Open Secret

Jinling Institute for Advanced Study.

Chen Yunhai stood in front of the dean's office and took a deep breath. He straightened his collar and gently knocked on the door.

After hearing "come in", he pushed open the door and walked in.

"Sir, did you ask for me?"

"Yeah, I did." Lu Zhou smiled at Chen Yunhai and stood up. He gestured toward the sofa and said, "Don't be so polite, come, sit down."

Chen Yunhai sat on the sofa and thanked the assistant who just poured him a cup of tea. He began to look at the stack of draft papers sitting on the coffee table.

He saw some complex calculations and symbols drawn on the draft papers, and beside the draft papers were proof processes.

Chen Yunhai had no idea what he was looking at. Lu Zhou walked over with a cup of coffee and sat down across from him.