Chapter 21) Pirates

10 minute into their sleep and they can hear a loud thud in Diana room. Diana got up and saw Lucy. Lucy had his finger over his mouth, telling Diana to be still. Lucy went to the door and open a little just to see that there was people out also. Lucy could see that there are guards here. They were knocking on Diana door but no answer. "Kick down the door!" A guard said. The 4 guard nod and kick the door. It take them a total of 2 kick to kick down the door. They got in and what greet them was just an empty room. "Did she already left?" Guard 4 ask. "It can't be! Lets ask the people nearby!" Guard 3 said. Everyone nod and went to ask question. They went out to ask questions. "Did you see where that woman in that room went?" Guard 5 ask the woman across Diana room. "She is in the next room." The woman point at Lucy room. They all turn their attention to Lucy room. Guard 2 raise his hand to knock on the door. *Boom* The door fly towards them and cause everyone to fall down. "Argh..." Guard 4 heard 4 groan then it end quickly. He got up just to be lift into the air by his throat. He look at the culprit just to see a giant man. Lucy drop the man back down. Guard 4 began gasping for air. "Take those and return it to your master or whatever." Lucy pick up the door and quickly fix it. Guard 4 was confuse about what just happen. He look at where Lucy point and saw all of his friend head there. "Ahh!" He got startle and quickly back away a few feet. "Are we safe now?" Diana ask. "For now..." Lucy retract his armor and lay back down again.

Morning arrive and Lucy and everyone is already up and ready to continue their journey. As they got to the gate. They were stop by a young man. "Not so fast you people... Hand over the young lady and I will let you all leave." The young man said. He then look over to Lucy. "I will even turn a blind eye on your crime." The young man said. "These people are the most annoying." Lucy just want to get home fast. *Whoosh* Lucy put on his suit and disappear. "Gahh!" Lucy knock the young man off his horse. The young man try to get up but was lift into the air by his right foot. "Let our young master down now!" The guards surround Lucy. Lucy slowly set the young man down. The young man breath in relief. *Thud thud thud* Lucy slam the young man on the ground and broke all his frontal. "Ahhh!" The young man was in great pain. Lucy slam the young man on another direction. Lucy slam the young man so quick that it did not give the guards any time to react at all. The young man was everywhere and the only body part that was intact was his right leg. Lucy toss the leg away and look at the guards. The guards gulp and began backing off. Lucy smirk evilly and pop out his arm blades. Within just a few second. Lucy dealt with all the guards with ease. "We should go now." Lucy retract his suit. Gormon nod and rush everyone.

They got away from the city and look back. "We cover quite the distance already..." Jean said. "Where to next Amelia?" Gormon ask. Amelia look at the map. "Lets see... We are here then we got to head North and... We will get to the port! We just need to cross the sea and we will..." Amelia was about to finish her sentence but was cut off by Diana. "Then we will reach home!" Diana said. "Then we got to hurry then!" Gormon said. Lucy don't understand why they were so excited for. "How far!?" Jean ask. "Should not be that long. We can reach there in about 12 or so hour." Amelia reply. "Yes! We can finally return home!" Jean said. They keep walking and was getting closer and closer to the port. "We're almost there!" Diana said. "Heads up! There seem to be people coming our direction." Jean said. Everyone look in front of them. "They might have something else to do. Just keep walking." Gormon said. The other party got closer and closer to them. "I'm here my love! I did promise that I will save you from that person." Akua said. Everyone was confuse as to what Akua had just said. They ignore him and keep walking. Akua and his 10 guards block Lucy and his party. "Come with me my love! We can start a family together!" Akua hold out his hand to Diana.

"Me as your lover!? Sorry, I don't know you." Diana said. "Yes you do! If you don't like me then why would you save me!?" Akua ask. "I save you because I don't want to see any more bloodshed." Diana reply. Lucy was getting impatient as these people are block their path. Lucy put on his gauntlets. This startle Akua. "Last time, I was not ready. But I am now!" Akua got off his camel and ready himself. "I will defeat you and rescue these people from your grasp." Akua said. Of course Lucy does not understand Akua. All he hear is just babbling and nonsense. "Haaa!" Akua charge at Lucy. Lucy grab Akua saber and send a kick to Akua abdomen. Akua was send flying back a few feet and holding his abdomen in pain. "Young master!" The guards got off their mount and went to their young master side. "Kill him!" Akua said. The guards nod and surround Lucy. Lucy ready himself. "Go!" The guards rush in. Lucy jump and did a spin kick. Just like that, 5 guards were taken care of. Lucy land on the ground and charge at a guard. Lucy got to the guard and kick him in the leg and breaking his leg. "Ah!" Lucy follow up with an elbow uppercut. The guard head was send flying. A guard swing at Lucy. Lucy lift his left hand and block the swing. *Ting* Lucy swipe the guard down and follow up with a drop kick. The guard was instant kill. The remaining 3 guards look at each other and gulp. "Run!" They try to run but fall down. "Ahhhh!" They look at their feet and realize that it was already gone. Lucy did not go fir the kill. He decide to just leave them out here.

