Actually This Is Only My Hobby

Before the report began, Lu Zhou ran many scenarios in his head, but he had not expected this to happen.

While he was leaving the venue, the crowd applauded him again.

Even though most big names liked to catfight at the MRS Conference, they fought on the premise that they understood the report. If one did not understand the report, one did not have a right to speak. This was the same at mathematics conferences.

Although Lu Zhou's report was on lithium batteries, the computational materials science field was still very new. As such, many veteran researchers did not study computational materials science at all.

Thankfully, the computational chemistry field still had people like D.E Shaw. However, Lu Zhou did not realize that his report and thesis had just set a benchmark for the computational materials science field.

Even though many people were confused about his mathematical model, no one had the confidence to stand up.