Chapter 20) City in the Desert

Lucy shake his hand and the gauntlets retract and form two fire ball on the two snake mouth. Lucy walk back to his seat to warm himself. Diana look at the scene and pity these people but was glad that she manage to save one. Diana then turn her attention to Lucy again and make her way back to the fire to warm herself. The other did not say anything instead they just talk to each other. Only Lucy and Diana were left out. *Clap clap* "Time to go to sleep!" Gormon said. Everyone nod and went to bed. Lucy however, did not go to bed yet. He was still busy mixing some chemical. After an hour or so, Lucy was finally done and went to bed straight away. "I bet that guy who escape will come back with reinforcement." Lucy said to himself. The freezing night quickly pass and soon, the heat began to return. "Get up everyone! We got to make haste. We don't want to be stuck here forever." Gormon said. Everyone slowly got up and began taking down everything. After taking everything down for 15 minute, everyone put the heavy load on the camel while they carry the light load. They were not worry about the worm but was still very wary of it. They travel for a total of 5 hour before spotting an oasis. "We can rest there for 10 minute!" Amelia point at the oasis. "Wow! I never thought that we would find such place like this!" Diana said. Jean was also excited as he had never seen such place like this before. They walk towards the oasis. Lucy got to the oasis and look at the water. It was so clear that he can see the bottom of the oasis. "I am quite thirsty now!" Amelia scoop up a handful to drink.

*Pak* Lucy hit her hand and cause her to spill all the water. Amelia was shock about what just happen. "What are you doing Lucy!?" Amelia shout at Lucy. Lucy did not understand her but was pretty sure that she was mad at him. Lucy crouch down and fill a vial with the water. *Clank* A metal glove coat Lucy right hand. Lucy snap his finger and a flame appear. He put the vial on top of the fire. Within just a few second, all of the water evaporate and what was left was salt. *Whoosh* Lucy put on his suit. "These water are not safe to drink. And you better wash your hand." Lucy said. Amelia heard this and quickly wash her hand. "Who do you mean not safe to eat!? I mean drink!" Amelia ask. "It's salty which contain a lot of bacteria and pathogen." Lucy reply. "Pathogene? That again? You are using words that we have never heard before." Amelia said. "To simply put. These water can kill you if you drink it." Lucy said. "Then how are we going to resupply our water supply?" Amelia ask. "Get some shovel and follow me." Lucy said. Everyone got their own shovel and follow Lucy. They got to a spot about 10 feet from the oasis. "Hand me a shovel." Lucy said. Gormon hand Lucy his shovel. *Tsshhh tsshh* Lucy digging into the sand was confusing everyone. "Don't just look! Dig!" Lucy said. "Oh ah uh!" Everyone began digging. Gormon ran backto get another shovel. "It would have been easier if we have bigger shovel." Lucy said. They dig for a few minute until they hit water. "Water!? Is it because of that pond there!?" Gormon ask. "Yes and no." Lucy reply. "What is it then!?" Diana ask. "Half rain and half pond. I though that yesterday was going to rain but I... *plop plop plop* was... not wrong..." Lucy said. We can use the rain but it will take some time. Why don't we rest for a bit first?" Amelia said. Everyone nod and rush back to catch the rain. Lucy however crouch down and fill his water containers with the mud water. Lucy return back to take shelter from the rain.

"You're not... going to drink that are you?" Amelia ask. "No." Lucy reply and retract his armor. He take out an empty bottle and pour the muddy water into the bottle. Lucy shake the bottle and all of the mud and sand fell under the bottle. Lucy take the bottom lid off and shake it. Everyone was amaze at Lucy awesome gadget. They gather around Lucy. "Whoa... What an awesome gadget..." They all said in amazement. "10 minute is up! We got to keep moving!" Gormon said. "We can now. All of our water containers is full." Amelia said. They travel for 20 mile and nothing in sight except for the vastness of the sand. "Look! There is a city or some sort of building." Jean point in front if them. They look and saw that it was indeed true. "Finally! Civilization! Now I can finally take a bath again." Amelia and Diana said in unison. They walk for an hour before reaching the city. "Whoa! Who is that man!? He is such a giant!" The civilian said. The civilians here stare at Lucy in awe. "Lets go get what you girls need first." Gormon said. "Yesss!" Diana and Amelia was excite when they hear this. But Gormon did this because they will take forever. He just want to get it over with. It took a total of 3 hour before Diana and Amelia was done shopping. They went and found and inn to rest. It was a lot nicer since they pay for the elite class. They get their own room and even their own bath room. "I did not think that there will be such a nice play out here in the desert." Lucy said to himself. "Tome for a bath..." Lucy retract his armor and went to take a bath. "Ahhh~ So nice~" Lucy lay down and enjoy the coldness of the water. "Shhh! We got to do this quietly. Young master want that girl back for himself." A guy in a mask said.

