I Want That Lips

'Is this a dream?' Arya thought as she pinched her cheek. "Ouch," she gasped as she confirmed that it was not a dream.

She was staring at Ryu, who was already sleeping soundly on her bed.

A while ago, she was taken aback by the sudden hug. Then, Ryu kissed her on the forehead as he whispered, "Good night. My eyes are so heavy."

Then, the rest was history. He walked towards her bed like the room was his as he loosened his necktie. She almost ran towards him because of his drunk walking.

He pounced on her bed as if it was his. Arya couldn't help but grin on his awkward position at that moment. He was lying on the bed while his left foot hanged on the side of the bed. He looked so handsomely wasted.

She bent forward to take off his shoes and socks. Then, she sat beside the bed to take off his loosened tie. She rose up and stared at the whole bed. She was contemplating if she should just sleep on the sofa or lie beside him.

She was not comfortable sleeping on the sofa, so in the end, she chose to sleep beside him.

She positioned herself sideways. She felt how Ryu moved so she quickly closed her eyes. She stiffened when she felt Ryu's arm hug her waist, as he buried his face into her hair.

She could feel his heavy breathing on her hair. She didn't know why but she felt a sudden chill on her body, as her skin hairs stood straight.

'What is this?' She asked inwardly as she frowned. Ryu moved closer to hug her more tightly, as his arm moved upward, his hand suddenly landed on her left breast and it stopped there.

Arya creased her forehead and turned around to face him. "Are you awake?" She said abruptly. Ryu's eyes were still closed and he did not speak either but just moved closer that their noses now touched.

Then, he opened his sluggish eyes and smiled at her: a smile that caused her to stop breathing because he looked so lovely at that moment.

"I am still dizzy, but you keep on moving," he murmured, as his gaze went to her slightly opened lips.

"I want that lips," he commented as he quickly sealed it with his own lips.

Arya could taste the alcohol he drank.

She felt his palm on her cheek as he continued kissing her like he was savoring her lips both upper and lower simultaneously, then he suddenly stopped with his lips still glued on hers.

Arya, who already closed her eyes, quickly opened them just to see Ryu's eyes closed once more as his breathing became heavy.

'What is this? Did he just black out on me?' She thought to herself as she laughed quietly at the weird experience she just got.

She was previously worried about a scene like this, but she was probably worrying over nothing at all: Ryu was quite safe on his drunken state.

She felt warm as she looked at him closely, he was peacefully sleeping. Then, she sighed deeply. She had noticed that Ryu really seemed not used on asking for permission, true to what he had mentioned before. He did not even bother to ask if he could get inside or sleep in her room or even kiss and hug her. He would just say it and then do it.

It was kind of different when she was with Jim because the latter would always ask her: like can I hug you and etc.

So, she suddenly got curious if Jim's actions were the same what Ryu did, doing things without asking, would she have still reacted the same way as now? With Ryu, she was feeling somewhat secure. And she was clear on one thing, and that was: she liked him a lot.

She moved closer to his embrace and closed her eyes. She liked his scent so she buried her face on his chest. Minutes passed and she dozed off too.


The next morning, Arya woke up with the familiar scent beside.

Ryu was hugging her from behind. She smiled and gently took off his arm from her waist and got out of bed.

She took a quick bath and fixed herself in the restroom. She looked at the mirror and sighed.

She still had so many days left to carry the heavy load on her chest. How she just wished that things would move on quickly so she could escape that burdening task soon.

She called on the room service, to request for a hangover soup and medicine.

They were free today, no rehearsal for her and no business meetings or dealings for Ryu too, so she was pondering upon the best place to spend the whole day together.

She saw Ryu move and gently rose up to a sitting position as he held his head.

Arya quickly sat beside him, to help him with the soup.

"Here, eat this to sober up and it's good for the headache," she said as she blew the soup on the spoon to make sure it's not that hot and fed it to Ryu.

He smiled sweetly and spoke, "Please take care of me from now on like this, okay?"

Arya blushed with that simple teasing and Ryu chuckled. Then he added, "And I want to bring you home as soon as we return back to our country."

"Stop with your teasing and finish this on your own," Arya said.

Ryu pouted his lips and said, "I feel so weak that I can't even eat on my own. Don't you pity me?'

"Why get binged if you can't even handle it?" Arya scolded him. Ryu just laughed and said, "Why does it sound familiar?"

This time Arya laughed because she actually copied Ryu's voice and words that she had heard from him before she lost consciousness because of drunkenness.


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