
Chapter II: The Dare

It was midnight and I was inside Celestine College. How I managed to get inside the school on night's peak, I won't tell. Yet, I can assure you that I had one heck of a time keeping my trap shut while evading the guards. In fact, it took me about an hour, clad in full break-in attire (black long sleeve shirt and pants, complete with black gloves, bonnet, socks, shoes and a bag with some tools in it, in case I'll be needing them) and armed with every plausible strategy I can think and read of, just to reach Thompson Building without being seen or heard. I started to worry about Emma. She told me to meet her at the Swimming Area.

Maybe she has her own methods to get in, I thought, while I pushed through my infiltration.

Before I continue, may I take the pleasure of describing a bit about Celestine College for the benefit of those who aren't familiar with the school?

CC, short for Celestine College, was founded by Dr. Conrad Celeste, a world-renewed physicist, who was made famous by his field studies, Years after the publishing of his researches, he went back home and founded a school, naming it Celestine College. Unfortunately, during the school's third year, Dr. Celeste met a vehicular accident. He was buried at an elevated area in front of the infirmary. The area, as Dr. Celeste once requested his best friend Engr. Wilhelm Corpuz, was marked by a life – size statue of the school's founder, and was known thereafter as Founder's Mound. Engr. Corpuz then acted as temporary President. "Temporary" since he didn't really want to be President, though he wanted to guide the school in behalf of his best friend in its early years. After two years, the school's reputation skyrocketed and its population boomed. By then, Engr. Corpuz sensed that he had to step down from the office. Thus, he formed a committee to address the search for Celestine College's next President and the strengthening of CC's Constitution. He also headed the construction of new buildings. As a result, Dr. Celeste's nephew, Engr. Theodore Santiago, sat as CC's third President at the age of 35. Also, a more solid Constitution was seen and from six buildings, there arose three more: the Library, the Gym and the Swimming Area.

During Engr. Santiago's fifth year in office, Engr. Corpuz passed away at 61, after a heart attack and was buried at his hometown. Months after, Engr. Santiago resigned as President. The Presidential office was filled in by his daughter Hazel, a chemist, up to the present; Dr. Hazel Santiago is doing great in her Presidency, in my opinion anyway.

Unfortunately, there's negative news currently circulating about CC. It's a big minus for the school. Recently, five female students from the school we're killed. The cops claimed that the Slasher, their nickname for the suspect, is either a student of the school or one of the faculty members. During past interviews, the police chief reported that the suspect first forces himself to the victim; then mutilates the unfortunate person to death, thus the nickname. The first four girls were killed in this manner and were found in various parts of the city. The fifth girl was a different case though. The newspaper stated that "the girl, whose name is withheld upon family request, was found dead at the foot of one of CC's buildings. Meanwhile on the top floor were three unconscious males. These three, along with another girl located kneeling beside the victim's body, were declared innocent. The police believe that these people have tried to stop the Slasher but failed to do so. In addition, they weren't able to take a good look at the suspect features, thus rendering the city police department unable to pinpoint who the suspect is." Nevertheless, the school still continued to bloom.

Enough with the historical background, let's focus at CC's lay – out. Celestine College is located somewhere at the city borders. Before I go on, I post a request. Please don't try to conduct a private investigation, peppering questions at students and teachers, inspecting the school grounds and buildings inch by inch or spying most on the school administrators. This would really annoy them, I should say. What I fear most id\s that you, like me, would barge in the school in the dark and wee hours of the day. Going back, the school's area is enough for nine buildings. All of these buildings, with the exception of the Infirmary, the Swimming Area, the Library and the Gym, are named after a historical figure connected with what college dominantly uses the building. There's the Rene Descartes Building. Primary, it's the College of Accountancy and Commerce that utilizes this building, but that's just in the second, third and fourth floors. The first floor houses the office that covers money matters, namely the Accounting Office, the Chief Cashier's Office and the Cashier Windows, while the two uppermost floors are used by the school's administrators. Then there's Samuel Morse Building, occupied by the College of Information and Computing Sciences, College of Human Sciences and the Microtech Office, and J.J. Thompson Building, inhabited by the College of Natural Sciences. Another building in CC is the Florence Nightingale Building, which takes in students from the College of Nursing and the College of Medicine and last but not the least, Galileo Galilei Building, used by the College of Engineering and Architecture. Oh, I forgot to mention that the school has a parking space at Morse's flank. The school has four entry/exit points for the students, faculty and administrators and two one-way lanes for vehicles. You can consider a fifth entry point with the one I used.

As for security, guards are deployed at all entry/exit point and are visible at different spots throughout the school. They're strict when it comes to bags, I.D's and other stuff. Unfortunately, but fortunately for me right now, that's just in the morning. When night falls, things are different. Security level goes down. In contrast to the morning intensity, guards are quite lax. Only a guard roves around a considerably large area, aside from the gate guards.

Using this information, I planned and successfully executed my entrance. I apologize for the long introduction about CC. Just think of it as a tour.

Back to the present situation, I was panting for breath and was sweating heavily. Looking around, I saw a good resting place. I jumped over the Botanical Garden's fence to hide and recuperate. I set myself over the garden's dark areas and leaned at Thompson's wall, trying to recall how I ended up here.

I first saw Emma when I was in front of Founder's Mound while waiting for my group mates. We were to practice for a role play on Romeo and Juliet. One of my group mates, Dominique Reyes, who was to act as Juliet, suggested that we meet here at 8:30. So here I am just too early than the set time. She was there sitting on a wheelchair, her left at me, in front of infirmary, cast in bandage. She was stoic, her eyes staring at something in the distance. I tried to ignore her, thinking that someone's watching over her. After some time, I checked on her again. She was still alone. Sensing a pang of a discomfort, I approached her. When I was halfway, my group mates flocked in.

