Overseas Patent Authorization

Since Grynberg often dealt with people from R&D, he was skilled in doing this type of business talks.

The more one bragged the more one would be hated.

Therefore, when he introduced himself, he kept it short. He said he was the CEO of Umicore, and he went straight to the point.

"I'm just going to ask. Do you have plans to sell the patents?"


Grynberg, who planned out his question, nearly choked on Lu Zhou's answer.

He coughed to cover his embarrassment before he said, "Are you not going to ask for a price? What if we can give you a satisfactory offer?"

"It doesn't make any sense to talk about this," said Lu Zhou as he gently put down the fork and knife. He then said with a relaxed tone, "How high can you offer? $10 billion? $20 billion? The lithium negative electrode industry had only just begun, no one knows how big the market can get. Even if I wanted to sell the modified PDMS film patent, I wouldn't do it right now."