Chapter. 57 Tempering

After Tianlong's return to Dunhuang two months had passed and with it, Tianlong took his army out for practice to build their bond of teamwork while also building up the new 4thousand recruits which were given to him.

Somewhere around Dunhuang…

A young man and woman could be seen walking side by side as 3 guards followed behind them slowly.

Brother Long! Since your birthday is coming up can I get you something right now.

The young man and woman were naturally Tianlong and Nanyang Meiyang who had come quite close over the past two months he was back.

Tianlong who knew Meiyang's personality already knew she was planning something and spoke, if you wish to so be it Mei'er I'm thankful I shall repay this on your birthday?

After their talk, Tianlong and Meiyang ended up in front of an armorer shop which had 3 armors which Tianlong couldn't help but look at.

System: [ Host has found a natural treasure of this world if host wishes he can see such items.]

Tianlong: I can view weapons and armor? Like an appraiser from a game?

System: [indeed all host must do is say appraise]

Tianlong turned to the Blackish-green Armor bearing a Horsehead with Horns as an insignia with a white cape and said appraise.

[Ancient Horse General Armor sealed]

Quality: A+

Effect 1: [Horse God's Blessing. From, ancient times the tribes of Xiliang worshipped the horse god every time they rode for battle on their Xiliang cavalry and gathered their prayers to bless this armor.

4 body and 3 strength from wearing this armor.]

Effect 2: sealed

As Tianlong saw what the armor was, he smiled as he saw a treasure within this shop.

Tianlong: Mei'er can I get this armor as my gift?

Meiyang nodded before she bought the Armor set, after Tianlong and Meiyang wondered for another hour before they said goodbye.

Tianlong after separating from Meiyang appeared at the Black Horse training grounds Fu Chen and the others had soon arrived after the two months and rejoined the Army where Fu Chen became a low first-class general and official became deputy for of the Black Horse Army.

Lu Lingqi had also reached the peak of breaking through and becoming a first-class general too and had reached the 3thousand man captain position over the last two months.

Tianlong: System from the last two months have you gathered what I need to do for my body tempering?

System: [host as you have a manual for Body tempering, I can only give advice after seeing host use it, so I hope host succeeds in the first part.]

Tianlong had a blank face after what the system said but shook it off before riding to the woods.

As a kid, Tianlong had a secret spot in the forest where he and Lingqi came to play but always got in trouble by Diao Chan.

Tianlong: There's the pond! Nobody should disturb me out here.

After sitting cross-legged Tianlong took out his Undying Snake Immortal Body tempering manual and started to read it.

An hour later.

Tianlong: Ah! So that's it! I must gather my qi and use that along with my strength and circle through my entire body, System!

System: [host?]

Tianlong when I start practicing, I want you to observe how it circulates as I practice and work from there.

Soon Tianlong who was in a meditative position started to sweat as within his body the strength of a first-class general with his qi circulated and started moving to his first meridian but as it was about to enter it disappeared.

Tianlong: Hmm? it disappears if it's to light it seems I need to build its momentum first!

On the second try, Tianlong controlled his qi and slowly started to form a circle with the energy as it circulated before suddenly like a snake it rushed upwards towards his meridian and a puchi sound was heard as black smoke came out Tianlong's nose.

Tianlong who saw what happened opened his eyes and had a smile before laughing, Hahaha! The only useful thing I learned from reading! In his past life besides playing Pokémon and visiting ancient battle sites Tianlong also read Xuanhuan and martial arts novels and so on and learned about cultivation and the bodies meridians.

Tianlong: If I can clear a few more gathering qi should be easier! after Tianlong understood how to clear his meridians, he aimed for more than one on his first try…

Soon five hours passed, and the sun was on the rise as a figure standing behind a tree saw Tianlong Sitting Cross-legged and had Black stuff on him.

Lu Bu: To think he could clear 4 meridians by himself and he just started! It seems my son is a genius indeed!

After Lu Bu saw that he headed home as his son's strength had jumped from a tiger cub to a young tiger with his four meridians cleared.

Tianlong who had unblocked four meridians felt the effects as his blood rushed like a fierce tide every time he breathed and his Dantian felt hot and full.

Tianlong sniffed the air and smelled terrible and took his clothes off before jumping in the pond which brought a coolness to Tianlong.

Tianlong: System! What's happened to me?

System: [ host has successfully taken the first step in body tempering and have unblocked four meridians resulting in your body getting stronger and your qi more lifelike]

Tianlong: menu!

[Name: Lu Tianlong]

[exp: 865/1000]

[Title Black Horse General]


A betrothal of young

Details: As host is soon to be 14 the Lord and Lordess have started to look for a suitable betrothal for you! The Nanyang family holds vast influence in the spice and silk trade and has a private army of 10thousand and have a deep martial arts legacy. The young daughter of the Nanyang is almost of age and system has issued a mission for host.

[Age: 13]

[Occupation: Peak mid-First-class general]

[Lord: Lu Bu]

[Meridians: 4/12]

[qi: 400]

[Strength: 32]

[Health: 450]

[Agility: 27]

[ Body Structure: 34]

[Intelligence: 29]

[Luck: 8]

[War Art: Sun Tzu Locked]

[ Martial Arts: The Eight Extremities Fist – Bajiquan, leapt through the gate, Boa Snakes Nine Savage Strikes, leapt through the gate]

[Equipment: High-quality black iron armor damaged, fine black Iron gauntlets damaged, fine iron Leg guards damaged, hard leather boots damaged, Nine-tooth Iron Rake and Arabian warhorse]

[Reputation/Prestige/merit: 340]

Tianlong: what!? Just from unlocking my meridians I'm almost a peak first-class general.

