Chapter 22) General Marcus

A month later. A ship dock on the docks. A few people got out from the ship and there was a man that stand out the most. He was clad in a glowing armor and was very tall. Much taller than all the human here. This was of course, Lucy and his party. "Come on now. We just need to travel a few more day and we will arrive back home." Gormon said. Everyone nod and was excited as they want to return home. Lucy was excited as he can finally return home but was not sure if they can really help him. He just hope that they do. They travel out of the port and make their way back home. They travel for 14 hour and pass by two villages. "We should take a break. I... My legs hurt!" Both Diana and Amelia complain. "Alright but only for 10 minute as we need to go find a better spot to camp." Gormon said. Everyone nod and set down their stuffs. "Ha! We got you all now!" Hand over your valuable and all the women!" The bandit leader said. There was a total of 20 bandits who were rob Lucy and his party. Gormon and everyone quickly take out their saber and swords. Lucy stop them. "That is right! Don't even think of drawing your weapon! That man there is smart!" The bandit boss said. "I'll take care of these mutts. Been so long that I have not kill anyone. Itching to kill people." Lucy said. Gormon and the other put back their weapons. Lucy stood up and pop out his arm blade. Lucy was excited as he can finally get to kill again. Without any warning or sound. Lucy had already appear in front of 4 bandits. "Gahh!!" All of the 4 bandits were decapitate. Lucy switch his attention to another group of bandits. Within just 10 second, Lucy had already dealt with 14 bandits. The bandits leader and the few remaining bandits gulp in fear.

Lucy gesture for the remaining bandits to come to him. The look at each other and don't know what to do. "I said! Come over here!" Lucy threw two boomerang and split two bandits in half. "Ahh!" The remaining 4 bandits got scare and rush to kneel in front of Lucy. Lucy put away the two boomerang and look at the bandits. He crouch down to all of them. "How should I deal with you?" Lucy ask them. They don't know what to respond. "Answer me!" Lucy stomp on a bandits head and cause his head to be everywhere. Lucy look at the three bandits. "Answer me?" Lucy ask. "I... I... You can... uh umm uh *Gulp* let umm us go sir... We promise to never do this again!" The bandit leader said. "Oh... Such choice for words... Hmmm, alright..." Lucy said. The bandits heard this and was beyond happy that they will get to live to see the next day. "Here you go..." Lucy put his right hand around the bandit leader neck and began chocking him with one hand. The bandit leader try to resist but to no avail. He was losing his vision to the dark. The other two bandits quickly run away as they don't want to die. "Gahh..." They did not get far before they were split in half. "We are done here. Lets keep moving. Don't you all to be in even more danger." Lucy said. Everyone nod and got everything and quickly move to another location. Just after 10 second when they left the spot. *Roar howl* They can hear wolves and other predator fighting each other. The walk for another 5 hour before finding a good spot to rest for tonight. They got everything set down and eat. After eating, they went to bed and wait for the next day.

*Rustle* "Huh!? Where am I!?" Lucy ask himself. "Hello there young man." An old lady in her 90s appear in front of Lucy. "Who are you!?" Lucy ask. "I am not the important one here. I am here to ask if you want to return home." The old lady ask. "I do! But how?" Lucy ask. "It is extremely simply and you could have been back home already. But I ask you. Do you really want to go home?" The old lady ask again. "I told you did I not?" Lucy reply. "Haha! Quite the temper you have. If you want to return home then you got to lose the most important person to you." The old lady vanish in front of Lucy. Lucy open his eyes and could see that is was morning already. "A weird dream." Lucy said to himself. He wale everyone up. After getting everything, they continue on. "How far?" Gormon ask. "Just one more day!" Amelia reply. "Yes! We can get there without rest then!?" Jean said. "I agree! I really want to go meet mother and father again!" Diana said. Everyone is happy while Lucy was busy thinking about his dream. "Something on your mind Lucy?" Diana ask. "It's nothing." Lucy reply. Lucy for the past month had go close to Diana. It could be said that she is the first woman that he had fall for. But what's bothering him is that what will happen if he return home. "Don't think to much Lucy. I'm sure my parents would not mind you being their son in law." Diana said. Lucy chuckle but still could not get the thought of him returning home. He want to return home but in the cause of losing his first love. It was a hard decision for him to make.

