
Chapter III: First Day

"Emma!" Mrs. Clarkson called. "You ought to be awake by now. You don't want to be late for school."

Emma stirred. It's still six-thirty in the morning," she groggily said. More aloud she called back, "I'm coming, Mom!"

Getting out of bed, she thought, Oh yeah, today's the first day of classes. After fixing her bedding and taking a bath, she went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Mr. Clarkson already went to work, but he did wish Emma a wonderful first day last night. Mrs. Clarkson, prepared pancakes for breakfast, simple yet tasty. It was still early for Emma's first class, (Chemistry at eight-thirty) when she finished washing the dishes. Before going out, she brushed her teeth and hugged her mother good-bye.

Emma decided to walk, since it was still quarter to eight. Along the way, she chanced to see Amy Latawan, a classmate in High School.

"Hey, Amy!" Emma cried out, waving her arm. Amy waved back in response, signature smile on her face. She was petite, barely five-feet two. Her hair was a span shorter than Emma's and her wide eyes highlighted an already expressive face.

"Where are you studying now?" Amy asked when Emma reached her.

"Celestine College," Emma replied.

"CC? Me too!" Amy exclaimed. "What course?"

"Chemical Engineering. Wait, are you in Block 4?"

"Why… yes! So we're classmates after all!"

As Amy hugged Emma, Emma noticed a guy watching them.

"Are you with this guy? "Emma whispered, still hugging her friend.

"Yeah," Amy replied, letting go of Emma. "Wait, I'll introduce you."

Amy motioned for the guy to approach. "Sorry," she said to him. "I got too excited."

"It's cool," he replied, eyeing Emma with familiarity.

"So," Amy went on. "Let me introduce you two to each other. Ems this is…"

"Spencer Chua," Emma continued. "I just remembered. We've met before. I didn't introduce myself to him though."

"I see," Amy said "But still, let me make this formal. Spencer, this is Emma Clarkson. She's a good friend of mine since High School."

Spencer held out his hand. "We meet again."

"So it seems," she replied, shaking Spencer's hand. "Are you a friend of Amy's?"

"Yes, I am. She's my new neighbor, too. I just moved in last month."

After they withdrew their hands, Amy said, "Hey Spencer, can you give us a tour around CC? We need to be more acquainted with the school."

"Sure!" Spencer agreed with enthusiasm.

Emma got a better view of Spencer's physique while being toured. He sported shoulder-length hair, letting it go united. By Emma's guess, Spencer had an average body build hidden behind his clothes and was about five feet and eight inches in height. He had an aura of free-spiritedness.

Spencer parted ways with to two gals after the tour. He had to meet some friends, he explained. While Spencer jogged away, Emma turned to Amy.

"You're into him, aren't you? She said.

Amy's eyes grew wide and her faced turned a bit reddish. "What? No, I'm not!"

"Amy," Emma said nonchalantly. "Don't lie. You're bad at it."

"Oh, all right," Amy gave in. "I've got a crush on him. But I'll bet you haven't noticed that he was always glancing at you."

"Whatever. Come on, first class is in fifteen minutes."

The two of them sat at the back-most part of their classroom, G113. Everyone's eyes followed Emma as she walked. Some of the boy's even dropped their jaws.

"Usual first days, huh? "Amy whispered to Emma. "It must be hard being pretty and all that."

Emma sighed. "I don't think I'm pretty."

"Right…Tell that to the boys," Amy retorted, eyebrow arched. "Good you're humble too."

"You're a very attractive girl yourself," Emma said. "Even a girl could tell. I bet someone would try to get your number."

Before Amy could retort, their first instructor entered. The instructor's a she, height a bit shorter than average. Her braided brown hair was placed in front of her. She could be around late twenties.

"Good morning people!" She said with enthusiasm. "Please bring out a quarter of an intermediate pad. Write your name, age, address and High School name. Write legibly please."

After the class obliged and passed their papers, she went on. "Alright stand up if I mention your name. Correct me if I mispronounced it."

The instructor then called out the students one by one. When Emma was called, she stood up.

"So we have a muse in our midst," the instructor commended with a smile. "Hmm…How are you related with Elmer Clarkson?"

"He's my brother, ma'am," Emma replied.

Elmer, Emma's brother, is a fourth year Mechanical Engineering student, Dean's Lister number four.

"I see," the instructor said. "Please greet him for me."

"I will, ma'am," Emma answered, sitting down.

The instructor introduced herself after the last student, Andrea Zenobia, had been called.

"Thank you all for the preface. Now, it's my turn, she said. Writing on the board, she continued. "My name is Engr. Angelique Z. Torres, but you may call me 'Ma'am Ann'! Since it's our first meeting, I will not discuss. Oh yeah, about the rules: rules and regulations will be disseminated tomorrow at the General Freshmen Assembly. So please, be present tomorrow. Questions?" silence. "None. Okay you're dismissed."

