Lucy clash with General Marcus and force him back. Lucy was enrage that each of his attack pack so much punch. General Marcus was getting force back and he cannot do anything at all. "Wait wait wait!" General Marcus knew that if this continue then he would die. Lucy did not stop and jeep attacking. His attack cause General Marcus to lose his arm blade. General Marcus is not just all bare. Lucy gran onto General Marcus and stab into his abdomen. General Marcus look down at his abdomen and began backing. Lucy did a spin and decapitate General Marcus without hesitation. He want to take General Marcus back but he does not have a choice now. Lucy rush back to Diana. He hold her on his lap. "Sorry I was late... If only I was stronger!" Lucy blame himself. "You did good Lucy..." Diana said. "Anyway to save her L!?" Lucy ask L. "Sorry to inform you this Sir Lucy. But there is mo way to save her. He heart and left lung had been puncture. There is no way to help her or cure her." L reply. "There has to be a way! Find it!" Lucy shout at L. "Don't Lucy. I'm very sad to see you..." Diana did not finish her sentence before her hand drop. "Diana? Diana? Don't do this to me. Hey! Come on! Wake up Diana! I'm sorry for not being nice to you for this whole time! I was a fool. I just don't know how to approach you! Forgive me!" Lucy sob while hugging Diana. Gormon and also tears up but the one to cry to most and loudest was Jean.
*Whoosh* A wormhole appear in front of Lucy. Lucy look up and saw the wormhole. He now know what the old lady meant by losing his lose one. "Go on Lucy. We will take Diana back for a proper burial." Gormon said. "I want to bury her myself." Lucy said. "You can't. It seem like this wormhole will not last long." Amelia said. Lucy want to protest but was stop by Gormon and Amelia. "Don't Sir Lucy... You have nothing more here. You have already lost Diana. There is no more reason for you to stay here. Please just go back and enjoy your life. We hope the best for you." Gormon and Amelia said. Lucy look at Diana and retract his helmet. Lucy kiss on Diana forehead before handing her corpse to Gormon and Amelia. "Do take care of Diana body." Lucy bow to Gormon and Amelia. "Hurry now." Gormon said and give Lucy Diana necklace. Lucy take the necklace and went to the wormhole. Lucy look at Diana for the last time before turning to enter the wormhole. *Whoosh* Lucy enter the wormhole and everything turn dark. Lucy slowly open his eyes. He got up and look at his surrounding. He was back at the room where he got the files. There were still a the body of the men that he had killed. "Was that a dream or was it reality?" Lucy ask himself. *Thud thud thud* Lucy hear footstep and look at the entrance. "This is your longest time spent on a mission Lucy..." Jaken said. "How long?" Lucy ask. "25 minute. What happen anyway. You usually finish your mission within 5 to 10 minute. But this mission take you twice as long." Jaken said. Lucy was shock to see that he was just gone for 25 minute. "So... How was it?" Jaken ask. "Here!" Lucy toss the files to Jaken. "Could always count on you." Jaken hand the files to one of his soldier. The soldier and a few other tush out to go deliver these information to the higher ups.
"Now that we are done. Why don't we go grab something to drink? You're treating remember..." Jaken said. "Yes yes I'll pay. Lets go..." Lucy said. They went back to the ship and flew back. "Why do you look so down man!? Cheer up! Is killing too much people haunting you!?" Jaken ask. "Care to listen to my crazy story?" Lucy ask. "Sure I guess..." Jaken sit next to Lucy. Lucy began explain everything to Jaken. "Wait wait wait wait wait...! You're saying that you got suck by a wormhole and meet General Marcus and Chris on the other side. I mean past!?" Jaken ask. "Correct." Lucy reply. "Wait wait hold up! Let me suck up all the details and information!" Jaken take 3 minute to get everything in. "This is important information! You got to inform the higher ups then. We have to go there now!" Jaken said. "I agree to but too bad I end up killing them both. Should have brought them back with me." Lucy said. "All good. As long as he is dead. I can sleep in peace now. That fucker had killed to many people. He deserve that and that Chris. He deserve it too." Jaken said. They soon arrive to the city and make their way to meet the higher ups. "Sir Lucy request an audience senator." A guard inform the senator and the other higher ups. "Call him in!" The senator said. The guard nod and rush to get Lucy. Soon, Lucy arrive to the room surrounded by the senator and the higher ups. "What is it that you want Sir Lucy?" The senator ask. "I want to inform everyone here of something." Lucy said. "Do go ahead." The senator said. "Thank you!" Lucy began explain everything to the senator and everyone here.
