
Chapter I: High School

She was standing in front of the main gate, eyes shining in excitement. Emma still couldn't believe it: she passed the Entrance Exam and today, she was about to enroll at the most talked about school in the region, namely, Celestine College.

"Although Celestine College, or CC as it is colloquially referred to, is relatively young compared to other schools," CC's brochure states. "The thirteen-year old school is proud to have a HUNDRED PERCENT BOARD PASSING RATE in the fields of Engineering, Nursing, and Medicine and a passing rate which ranges from NINETY TO NINETY-SIX PERCENT for CC's other colleges, since the time this institution was built. The school, aside from spacious classrooms, also has an up-to-date seven-floor Library (one of the biggest in the country), a constantly-updated Infirmary, state-of-the-art laboratories, standard-length swimming pools, wide parking space, a lot more."

Emma was very relieved and jubilant when she learned that she passed the Entrance Exam, since she thought failure was eminent. Her friends thought otherwise; she had the brains, they'll say. Aside from being smart, she was beautiful. In fact, during her high school days, she was given the unofficial "Heartthrob Queen" title. The official title was actually "Ms. St. Timothy High School." Emma just didn't like joining pageants, ever. But no matter, she doesn't need to join to get noticed; Emma already is a winner with her Audrey Hepburn looks. To add to that, it was common knowledge that she's "clean": she has no vices; she doesn't drink alcoholic drinks (except red or white wine during special occasions), or take in illegal drugs for that matter. Gambling? Emma goes on sporadic bets, like, "For a bottle of soda, I'll bet our teacher would be absent." Those traits, among others, make Emma a charm among the guys. What puzzles her classmates and friends is that she doesn't and didn't have a boyfriend. That's the reason why boys would go head over heels to grab Emma's 'yes.' "I'll be the one," was their battle cry.

One of the few honest guys Emma interacts with trust and confidence is her best friend, George Valdez. He seems unaffected when it comes to Emma. That soberness helped him win her trust. Strangely, George's objectivity included himself. He's oblivious how good-looking he is: average height, black hair almost always done the old-fashioned way, evenly toned body and a face that epitomizes the essence of patience.

If George's and Emma's personalities were object, magnets would be the proper representation. Emma was outgoing, George was almost a recluse. She was the daredevil while he was the safe-sided guy. She was the hot head; he acted as the coolant. These and other contrasting personalities they had. Yet these were what made them stick together like magnets, positive and negative.

Their friendship began during second year. Emma was a transferee then from the abroad. Many notice her presence since the first step she took inside St. Timothy High School. News of a "very attractive girl" spread around like wildfire. A lot of boys, specially the seniors, kept on following her to get her phone number, e-mail address, or home address. These inquiries, much to the guys' disappointment or confusion, were just met with a smile and a polite "pardon." She almost spent the first week in school surrounded by people. That's why during the first weekend, Emma formulated a plan to fend off her "followers." It's simple: enter class early and stay inside the classroom as much as possible; she'll soon figure out what her next step will be.

Meanwhile, George, an old student, was at his usual silent and observant self. By the time Emma executed her plan the following Monday, George was the only person in the classroom. Emma, upon seeing him, settled on a chair about five seats from George. Both were silent for quite some time.

"So," George said, breaking the ice, out of his usual character for some reason. "How do you find our school so far?"

Emma turned to face him. "It's nice," she answered. "It's just the boys."

"Apologies then," George told her.

Emma started to notice George's difference from the other guys. "Why are you apologizing?" She asked, drawing near him.

"Well, those guys were insensitive enough not to say sorry themselves. So, I'm apologizing in their behalf."

"You don't have to, but still, thanks. So, why are you early?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that question? Anyway, I'm always early."

"I see," Emma remarked. "Me? I came early to ward off some of the guys. It's part of my plan."

George sighed. "Unfortunately, some of us go overboard, thinking they're girl magnets. I even heard that bets are collected. The accumulated cash will be given to the one who'll be fortunate enough to be your boyfriend."

