2.8 Million Yuan Computer

Lu Zhou would not dare to buy a 2 million yuan computer online.

First of all, it was not insured. Second, he had to find a professional to assemble it. He had to speak with someone in person.

Thankfully, Professor Li Rongen gave him a phone number. Professor Li said that many professors in the school used this computer store.

The next day, Lu Zhou rode Shi Shang's bicycle and found the computer store.

When the computer store owner saw Lu Zhou's computer configuration list, he asked, "Who wrote this configuration for you?"

The owner's name was Li Jun. He was tall, skinny, and looked around 30 years old. One could tell from his glasses that he used to code.

Lu Zhou replied, "A friend."

Li Jun pushed his glasses and placed the list on the table, "CPU and GPU aren't good for mining anymore. If you want a mining machine, I suggest you get some mining cards."

Lu Zhou: ? ? ?

What are you talking about?