Coward At Times Like This

"What has happened? I told you to keep watch! Where are Arya's mom and sister? I thought the kid was not allowed to be discharged yet?" Chen exclaimed.

"Things has happened very fast. The doctor suddenly issued a release order. Her sister was discharged today." The head of their security team reported

Chen sighed, the hospital's security was very tight, even the patient's details were not easily disclosed. They couldn't penetrate well enough. If only his Young Master asked help from Old Master Ken, everything would have been easier.

Chen's mobile phone rang.

"Sir, they have arrived at their apartment just now." The person, assigned to keep watch on Arya's family house, reported.

"Alright, make sure to secure the area and follow them wherever they go. Don't you dare to lose them from your sight!" Chen instructed irritably.

This was the first time that he had to arrange something like this for their CEO and his head was almost swirling for the past six days.