Lucy focus his a attention to Akua. Fear crept up on Akua face. He stood up to run but was pull back by Lucy. Lucy put on his armor. "Now Diana. It's your time to shine." Lucy said. "I... I can't kill another human!" Diana said. "How sad." Lucy went next to Diana and whisper to her. "Either you kill that man you save or I will take Jean life in front of you~" Lucy then back off. "3 second. 3 2..." Lucy did not get to 1 before Diana cut him off. "I'll do it!" Diana take out her sword. "Great! Take your time then..." Lucy said. Diana walk up to Akua. "I'm sorry." Diana stab into Akua. Akua fall down but was still moving. "Not dead yet~ If you fail on the next try then you know the consequence." Lucy said. Lucy was pushing Diana into a corner. Diana was having mix emotion. She does not want to harm another human being but if she does not then her little brother will be gone forever. Diana crouch down and hold Akua by the hair. "No no! Gahhh!" Diana slit Akua throat. "Nicely done!" Lucy clap. Gormon and Amelia look in horror. Gormon was shock as Diana would never harm another human being at all. But what did Lucy did that make her kill a human. "Cone on now." Lucy got on a camel. Diana was still shaken from her doing. "Get on!We're going!" Lucy tone change. This woke Diana up. "This will make traveling much more easily." Amelia said. "Glad that I can finally return home after almost a year now." Gormon said. They continue their travel and soon arrive to the port. "We should just get a ship and continue on our way." Gormon said. "I like that idea." Amelia agree. Gormon turn to everyone and they all agree. They went to the dock catch a ship to the other side. "As soon as we get to the other side then we are home!" Diana is back to herself.

"For 5 people?" A man ask. "Yes!" Gormon reply. "500 gold each." The man said. Gomon and everyone was shock by this. "That is too much!" Gormon said. "It is not... But I can get you all there for free if you know what I mean..." The man look at Diana with his lustful eyes. Diana cover herself in disgust. "No one look at my woman like that! (In English)" Lucy grab the man by his throat. The man try to scream for help but did not get the chance. Lucy crush the man throat. "Get on! We are leaving!" Lucy put on his armor and look at the guards. The guards want to attack but stop themselves as they know that they are not this giant match. Everyone got on the ship. "Take us to the other side!" Gormon shout at the captain. "Yes yes yes!" The captain reply with a shaky voice. The crew look at Lucy in fear. They need to keep their distance if they value their life. Lucy was pretty much the boss in the ship. "It will take us a few month there sir..." The captain inform Lucy. "Just keep going!" Lucy said. The caption bod quickly and went back to focusing the steering wheel. He curse his bad luck for everything that had happen. He had just got back from a long trip and now he had to go on one again. The crew fear Lucy but many still want to get close to Diana. They stop trying after seeing what happen to the last two guy who try to go in Diana room. Their plan was ruin the moment they plan out their plan. They did not get to execute their plan at all. They were caught and drag out from their room in the middle of the night.

Everyone went out in the middle of the night just to see what happen. "Whoever try to come or go near my people then they suffer the same fate as these two here!" Lucy torture the two men for 3 hour straight and did not even kill them. He just tie them to the side of the boat and let the fish feed on them alive. This put so much fear into the crew that they stop what they were planning. They don't want to go through such harsh punishment. They rather live in fear instead of being feed to the fish alive. Diana and the other was confuse about what happen that night and ask the crew but no one dare to reply. They will avoid them especially Diana. They know that Lucy is always watching. They fear that just by talking to Diana will get them in trouble. "Sir Lucy! We got trouble!" The captain call out to Lucy. Everyone rush to the bridge and look at where the captain is pointing. "We got pirate heading our way!" The captain said. "Don't worry about them. I will take care of them." Lucy said.

"But..." The captain want to say something but stop himself. He don't want to bother Lucy. The crew want the pirate to kill Lucy but know that they will be kill also. They want to return back alive and was hoping that just Lucy will die only. Lucy wait on his chair for the pirate. The Pirate got closer and closer to Lucy ship. "Haha! It's our lucy guys! We got two women on board!" The captain said. *Thud* The pirate hear a thud and look to see a giant man there. They did not get any time to react before being slaughter. The crew on the other ship look in horror. Within just a few minute and Lucy had clear out a whole deck of pirate. They gulp and Lucy presence is starting to give them even more fear. Lucy return and order for the captain to continue. The captain obey any continue. The crew look back. There are many treasure on the pirate ship. Their face eas full of sadness but quickly change to horror again. *Ka-boom* The pirate ship explode and nothing was left of it.