Lucy heard these people conversation and look out his window just to see them right under him. But they did not seem to notice him at all. Lucy listen to their plan and got everything down. Lucy finish his bath and went out. He quickly put his cloths on and active his armor. "Time to have a little fun." Lucy went to Diana room. *Knock knock* Diana open the room. Lucy could see that she had just finish his bath also. "What are you doing here Lucy!?" Diana was shock to see Lucy here. "Mind if I come in first?" Lucy ask. "Oh! Sure sure! Come in!" Diana invite Lucy in. Diana got both of them a cup of water. "So why are you here?" Diana ask. "I think we..." *Knock knock* They hear a knock. "I'll get it." Diana went to the door. Lucy was right behind her. As soon as Diana turn the door knob, she was push back by the force of the door. Lucy grab a hold her and and steady her. "Grab her! Grab her!" A man in the mask said. 2 guy in mask rush in to kidnap Diana. "We got you now little girl!" A man in mask said. *Pak* "You sound like a pedo! Go back and try again!" A man in mask hit his friend on the back of his head. The 2 man in mask went back out. "Close the door again Diana. We will retry this." A man in mask said. "Got it! And do it more better. Don't call me little girl. Call me young lady or something like that." Diana said. "Got it!" The 2 man went out and Diana close the door. "Action!" The director said. *Knock Knock* "I'll get it!" Diana got up and Lucy was right behind her. As soon as Diana turn the door knob. She was push back by the force of the door. "Grab her! Grab her!" A man in the mask said. 2 man in mask rush in. "We got you now young lady! Don't resist now and come with us!" A man in mask said while holding his dagger towards Diana. They then spot Lucy and gulp. "Oh..." They froze there. "What is taking you two so long!?" The 3rd guy came in and saw Lucy.

"Don't back out now! He got no weapon! We can take him!" The man in mask said. The other 2 woke from their trance. "You're right! We can take him!" They all coat their weapon with poison. "Let us take the girl peacefully and you might get to keep your life." A man in mask said. "Yes yes! See this shiny knife! One touch and you are dead within a few second. Hehe!" He then lick the knife. "Ah! You just..." Diana said. "Ah... I should not have lick it!" *Plop* The man drop to the floor. "Replacement!" Lucy said. "Damn retard! Get him treatment fast!" A man in mask said. 2 staffs rush out of nowhere and take the fallen man in mask away. "Get in there you!" The director shout at the replacement. The replacement rush in and got in position. "Ready!" He said. "Action!" They resume what they were doing. "Now let us take the lady away and you might get to keep your life." A man in mask said. "Yes yes! You see this shiny knife. One touch and you will be dead within a few second. Hehe!" The replacement said. "And what if I don't want to?" Lucy pull Diana to his side. "Then we will take it by force!" A man in mask said. "Come on then..." Lucy taunt them. "Go you two!" 3rd guy said. "No~ You go~" 1st and 2nd guy said. "No! I am suppose to be the leader here. You two go!" 3rd guy said. "I'll go!" They turn to the source of the voice and saw that it was the giant man. *Boom* "What was that!?" Gormon ask. "I don't know! Why don't we go check it out!?" Amelia said. They got our from their room and went to check on the noise. In fact, they were not the only two that pop out of their room. There were many other that pop out from their room to check on what happen.

They saw 3 man on the wall which is all debris now. They then saw a giant man walk out from the room in front of the 3 man. Lucy pick up 2 guy by their throat and the 3rd guy was under his feet. "Whose order is it?" Lucy ask. "We won't tell!" 3rd guy said. "Goodbye then." Lucy put more pressure on his foot. "Ahhh!" 3rd guy was crush under Lucy foot. "Answer?" Lucy ask. No reply from the last two guy. "Quite loyal huh? Does not matter. I am tire of talking anyway." Lucy tighten his grip. "Argh!" Both 1st and 2nd guy had their throat crush and die instantly. The spectators saw what Lucy did and rush back to their room. They don't want to get involve. "Are you two okay!?" Amelia ask. "I am fine. I think way too fine. If Lucy was not here then I think I would have been gone by now." Diana said. "Why~?" Gormon ask. "They are here to kidnap me apparently." Diana reply. "What!? Who dare!?" Gormon was fuming with anger that steam was blowing off from him. "Thank you Lucy." Diana bow to Lucy. "Sleep in my room for tonight. There will be more people." Lucy said. "Me and you share a room!?" Diana face began to turn red. "Don't worry. I can control myself." Lucy said. "I know you can Lucy! But I am not sure about Diana though." Gormon said. Diana gave Gormon a death stare. Gormon quickly turn around and left. "Stay safe then." Amelia said then chase after Gormon. "I will help bring your stuffs over." Lucy said. Lucy and Diana take Diana stuffs to Lucy room. "You can sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the floor." Lucy said. "No! Uh I mean Yes! No no no! I... uhh... We can share a bed if you want." Diana said. "Nahh~ I'm good. The bed is a bit small for me anyway." Lucy said. "Oh... Okay~ Then good night!" Diana said. "Yeah... Good night to you too." Lucy retract his armor and lay down on the floor and pull his blanket over to his chest.