"We should take a small break. Like 5 or 6 minute break. I just need to catch my breath." Amelia said. "I could use one too." Gormon said. "Alright... We can. Set your stuffs down." Lucy said. *Beep beep* Lucy look at the map in his helmet and saw many red dots heading their direction. Lucy look towards the direction of the red dots. "Ahhh! Get them!" A general shout at his men. "Get everyone out of here Gormon! I will catch up!" Lucy said. Gormon nod and take everyone away. They only take the important stuffs and leave the unimportant stuffs. Lucy take out his pulse gun and began firing. *Pew pew pew* Lucy fire at the forest blindly. *Thud thud thud* Soldiers fall one after another. *Pew pew pew* Rounds came out the the forest also. Lucy was startle but still keep his calm. He dodge and jump back a few feet. *Psshh* A vehicle stop 10 feet from Lucy. Lucy was to see the scene in front of him. These people wear the same cloths and armor as his people. The door of the vehicle open and a man walk out. *Clap clap clap* "Did not think that you would find me here Lucy... I congratulate you for finding me." The general said. "General Marcus!?" Lucy ask in shock. General Marcus is the second general just below his father. He was an wanted man as he was found out to work with the terrorist group. He leak information and even supply them. But he mysteriously vanish without a trace. They have send out an order to find him but no one can locate him. "So this is where you have been!" Lucy said. "What can I say!? I want to change history a bit." General Marcus said.

"Change history!? What do you mean!?" Lucy ask. "You don't know!? Haha! I guess you were send here without knowing huh!? Does not matter. I can give you the information if you join me. We can change history together! We can be god to the people!" General Marcus said. "Ha! No thank! I am already a god figure to the people." Lucy said. "Too bad then... Kill him." General Macus got back in the vehicle. The captain nod and close the door. The vehicle drove off. "Kill him!" The captain shout at the soldiers. Everyone nod and point their pulse gun at Lucy. "I want to see you all try." Lucy pop out his arm blade. He charge at the soldiers while he was being shot at. Lucy have little difficult with these soldiers as they are inexperience in combat. "Stop!" The captain shout at his men. Everyone stop firing and back off. "I will deal with him myself!" The captain toss his pulse gun to the side. He retract his suit. Lucy was shock to see who the captain was. "Chris!? You're working for that bastard!?" Lucy ask. "Oh Lucy... I thought that you knew about the wormhole. The wormhole was active for me but you end up using it. I was suppose to send supplies for General Marcus. But you ruin it. At first, I thought that it was not active yet. But here I am." Chris said. "Enough talk bastard! Come at me!" Lucy retract his suit. "You really want to rush to your death huh!? Fine! I will give it to you." Chris disappear and appear in front of Lucy. *Clank* They clash and cause sparks to fly everywhere. They stare at each other then push each other off. As soon as they touch the ground. Lucy went to his right while Chris went to his left. They were running in a circle. They look at each other then jump at each other. They clash again and exchange blows after blows. "Not bad Lucy. It seem like you have not gone rusty yet." Chris said. Lucy did not reply. He just want to end this. General Marcus working for the terrorist groups had kill over millions of people. His best friend work for General Marcus mean that he is also guilty.

Lucy and Chris back off and put back their suit. "Lets end this my friend!" Chris said. "I'm not your friend killer!" Lucy said. "Ha!" Chris and Lucy jump at each other. They had been fighting for 2 hour now and no one seen to be on the losing end. But Chris was very exhaust which was his fatal mistake. He lose his footing and stagger a bit. He look back and was greeted with Lucy arm blade. "Seem like I never have the stamina to beat you my friend... Goodbye my friend." Chris smile before his head was send flying. Lucy was breathing heavily. "Fir... Fire~!!" A soldiers shouted. All of the soldiers began firing at Lucy. Lucy disappear and within 10 minute, took care of all the soldiers here. He take another 10 minute to set up bomb here. He does not want the people here to find their technologies. Lucy did not spare them any looks and set off the bomb. *Ka-boom* "What was that!?" Gormon ask. They look and saw that there was smoke coming from where they had ran from. "Lucy!!!" Diana shouted. "Haha! He is long gone by now!" General Marcus said. "He had the same armor as Lucy!" Jean said. General Marcus jump down and began attacking everyone. Gormon and Amelia take arms and began battling against General Marcus. They did not stand much of a chance. They were kick away. Jean rush to their side while Diana take up arms. "Don't Diana! Take Jean and leave us!" Gormon said. "Aww... What a caring parents!" General Marcus said. He make his way to Gormon and Amelia to finish them off. Diana block his path and seeing at him. "Annoying bitch!" General Marcus kick at Diana and send her flying. Diana pick up her sword and charge at General Marcus again. "Now for the final touch." General Marcus stab at Gormon. *Psshh* Blood spew out but it was not Gormon that was stab. It was Diana. She use her body to block. "Aww... How sad... Haha... To bad that you are too useless." General Marcus lift Diana up into the air and toss her away. "Nooo!!!!" Lucy was a few second late.