Emma said with grin. "Really… So did you join the betting?"

"Nah. I'm not, er, desperate. I believe that girls should be treated with outmost respect."

"Whoa, it looks like I've found my first real friend in this school. You know, we should talk some more."

"Sure," George agreed. "Maybe you could help me develop my social life. By the way, my name is …"

"George Valdez," Emma continued. "I know. I listened to everyone's introduction last week."

"Is that so? In that case-" George held out his right hand "- nice to meet you, Emma Clarkson."

They shook hands, letting go a few seconds before their classmates came in. later that day, a lot of people noticed that the "Lone Ranger", George's school moniker, was with somebody. What surprised them more was that that "somebody" he's with was the school's latest resident heartthrob. Over the following months, George and Emma became closer. Many tried to get between them, to no avail. Thus, people around them thought that the two would be the school's next big couple. But no, it didn't happen; they remained in the "best friends" level. This re-ignited a lot of hopeful dreams and desires. Much to George's and Emma's admirers' disappointment, the two gently said "Not yet" to each of them. Both of them had strong principles on relationships; so instead of romantic connections, they pursued friendships. Aside from each other, George and Emma also gained other friends, especially George, who slowly but steadily got out of his shell.

As comrades, Emma and George went through a lot. They went out for picnics, fishing, sports and the like. They were already introduced to each other's family and friends. They often get themselves in trouble, mostly Emma's fault. Of course, the two always get of them, thanks to George.

There was time when their teacher in History got sick and was substituted by another instructor, Ms. Marie Del Rosario. Emma excused herself to go to the washroom, but didn't return to class. George, being the first one to notice her absence, asked for permission to go out. Knowing Emma's habit, he went straight to the canteen. After making sure no one was coming, he placed a junk food wrapper at the canteen entrance; then he called Emma, who was eating a sandwich. Just as he planned, she slipped with a sharp cry, twisting her right ankle.

"You alright?" George asked, helping her get up while suppressing a chuckle.

"Yeah," Emma replied, grimacing. "The pain would subside soon anyway." She looked at George with studying eyes. "Wait a minute. You placed that wrapper, didn't you?" Emma narrowed her eyes. "The cleaning personnel always make sure that the premises are clean."

George grinned. "Yep," he said. "I'm sorry but I had to do it if you don't want to get punished for cutting classes."

Emma gave him a confused look. "You had to do it? Explain yourself, George Valdez."

"You'll know later." He smiled and added, "Trust me."

Slowly, with Emma's right arm over George's shoulders and her waist wrapped with his left arm, they went back to their classroom. They were just in time when the substitute teacher came out of the room after the bell rang.

"Oh my…" She gasped, ushering them to a corner. "Mr. Valdez, what happened to Emma?"

"Well, she slipped and twisted her ankle," George replied.

Eyebrows meeting, the teacher asked Emma. "When did this happen?"

"Just minutes ago, ma'am," Emma answered. "I went to the canteen to buy a sandwich since recess was next after class, and I didn't want to wait in line for a long time. Then I heard George call me from the outside. I went out and slipped."

Ms. Del Rosario sighed. "Ms. Clarkson, don't you realize that you've just cut class. Mr. Valdez here wouldn't be guilty with the same charge. You, Emma, should be given a suspension according to the handbook." Emma glanced at George, hoping he'd say something.

"But," Ms. Del Rosario went on, with a smile playing on her lips. "It seems you've already suffered enough. This will be an isolated case. Take this as a lesson, okay? " With that, Ms. Del Rosario winked at them and went to the faculty room.

Instead of going to the clinic, Emma urged George to bring her inside the classroom. No one was around by then. Inside, she rested her foot on George's lap.

"Thanks for saving me," Emma said as she continued eating her sandwich.

"No sweat," George replied, while massaging her foot. "I'm sorry for the wrapper."

"It's okay. It serves me right anyway. It's a wonder though that you know what her reaction would be."

"Well, she's a bit… predictable," George finished with a grin.

