Chapter.58 Birthday and the Necklace

Morning had risen over Dunhuang and with it marked a special occasion for the Lu family as it was Tianlong's birthday.

Tianlong who woke up was in a rush for today was Meiyang's birthday as well and he needed a gift, Tianlong walked to the garden and found his mother sitting by the pond feeding the fish.

Tianlong: Good morning mother.

Diao Chan turned to see her son and got up before giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek, Happy birthday Long'er.

Tianlong: Thank you mother but I want your help with something, you see Mei'er bought me a gift the day before for my birthday and I don't know what to get her.

Diao Chan: Oh! my son is growing up come let's go.

After that Tianlong and Diao Chan visited a few merchants, shops, and traders before they came across a merchant with many jewels.

Tianlong with his appraising ability saw a jade and silver neckless and saw it was an item,

[ Jade Goddesses Necklace of Beauty and vitality]

Tianlong stopped and looked at the necklace and spoke, how much for this necklace?

When the merchant saw people visiting his stall he jumped up before seeing that it was the Madam Lu and the Young lord.

Diao Chan saw the necklace and exclaimed, such a beautiful necklace little Mei'er will love it!

Hearing his mother's praise Tianlong asked for the price again.

Merchant: Oh, the price young lord! Its 400 silver.

Tianlong nodded at the price and handed four large silver coins and headed off with Diao Chan.

On the way back Tianlong bid his mother goodbye before he headed off to the martial district, Tianlong had come to the martial district to find a body tempering herbs and a martial manual.

Some time passed and Tianlong found a martial manual called [Snake Lord's Yinyang Circulation]

Tianlong: System! Look at this manual and the undying snake manual are they connected?

System: [Beep… Beep Host has found another manual to the Nine colored Snake emperor's legacy and inheritance I wish host luck in finding the rest of the inheritance scattered through china.

Tianlong: Snake Emperor? Is it like the Army token I got system?

System: [Indeed host but you received the full inheritance while the snake emperors is scattered throughout china.]

Tianlong after buying the manual and herbs he returned to the forest as It was still late morning and his banquet was at sun fall.

Tianlong: Alright! Now that I have a stable Dantian I can temper my body now.

Tianlong took out his herbs he bought before gathering wood and setting a fire and put a basin with water on top and let the herbs boil.System: [Host shall endure a 3hour process which shall temper you muscles and tendons while expanding your blood vessels ]

Tianlong took off his clothes before he moves the basin on the ground and extinguished the flames before getting in the basin with herbs filled with qi and spirit.

Soon the water turned a silver-green and Tianlong sat cross-legged and started tempering his body.

An hour passed and the liquid lost some of its luster and was replaced by impurities floating.

Tianlong had completed five circulations of tempering and cleared some of his impurities in his body.

Tianlong: System! How much have I progressed?

System: [ Host has reached the sub-completion level of the undying snake manual after the last hours host shall achieve minor completion!]

Tianlong: ha! I shall achieve the second rank before 20! What an achievement! Now I just need to absorb the rest.

Finally, after two hours Tianlong emerged and with it his bronze-colored skin gained a certain gloss and glow while his eyes were full of spirit which made his red eyes sparkle.

Tianlong: I must hurry back and get ready for the banquet!

After Tianlong donned his clothing he rod back to the mansion where he was greeted by his mother.

Diao Chan: Long'er! You've been gone for some time we thought you wouldn't make it!

Tianlong sighed at his mother's dramatic act and spoke; Mother I was busy with something but I'm here, now right? Let me put my dress clothes on and we can leave.

Diao Chan nodded before walking back into the house. Tianlong followed after and was met with his father's gaze which turned to shock which was noticed by Diao Chan.

Diao Chan: what's wrong Bu why are you surprised?

Lu Bu looked sternly at Tianlong and spoke you already did tempering? Such speed!

Tianlong was not surprised his father could tell as he was a hyper-class general for some time now. Indeed, father three hours ago allowed me to reach my techniques minor stage.

Lu Bu: Where did you acquire a tempering manual even, we have every few.

Tianlong: One of the generals I killed had an inheritance he found called the snake emperors legacy had its tempering manual.

Lu Bu: ah so that is it, but you speak as if there's multiple manuals?

Tianlong: indeed, father I stumbled upon its circulation manual in the martial district from a shop.

Lu Bu: The heavens look over my son! Hahaha he is surely a son of earth and heaven!

Tianlong smirked at his father's words and spoke if the son is so shall the father.

After that Tianlong had gotten dressed and with that, they all left to the city hall.

Tianlong who entered the hall after his mother was looked at by everyone and caused many of the young woman to` blush and paid no mind to it.

Tianlong had seen Nanyang Zhu and the Nanyang family and walked over to them and spoke, Uncle Zhu! I am glad to see you hear, Mei'er happy birthday! It seems we have the same day.

Nanyang Meiyang: Happy birthday too brother Long!

Tianlong reached into his robe and pulled a box out and spoke, Mei'er as thanks for my gift I hope you like my gift.

Nanyang Meiyang smiled and opened the box which had a jade and silver necklace with a gem in the middle.

Meiyang: thank you brother Long! It's beautiful can you help me put it on.

Tianlong nodded and had Meiyang turn around before he put the necklace on.

Nanyang Shi and Diao Chan had gathered not seeing each other and hugged before they saw Tianlong take out a box.

Diao Chan: My boy has good taste in gifts!

After Nanyang Shi saw the beautiful jade and silver necklace with a sapphire and exclaimed, I wish Zhu'er treated me like that!

