don't have much time." Lucy said. They nod and left. "Never thought that all of the tales that my mom told me about would come in so handy." Lucy said to himself. Lucy went to meet the city lord to warn him but he does not want to then Lucy would just leave and not care about saving the city. Lucy got to the castle and startle the guards. "Whaaaa... Halt! Who business do you have!?" The guard ask. "1 chance if you all want your city save. Either all me to meet your highness or have your town fall in destruction." Lucy said. "Is that a threat!?" A guard ask. "Not me but something in the water." Lucy reply. "Are you talking about the sea god!?" A soldier ask. "I don't know what you're talking about but yeah I guess." Lucy said. "Id it's about the sea god then you can leave. We always please the sea god anyway." The guard said. "That is a no then. Alright! Good luck!" Lucy said and walk away. "Less trouble for me anyway." Lucy said. "What is he here for?" The city lord ask. "Ah! Your highness!" The guard was startle by the sudden appearance of the city lord. "What was he talking about?" The city lord ask again. "He was talking about the sea god causing trouble to us." The guard reply. "Trouble us? Ha! That man is just want to threat us for his own good." The city lord said.

"Reporting your highness! The sea level has rise to an abnormal height. It seem like the sea god is not happy with us!" A soldier came rushing to report this to the city lord. "What did you say!?" The coty lord was shock to hear this. "The water level has rise to an abnormal height and it seem like the sea god is not happy with us!" The soldier repeat himself. *Whoosh* Water appear under their feet. "Get everyone out!" The city lord said. A huge waves of water rush towards the city and within minute. "Wow! That is so scary!" Amelia look back at the city that is now underwater. "How did you know that this will happen!?" Gormon ask. "I just know somehow. Come on! We got a long way to go!" Lucy said. Everyone nod and began making their way out of this place. They walk for 4 hour and everywhere the look is all trees and nothing else. "We should be getting out of this forest soon." Amelia said while looking at the map. "Will there be a city or place to rest!?" Jean ask. "No Jean. But we will be approaching a desert soon." Amelia reply. "A desert!?" Then we got to make some preparation before we cross the desert." Diana said. Everyone began planning while Lucy just listen to what they are doing. "I am fine but this suit cannot keep me cool forever." Lucy said to himself. "Guys!" Lucy said. "Yeah?" They ask. "I will be taking off my suit and it will be hard for me to understand you all so just bare with me." Lucy said. "Why!?" Gormon ask. "It's a desert and I can't wear my suit as it would be too hot." Lucy reply. "So... how are we sippose to communicate with you then?" Amelia ask. "I will just stay quiet and be the fighter here. I can't talk but I can kill." Lucy reply. "Fair enough." Gormon said. Lucy retract his suit and is now in his nano cloths. Lucy pick up a cloak and cover himself with it. Lucy look so cool just doing wearing the cloak. Lucy press his nano cloths and his cloths appear. "Much better! (In English)" Lucy said. "Mu mu mu... mush bitter!?" Diana try to repeat after Lucy. Lucy know that Diana try to repeat after him. "Mu... ch..." Lucy tey to teach Diana. "Muc mu mu ch much." Diana got it in a few try. "Better. Bae der..." Lucy said. Bae der Better." Doana repeat after Lucy. "Much better!" Lucy said. "Much better!" Diana sound perfect when pronouncing this. "Very nice! (In English)" Lucy said. "Beri ice?" Diana ask in confusion. "Ehhh... we should stop this. I will teach you more but not now. Lets gather stuff first (In English)." Lucy said. Everyone is confuse about what Lucy had just said. Lucy use sign language to tell everyone that they need to hurry.

They finally understand after a few minute. "Man! This is so hard to communicate without my suit." Lucy said. "Diana! You go with Lucy and get some water. We will need those water." Gormon said. "Yes uncle!" Diana ran to Lucy who is still gathering fruits. Lucy hear footsteps approaching him and look to see Diana. Lucy smile at Diana asking what she want as he cannot communicate with her now. Diana smile back and hold out the water containers. "Water? Oh yeah ! I forgot, we need water if we are crossing the desert! (In English)" Lucy said. Diana was confuse as to what Lucy had just said but she is pretty sure she know what he mean. "Yeah! Water! My uncle told me to come get you to help me with filling up these water containers." Diana said. "That was a lot to take in and she speak so fast too." Lucy said to himself. Lucy nod at Diana and take the water containers. Lucy gesture for Diana to go lead the way. Diana drag Lucy towards the stream. Lucy got to the stream and fill the vial with the water and shake it a few time. "Nothing happen. Good water." Lucy pour out the water in the vial and pick up the containers. Lucy quickly fill up the containers. It look heavy so Diana offer help but Lucy reject her. "Ehh, lets see here." Lucy use sign language telling Diana that it was very light for him. Diana understand what Lucy mean and agree. Lucy gesture for them to go back. Diana nod and went ahead while Lucy is right behind her. "Ah you two are back! Set the water in the bag sack and we are ready to go." Gormon said. Diana nod and gesture for Lucy to put the containers into the bag sack. Lucy did as he was told. They were about to set off but Lucy stop as he spot something. "Grape? Great! I can make some grape wine with it." Lucy gather a few grape and put it into two of his container. Diana approach Lucy and tell him that these are not edible. "You can't eat these! You will die. These are unknown berries!" Diana said. Lucy understand what Diana told him.

Lucy shake his head and pluck a stack of grape off the vine. "Watch this. These are grapes and they are edible. (In English)" Lucy pop one into his mouth. "You can't eat that! Spit it out!" Diana shot at Lucy. Lucy gesture for Diana to calm down. Lucy then hand Diana one grape. "Try it! It's good. (In English)" Diana take the grape and stare at it. The other came and inspect the grape. "Is it edible?" Jean ask. "I don't know but Lucy seem to just eat one like nothing." Diana reply. "Are you going to try it?" Amelia ask. "Might as well I guess." Diana pop the grape into her mouth. "Mmmmm! It's very sweet!" Diana was shock that such berry was this sweet. The other was shock as they have heard tales that these kind of berries can kill ones if they consume one. "Good right? (In English)" Lucy said and gave them a thumb up. Diana nod quickly. "There are so many fruits here but they are so afraid to eat it." Lucy said to himself. The other pluck a grape off the vone and pop it into their mouth. "Mmmm! This is a food source!" Gormon said. "But how!? I thought that these berry are not edible!?" Amelia said. "I don't know but it seem like Sir Lucy know more than us about our world." Gormon reply. "We should gather more since we need more foods anyway." Amelia said. The other agree and began gathering the grapes. After gathering the grape, everyone make their way towards the desert.