Both of them excelled in academics and in athletics. They pushed each other to do better, challenging each other and setting up a friendly rivalry. Their classmates and teachers were already certain that these two will lead the batch in the Graduation Rites. It's just a question of who will be the first or second. Even parents wondered.

That was answered when Graduation Day came. Emma marched as the Valedictorian while George followed as the Salutatorian. After the ceremony, George gave Emma a ring. In return, Emma presented him a necklace. Both promised to take care of each other's gifts, which acted as a contract to an agreement.

"So," George asked. "Where will you study after High School?"

"I was thinking of Celestine College," Emma answered. "It has quite a good reputation."

Emma's parents (John Clarkson, a British-American, and wife Gina, a Filipino) were the first ones to suggest that she enroll at CC. Of course, Emma was more than happy to do so. She liked the perks she'd get inside and outside and outside the school.

"Hmm… I thought you'd go for a more experienced school?" George speculated. "Thinking about it, I thought you accepted Harvard's invitation."

Two months ago, Harvard University sent Emma a letter offering her a scholarship grant.

"I really don't care about how old the school is or how well-known it is," Emma countered. "It would matter if I get a failing mark."

"Good point. When will you take CC's Entrance Exam?"

"I'll take it in five days. Wanna come? You still have three days until the final date of form submission."

"I'll ask my folks first."

George's parents, Felipe and Ruth Valdez, approved of Emma's proposal. Five days later, they were taking the Entrance Exam. They prepared hard for this, spending nights studying since they heard that the Exam is a tough nut to crack.

A week passed when checked the school website; Emma grabbed the eighth spot while George landed seventh. They decided to take up Mechanical Engineering.

So today is Emma's scheduled enrollment date; George is to enroll on the third day. It's more likely that they'd be separated for one semester.

"Just think of it as training," George told Emma two days ago. "Frankly, we've been dependent to each other during High School. No offense meant." To this, Emma agreed.

"He's right," Emma told herself. "I better get used to being a little bit more separated from George."

Entering the main gate, she grabbed a copy of the enrollment procedure from a stack on a table near a spot where a guard was standing.

"A. Balderas," Emma read from the guard's nameplate. While walking, she scanned the copy she had.

"Step one," she read to herself. "Go to the Celestine College Gym to get an Enrollment Form. Fill out the necessary -"

Her reading was cut off with an "Ow!" coming from her and an "Oof!" from the person she just bumped into.

"Oh!" The guy exclaimed. "I'm sorry, miss."

"No, I should be the one apologizing," Emma quickly replied with politeness, observing that the guy was older than her. "I wasn't paying attention to what's ahead of me."

"Actually, I wasn't paying attention either. That's why I'm also saying sorry."

Emma's left eyebrow arched, while a corner of her lips smiled. "Interesting. They say chivalry's dead."

"Really?" The guy countered, lips curled in a smirk. "I don't believe so. I, for one, am one of the few guys who try to preserve the gentleman image. Oh yeah, let me introduce myself: Spencer Chua's my name. What's yours?"

"Emma Clarkson."

"Well then, Ms. Clarkson," Spencer said, shaking her hand. "Well met! We'll run to each other again, I'm sure." Then he looked at the piece of paper Emma was holding. "Incoming freshman, right?"

"Yes, I am," Emma replied. "Any advice to make my enrollment quicker?

"Wait a sec," Spencer said, standing in his spot for a while, stroking his chin. He grabbed his phone and called someone. After a while, he bade goodbye and said to Emma.

"I wish I could go with you, but I know you'll refuse the offer," he went on with a wink. "So asked one of my buddies who happened to be a student assistant for help. She'll guide you from start to finish. Just introduce yourself to her as a friend of mine."

A student assistant is a volunteer whose help was utilized during the enrollment process.

"Thanks!" Emma said, walking towards the Gym. "See you soon!"

Spencer's friend was very helpful; Emma breezed through the enrollment stations. Three days later, after Emma got her I.D., she was officially a Celestian.