Spending Money

Research fund was an interesting topic. If there was a leftover, not only would no one praise you, they would criticize you.

What do I do?

It would be easy if he was in engineering as he could just buy new equipment and materials.

He could even use it for the next project. A factory produced a piece of new equipment? No problem, he could buy it and throw it in the warehouse.

It was good to spend research grants as it was a way of showing a person's ability to maximize resource gains.

However, it was a bit difficult for quantitative subjects.

Especially mathematics where the biggest expense was probably traveling expenses. He accidentally applied for too much money, and now it was a pain in the ass to spend it.

Lu Zhou did not think too much at that time. The government granted the 1.6 million yuan, so he agreed. He had not expected to complete this project within a year.