Their next class, English was at the adjacent room, G114, the room was still used, so Emma and Amy stood by the door. Just as Emma predicted, some of the boys approached them.

"Uhh…Emma? It's Emma right? We were wondering if we could get your digits. You know, for asking assignments and all that," one said. "Oh yeah, I'm Ralph."

Emma didn't respond at once, until Amy nudged her. "Oh, I'm sorry," Emma said. "I was just thinking. Well. Maybe some other time, Ralph."

"Okay," Ralph said, walking away with the group.

After Ralph and his pals were out of earshot, Emma said with a smirk. "See? I told you they'll come.

"Alright, alright, "Amy replied with a grin. "But they came for YOUR number, not mine."

"Oh they'll get it. Here's the deal. I'll go to the bathroom and stay away for a while. While I'm gone, they'll return and ask for our numbers. If that doesn't happen, I'll treat you for lunch."

"And if it happens?"

"Well… nothing. Lunch is still on me. Agree?"

"Agree. Wait, what'll I say if they ask for mine?" Amy asked. To that, Emma just shrugged.

Sure enough, just after Emma walked a couple of steps, Ralph went to Amy's side and asked for Emma's number. Of course, Amy refused.

"I can't," Amy explained. "If she didn't give it herself, that renders me no right to give her number."

"Well, alright," Ralph said, shoulders down. "How about your number?"

"Maybe some other time."

At that, Ralph walked away the second time just as G114's occupants left. Emma came smiling.

"By the looks of Ralph, I win. Don't fret, I'll treat you," she whispered as they entered the room.

Their English instructor didn't arrive. So did their Algebra teacher. Thus, lunch break came. Amy texted George, telling him to meet them at the canteen. Emma did the same for her brother. George arrived came ten minutes ahead of Elmer, who had two other guys with him. One of them was Spencer. "Whoa! It's a small world, I should say," Spencer exclaimed, as the newcomers sat at the freshmen's table. The younger Clarkson replied in response and gestured them to sit.

"So, you've met my sister already," Elmer remarked, sitting down.

At six-feet, he was an inch taller than Spencer, his buffed-up body obvious behind his fitted shirt. He was equally captivating as Emma and like her sister, Elmer doesn't just attract the opposite sex.

"Oh, I almost forgot about George. Hey George, this is Spencer Chua. Spencer, this is George Valdez, Emma's best friend," Elmer went on.

"Well, that's unfair," Spencer said with mock disdain. "Here we are, boys getting head over heels and here's your sister's best friend: a guy. "Then he turned to George and held out his hand. "Just kidding, man. Nice to meet you George."

"Same here," George respond, shaking Spencer's hand.

"And this is Reginald Vasquez, "Elmer said, introducing the other guy. "Fourth-year Mechanical Engineering, CEA's consistent Dean Lister Number One since first year.

"Wow," Amy exclaimed. "You're one of the smart ones." While Spencer got an "eight out of ten" rating from Amy, Reginald garners a seven. Reginald in contrast to Elmer was quite thin. He wore black-rimmed glassed but can see normally without them for a few minutes. Elmer will tell this to his sister later at home.

Reginald merely nodded in response and shook the freshmen's hands.

"He doesn't talk that much," Spencer said. "Ever observant. That makes him number one."

"Same with George here," Emma piped in. George rolled his eyes.

They ate lunch with much conversation, with the exception of George and Reginald, who occasionally answered questions, with very few words. About thirty minutes later, the older guys left for a Student Government meeting. All three of them were officers. Emma was about to ask George something when Amy's phone sounded off.

"My phone," Amy said, standing. "It's my mom. Excuse me"

After Amy went out, Emma finally asked. "You're a bit too silent today, George."

In return, he gave her a wary look. "I sense malice. I have the funny feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"Funny feeling, huh?" Emma retorted, smile playing in her lips. "I really don't know. They seem to be nice."

"Sometimes, acting nice lets you hide things that you don't want others to know," George coldly shot back.

Just then, Amy came back, signature smile flashed.

"My mom said classes in the afternoon will be cancelled. Teacher's General Meeting," she said.

Amy's mother is Vice President for School Affairs. That's why Amy's one of the first students to know the important and not-so-important school announcements.

"Cool!" Emma exclaimed. "Where'd you want to go?"

George quickly spoke. "Sorry, guys but I can't come. I've got to go to the library for research."

"That's bad. Let's just see each other tomorrow at the Assembly." Emma said as Amy trotted off. Then she started to follow Amy.

"Emma," George called after her.

She looked back. "Yes?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you."