Ion Thruster Propulsion System?

Normally, the United States was the one that criticized other countries.

The president didn't expect to be attacked by Chinese media like this.

[Mars encounters rare global sandstorm, "New Virginia" colonists are in danger!]

In this report, Everyone Daily quoted researchers from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, who said the sandstorm could last for months.

The most significant impact was that the sunlight reaching Mars would be decreased by 70 or even 80 percent. This caused power generation problems.

The Mars colonists wouldn't have enough energy to sustain their daily activities.

This meant that the life support system wouldn't have any solar power!

If this problem remained, they would only be able to survive for another two months before the oxygen and methane tanks were depleted…

As soon as the news broke out, there was an uproar in North America.

New Virginia is being buried in a sandstorm?