Be Ready To Disappear

Chen's sweat was all over his face, he was extremely nervous to face the CEO at that moment. 

There's still no progress on finding who was the mastermind behind everything. 

Whoever that person was, he was sharp like an iguana, well-blended and was hard to detect.

The CEO was expecting good results to that day.

A loud bang was heard from the table after Chen's report.

Ryu's face was dark while his clenched fists were on the table. He couldn't believe that his men were having a hard time finding the person responsible for this absurd scheme against him.

"Sir, I think we need to seek help from Old Master Ken," Chen suggested in a very low tone. 

If the Old Master was the one to investigate the matter, everything would be cleared out in a day. The Old Master had more power than the CEO, his connections were vast in all aspects.