Diao Chan laughed at Nanyang Shi's exaggeration while Nanyang Zhu sneezed.

Nanyang Zhu who was drinking wine with Lu Bu and some other nobles and generals sneezed and muttered, who is speaking bad about me?

Soon a few hours had passed, and night was sweeping over Dunhuang and with it a silver light poured down from the moon illuminating the darkness.

Tianlong and Meiyang had took a stroll through the garden as the banquet ended and with it the moonlight illuminated the pond with all its flowers and fish.

Tianlong had saw Meiyang's intentions when she asked if he would take a stroll with her and agreed.

The two stopped before the pond and Meiyang was standing behind Tianlong before she hugged his back.

Tianlong felt two soft mounds on his back and knew it was Meiyang, Mei'er we are both 14 and with it we are old enough to be betrothed do you take this young lord as your betrothal?

As Tianlong spoke, he turned around and as face to face with Meiyang who's face of jade flushed pink.

Meiyang looked at Tianlong and spoke, Of course I do brother Long! You're the only man I like those other young nobles can't compare to you.

Tianlong who heard her answer smirked and leaned down before he closed Meiyang's lips with his own while his hands wrapped around her back.

The kiss between them had lasted for an eternity before Meiyang stepped back breathing in air from kissing.

Meiyang: huff, huff, huff,

Tianlong who had a peak first-class body wasn't affected by the lack of air as much and spoke with an overbearing air.

Tianlong: Mei'er for till we grow old together you shall be this young lord's woman I want to see who dares take you away from me!

Meiyang: mm! Long'er my love shall last forever with you!

After Tianlong and Meiyang kissed the parted ways as it was time for both of them, to return home.

Tianlong who was riding through the night to the gate saw a tavern open and from the sound of singing, yelling and laughing could be heard.

Tianlong stopped his horse before tying it up and went into the tavern.

As soon as Tianlong entered the atmosphere changed which Tianlong ignored and continued walking to the counter.

Tianlong: owner! Let me get five gourds of your best wine!

When the owner who was drinking his tea peacefully was surprised and saw a young man donning a black embroiled pattern robe with red eyes that glowed brightly.

Owner Hu: 200 silver for 5 gourds but if you want great wine 800!

Tianlong took eight silver coins from a giant pouch which was seen by some rouges and bandits in the tavern.

Bandit 1: hehe! Bro Jun! you see that pouch on him?!

Bandit Jun: of course, idiots! What are we waiting for! As he said that 9 men rose from their seats and walked over to Tianlong.

The owner who saw that put the gourds on the table before Tianlong.

Bandit Jun: hey little brother! If you need help holding your money, we brothers could hold it for you!

Tianlong turned around and saw nine men surrounding him and saw their auras of somewhat condensed qi but barely like Soi Fong.

Tianlong: oh? There're some talented people who take to robbing so sad sigh!

When the bandits heard that they yelled out, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BRAT SAD FOR TAKING TO ROBBING?! HA!

Tianlong: how about this if I beat all nine of you all shall work for me and if I lose you get this pouch and a gourd!

Bandit Jun who heard the Scholar in front of him actually talk back and even make a bet he put his guard up as no scholar had the courage to resist bandits.

Bandit Jun: alright you asked for it you brat! Attack him boys!

After that, the nine all punched out to Tianlong who grabbed the broom and struck out.


One of the men's shoulder was dislocated with Tianlong hitting him but he didn't stop there and attacked the others.

Bandit: boss! He's too strong!

Aaah! Bandit Jun saw his men falling to the ground and took out his saber and yelled, I'm going to end you!

Tianlong who saw Jun��s killing intent and courage and said good! Good! We shall end this now!

The people-watching saw the broom turn purple before a snake flew at Jun knocking him out!

The owner who saw that shouted out, y.y. your meridians are open! You're a cultivator like the generals!

Tianlong: what do you mean like general! Only generals who reach the peak of first-class are qualified to start tempering their body!

The owner who heard his reply thought of something and spoke You're the Black horse general aren't you! The young lord!

As he said that the owner gave a bow which Tianlong nodded to.

Person 1: What that scholar is the black horse general?!

Person 2: But it makes sense he's Lord Lu Bu's son!

Person 3: I agree! He fought a 30thousand strong army, of course, he's Lord Lu's son! He's a young tiger!

Jun who struggled to get up heard the conversation and heard that the young man was the young lord and the Black horse general.

Jun: we have lost young lord we are at your service!

Tianlong: Good you have made a great choice! So long as you follow me you lot shall become great warriors as your qi is well trained!

When the bandits heard Tianlong, they were shocked he could see their qi while they couldn't see his.

After all, ten of them left the tavern and arrived at Tianlong's secret spot.

Tianlong: alright each one of you introduce yourself.

When they heard that they paused for a moment before Jun spoke, my lord I am Shi Jun and my brothers are Hou Fengxian, Zhao Fu, Kong Feng, Guan Hai, Sima Zang, Ai Feng, Hanan Zhou, and Sima Ying! Young lord, we nine brothers were sect cultivators whose sect was destroyed by a neighboring sect

Tianlong: ah! So that's why it seems you had some foundations that's good all 9 of you can become captains of my army and control 500 brothers who you are free to teach anything that you feel comfortable sharing as their commander.

When the nine heard that their eyes shined as their sect although it wasn't a tier 4 sect its background was equivalent to a tier 5 sect as their founder was a War God of the ancient era.

All nine of the replied we are willing young lord!

After that, the nine had been taken to the black horse armies resting quarter and Tianlong went home and fell asleep.