His Goal

Ryu got tickets to watch Sumo wrestling. Arya was so excited as it was her first time to see it live and lucky for it was the Grand Sumo Tournament. She definitely couldn't miss out the chance to watch it.

The tournament was in Nagoya and since they were staying in Tokyo, Ryu arranged for a private plane. But Arya insisted on going by train; she wanted to experience Japan's bullet train.

They entered the Gran Class and they were assisted by an attendant. Arya's forehead creased when she saw that other seats were still vacant. Ryu dismissed the attendant, so they were left alone, with many empty seats.

"There's no more passengers?" She asked as she looked at her wristwatch because the train was about to leave in a minute.

Ryu chuckled and simply said, "I have booked all the seats, so we can have our privacy. I hate noise when traveling, especially hearing other's chatting."

Arya pouted her lips and commented, "Hmp, you are spoiling the fun."

Ryu just laughed and said, "Don't you want to just hear my voice and see only my face for the entire one and a half hours? Others will just distract us, besides, I have planned to kiss you the entire time and I don't want others to watch that."

Arya flushed. 'It doesn't sound like a joke...' She thought inwardly.

She turned her head to her left to see if he was grinning and he wasn't, but rather he unexpectedly kissed her.

It was just a quick peck and then he said, "I missed this since I was quite drunk last night."

'No you didn't, because you kissed me last night too, but you suddenly passed out.' Arya wanted to voice out. She saw Ryu pull up the armrest that was separating their seats and he moved closer to her.

"Come here." He instructed.

He was gesturing her to sit on his lap. Arya shook her head and pursed her lips. Ryu narrowed his eyes as he chuckled and lifted her up onto his lap like he was cuddling a baby to feed.

"What are you doing?" Arya asked frowning.

"I have already told you. This is kissing." Ryu answered, as his hand guided her arms to encircle his neck.

Arya laughed and said, "You are a pervert!"

Ryu pouted his lips and defended himself, "I am not a pervert but just a crazy one I guess, crazily craving for you."

Without letting her utter another word, Ryu started kissing her. It was a deep kiss, while his tongue slipped inside her mouth probing and claiming.

Arya let herself go and answered his kiss with the same passion, while her hands caressed the back of his head and hair. It was a very passionate kiss, each one of them was craving for more.

Ryu's hand started roaming around her body, caressing her knee up to her thigh. She was wearing a skirt, so it gave Ryu open access to feel the smoothness of her skin.

They were both gasping when Ryu released her. Arya thought that he was already done, but he started kissing her neck next, sucking and licking.

"That tickles," she said laughing.

Ryu did not stop and just continued with his nibbling. Arya could feel that tingling sensation from her body.

Without her knowing, she moaned as Ryu's hand went inside her skirt and began to caress her between her thighs. The only thing that separated Ryu's hand from her sensitive area downwards was her panty.

"Ryu, what are you doing?" She asked with her hoarse voice while slightly stammering.

He did not answer her and was just persistent with what he was doing, as his lips were still sucking her neck.

He then stopped touching her between her thighs, as his hand moved upward under her blouse. He unhooked her bra and started caressing her breasts.

Arya's eyes were clouding with the unexplainable sensation she was feeling. She never knew that something like this existed inside of her.

'"Don't worry, I will not go further, I just wanted to see and touch your breast since the day you stripteased in my room." Ryu whispered into her ear, as he began to unbutton her blouse.

"Stop that! We are inside a train. Someone might come in." Arya murmured.

"No one will enter unless we push the button to call for an attendant," Ryu answered.

"What? Did you plan this from the start?" She asked with a confused tone.

Ryu just laughed and kissed her lips once more. This time Arya was already half naked before him, with her stiffened nipples that couldn't hide how her body was reacting to Ryu's touch.

She was grasping Ryu's hair when the latter bent down to tease her crowns. He was playing with both simultaneously, one with his tongue while the other with his hand.

'Oh crap! Am I the one becoming a pervert now?' Arya asked herself.

She was enjoying everything Ryu was doing right then. She tried to suppress her little moans, but it was hard, especially when Ryu began to suck her mountains.

Ryu, on the other hand, was almost going crazy at that moment. He initially wanted to just kiss and cuddle Arya, but the urge to go further was strong and almost killing him.

In the end, he managed to stop and control himself.

He wanted her, but it was too early, and he didn't want Arya to misunderstand him. He was serious with her.

Yes, he wanted her body, it was a given, but he wanted more. Her heart was his final goal.

He wanted to capture and get her heart first: he could be patient with the rest.



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