System: [Host has long reached the peak of first-class, but a bottleneck troubles you which host must break.]

Tianlong pulled his spear out and started practicing Boa Snakes Nine Savage Strikes, as he struck out a sliver of qi colored purple wrapped around the spear like a snake as it struck out.

Tianlong: Hmm? Is this why father's weapon didn't break? Let me see something…

Tianlong suddenly had an aura of destruction as he struck Rushing Boa jumping the rainbow a snake hap appeared as the weapon met the tree and boom!

Wood dust filled the area as the tree had a giant hole in the middle as a spear struck through it.

Tianlong who watched as his spear had a purple glow around it before it disappeared, Hahaha system does this mean I'm a cultivator like the ones in the novels?!

System: [indeed host as your Dantian has a flow through the four meridians it's unlocked your qi]

Tianlong soon made his way home after his breakthrough to four meridians.

By the time Tianlong arrived at Dunhuang, the sun had already risen and with it the people of Dunhuang awoke for work or their day.

Tianlong walked past many citizens and could see speckles of white lights around them which made Tianlong ponder on his qi.

Soon Tianlong arrived before the city lord mansion where he was greeted by the guards.

Guards: we greet young lord back!

Tianlong nodded before making his way inside and to the kitchen,

Prepare the young madam's breakfast! And send Madam and Lord their tea and wine.

Tianlong walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the manager Soi Fong who had a bright yellow aura around him but was condensed around him tightly instead of scattered.

Tianlong's face changed when he saw that which Soi Fong saw and asked out, Is something wrong young master?

Tianlong thought before saying, Uncle Fong from the people I've come across your aura is the only one that has been condensed so tightly how did you achieve that?

When Soi Fong heard that he was shocked and spoke, Wait! Has young master unblocked your meridians?

Tianlong nodded and Soi Fong had a shocked face but quickly composed himself and spoke.

Soi Fong: Well young master the reason why my qi is condensed around me is that when you first unlock your qi it's weak and can't visualize into the world but when you learn and cultivate your qi or unblock your meridians your or as you comprehend how qi works.

Tianlong: So, if I train my Qi every day and control could I form it around me?

Soi Fong nodded at Tianlong's words and spoke, indeed young master so long as young master trains his qi you will control it in no time with your speed,

Tianlong: Thank you, Uncle Fong, for this lesson have some maids bring some chicken, rice, and meat with tea I've yet to eat.

Soi Fong nodded and with that Tianlong went to the study and saw the light on he knocked.



Lu Bu who was sitting heard the knock and spoke, Who is it?

Tianlong: It's me, father, I've come to look for some books.

Lu Bu: Ah! Long'er! Come, come, I was just about to send for you!

Tianlong entered and saw his father at the table signing papers, Father what do you wish to speak about?

Lu Bu beckoned Tianlong to sit before speaking, Son I know of your four meridians which have unlocked I'm happy and wish to speak of somethings but it's also to tell you something me and your mother arranged.

Tianlong who had a good guess what his father was going to say spoke, what is it, father?

Lu Bu: It's about the little miss of the Nanyang clan little Meiyang and you shall be betrothed on both of yours 14th birthday.

Tianlong: Who can it be on our 14th birthday? Were we born on the same day?

Lu Bu: Indeed, Long'er you were born 5 hours earlier than her.

Tianlong: Alright father I have no problem I like Meiyang as well.

Lu Bu nodded before he stood up and walked to a door.

Lu Bu: Come Long'er! Let me see your skills while we play, I shall discuss matters of war as well!

Tianlong who expected a talk like this replied quickly. Who, is it father? The Huang's?

Lu Bu: Yes, we shall expand out and build a foundation in the north patiently!

Soon the two arrived before a round table and had figurines of horse's infantry and archers.

Lu Bu: We shall try to destroy each other's army within 15 days before reinforcements arrive!

Tianlong knew his father wanted to see his level of strategy. After awhile Lu Bu had split his army into two marching south and east.

Tianlong had set his armies to that they were away from each other but what Lu Bu didn't know was a massive trap had been set one he sent his troops out.

Lu Bu: Hmm? Why not place the two armies together for support?

Tianlong: That is good but if one falls the other collapses as well but if they are apart they can't tell who's wining and who might lose but also to separate the giant army to two is what I want.

Lu Bu: Let me see what you have planned!

Soon the figurine armies met but Tianlong reached over and moved 10 cavalry figurines to the east battle, after this move Lu Bu had to retreat his southern army back north where he would be ambushed by 5thousand infantry and 7thousand archers.

Lu Bu who had not seen such a trap was baffled and by the time he looked both armies were destroyed.

Lu Bu: Son what you just did… such decisiveness to make such a trap with just one simple placement son tell me have you read any arts of war books?

Tianlong shook his head and spoke, no father all this is from my battle in the north but also what I need from the rebellion.

Lu Bu was shocked that his son had such tactics and laughed, Hahaha This Lu Bu's son shall shock the world one day!

Tianlong smiled at his father's remark before speaking, father the reason I came was for some art of war books.

Lu Bu nodded his head before drinking his wine.

Tianlong left after getting four books and bidding his father goodbye.