"You're early," Gabriel Ramirez, our group leader said.

"Yeah, I really don't like being late," I said.

"Ah, that's good. It's good to know that we have at least one early bird.

Gabriel commended, as our Romeo and Madame Capulet came running. "Alright", Gabriel announced.

"We're all here. Let's go to the Gym."

With that, we headed to the Gymnasium. I looked back, she's still there. I swayed my head, and head caught up with my group mates.

I didn't notice I wasn't talking until Dominique nudged me.

"Hey! You aren't yourself today, any problem?" Dominique inquired.

"What?" I said, snapping back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry Nits I was just thinking."

"Of?" she pushed her eyes boring through me. For me with a pretty face her eyes are scary.

"Well, it's just -," I stammered. "- It's just I'm feeling quite uneasy, after seeing that girl in front of the Infirmary."

"What girl? I didn't see anyone except some Nursing students."

"Maybe she went inside already. Anyway, I feel a bit of pity for her."

"Then you better forget your pity. Recall your lines."

"Yes, ma'am."

We did well on the performance date. Our instructor gave use a perfect score, plus a bonus for making her cry at Romeo and Juliet's Suicide scene. Most of the audience were crying themselves, even a number of guys. What can I say? Dominique and Frank Sy, our Romeo was good, really good. During the after-play eat-out, I suddenly remembered the girl I saw the other day. I'll visit her tomorrow, I decide.

The following day, after class, I went to the Infirmary, as I expected same spot, with the same stoic expression. I set myself beside her. She seemed to ignore my appearance.

"Uhmm… miss? Do you have anyone with you?" I asked sheepishly. "It seems nobody's with you."

She looked at me with surprise. We just stared at each other for some time.

"Don't worry. I just asked for some fresh air and a bit of privacy," she finally said. Her voice as melodious, I observed, and she had a charming smile.

"Well then, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. I started to back off. "Do you need help, by the way?"

"Thanks, but no," she said, smiling. Did I mention she had a charming smile?

"Are you sure?" I prodded on/

She sighed. "Alright, I gave up. I need someone to talk to. Would you mind if you stayed a bit while?"

"Sure! No problem," I replied

"Thanks! To be honest, I was getting a bit lonely. I just didn't expect anybody to visit me".

"Why are you alone? A person, pardon me, in your condition shouldn't be left alone."

"Well, my family wasn't able to visit me for quite some time."

"That's life," I said, without thinking. Within a flash of a second, I a saw a corner of her mouth twitch. "I mean," I quickly added. "Maybe they encountered some problems. "There was a paused."

"I suppose so," she shrugged. "Anyway, why are you here? Are you waiting for someone or something?"

"I was, the other day," I answered. "While waiting, I saw you and was about to approach you but then, my group mates came. Today's the next free time I got to go here."

"And why do you want come here?"

"To do what I just did. Offer help in case you needed it."


"Wait." I snapped my finger. "I forgot to ask for your name. I was so carried away with our conversation."

"Hmm…Actually, we've already met," she said, smiling once again.

"Oh really?" I replied. "Pardon me but I can't remember. Can you remind me?"

She just looked at me blankly. Well, I thought, I've just wasted an opportunity to gain (or regain?) a friend. To my surprise, she giggled.

"Well!" She exclaimed. "I thought you'd say 'Ah! I know you!' Don't worry; I understand that a lot happened. I'm sure you'll remember me."

I grinned. "That's a relief! For a second or two, I was really convinced that you'll drive me out."

"Is that so? No offense taken," she assured me. "By the way, my name's Emma."

That's how things started. Before I knew it, I was passing by the Infirmary every time I can. I've always expected her to be there, waiting for me at the garden every visit. Sure enough, she was there, smiling when I arrive. We told stories, traded jokes and debated on issues. It was always a unique experience each visit. When not with her, I felt a bit uncomfortable. This went on for about a month.

I got surprised one afternoon: I saw her standing (yes you've read right, standing) in front of the Botanical Garden. She was wearing her signature white dress.

"Hey! How'd you recover so quickly?" I asked after the usual greetings.

"Well, Dr. Sarmiento said I'll feel no pain anymore," Emma answered. "He's right! Look; no wounds no more bandages" – she did a 360-turn – "and no scars!"

"I'm glad to hear it! Wait, can you walk?"

"Of course I can! How will I reach and stand in this spot by myself if I can't? They'll force me to lie in bed if they saw me limping."

"Okay. That was a dumb question. Let's we walk then, shall we?"

"Sure! I was waiting for you to ask that."

Alright, I'll be honest with this one. She's tall, for a girl, with a five-foot, six-inch body frame. Complimenting her height, which was more or less the same as mine, is her long black hair, running down her slender body. In short: She's simply dead gorgeous. One might not think she had an accident and was cast in bandage.

We walked slowly and silently, until she spoke when we were in front of the Founder's Mound.

"Would you consider yourself a daring person?" She asked.

"Huh? In what sense?" I asked in reply, turning my sight at the Library.

"Let's say, if I dared you to meet me inside CC in the middle of the night, would you bite?"

"Maybe," I returned, still looking at the Library's top floor. "I depend on the situation."

"Then –" her voice was softening "– I dare you to do so. Meet me at the Swimming Area tomorrow midnight. Don't be a chicken, okay?

That took me off-guard. "Whoa! You're not serious are you?" I exclaimed, snapping my gaze at her with mouth open. She grinned, and then broke into a run towards the Infirmary. I chased her, but I lost her when she swerved into a corner.

"Where'd she go?" I whispered to myself. I was about to get inside the Infirmary but decided to go home instead. "If that's want you want, I'll be there."

And that's how I ended up here in this dark corner.