They look at each other in shock. "Then... General Marcus whole plan was to change the future!" Everyone began talking to each other. "Evidence!?" The senator ask. "Lucy take out a micro chip and show it to everyone. The guards arrive to Lucy side and take the micro chip to the senator. The senator plug the micro chip in and it was a record of Lucy mission. But then he got suck by the wormhole. Lucy had made change to some one the clip. They could see that Lucy was surround by a forest. They watch for a total of 5 hour before everything was done. "This is really important! Don't leak this out to the public yet!" The senator said. "We understand senator!" Everyone said. They know how important this is and leaking this out mean that their whole family will face punishment. "You can go back mow Sir Lucy." The senator said. "Thank you senator." Lucy bow down to everyone and turn to leave. The guards open the door for Lucy. "How was it?" Jaken ask. "Just don't leak this out yet." Lucy reply. "No shit! Come on! You still got to pay." Jaken said. Lucy shake his head. They went to Jaken favorite restaurant. He order a lot of foods. "Thought we were here to drink only? Why are you ording so much foods?" Lucy ask. "I'm hungry!" Jaken reply bluntly. "Tsk... Alright then..." Lucy lay back.
5 month pass in a blink of an eye. *Creak* Lucy look up to see a lady enter his office. "What is it?" Lucy ask. The lady walk up to Lucy and hand him some paper or what seem to be letter. "Thank you!" Lucy thank the lady. She excuse herself and went out. Lucy open the letter and found that it was his parents. "Hey Lucy. We know... We could have video call you instead. But we want it to be a surprise. Come meet us back at home." Lucy shake his head an got up. He went outside and make his way to his vehicle. He drove all the way back home. He got home and could see that his servants is moving in someone stuffs. "What is going on here?" Lucy ask. "We are sorry Sir Lucy. But we cannot tell you exactly why. Your father and mother order us to hush." The servant reply. "Tsk! Those parents of mine." Lucy shake his head and went inside. He did not get ring the doorbell as it was already open. "Hey there Lucy!" Lucy father greet him. "Why did you two call me here?" Lucy ask. "It's time for you..." Lucy father did not get to finish his sentence before he was cut by his wife.
"There he is! Come here Lucy!" Lucy mom said. Lucy could see that there was a young lady accompanying his mom. "Just an assistant maybe..." Lucy said to himself. As his mom and the lady got closer. Lucy eyes began to widen. "Too beautiful?" Lucy father ask. Lucy quickly drag his father and went around the corner. "Who is she!?" Lucy ask. "Your fiancé what else!?" Lucy father reply bluntly. "My... my what!? My fiancé!? How long had we been engaged!?" Lucy ask. "Since you were 5 I think." Lucy father reply bluntly. "How come I never know then!?" Lucy shake his father. "We don't want you to know." Lucy father reply. Lucy and his father then saw Lucy fiancé staring at them. "I'll leave you two to talk it out." Lucy father slip away. Lucy fiancé stare at him. "Lucy..." Lucy fiancé smile at him. "Diana..." Lucy smile back. "I miss you Lucy." Diana said. "Me too." Lucy said. "Do they already know each other already!? How come they are talking casually with each other?" Lucy father ask. "It's call love at first sight you old idiot!" Lucy mother hit his father on the head. "So... care to join me on a date?" Lucy ask while scratching his head. "Should I reject that offer or not?" Diana ask. "You got to definitely accept my offer!" Lucy said. "When then?" Diana ask. "Now of course! Lets go!" Lucy drag Diana out towards his vehicle.
A/N - I know... It's the end apparently. Sorry! I don't know what is a good ending for this. I try to find and come up with a good ending but well... can't come up with a better ending. This is suppose to be a short novel anyway. Sorry for the short and boring if you guys think... Anyway, this is the end. Thank you for reading my put together novel. The End....