Her Heart Was Happy

Arya was still gasping for air as she reached down at the reception.

As she tried to recall what just happened, she was startled by a familiar male voice from behind her

"Hello Madam Arya, how are you?" he greeted. Arya's lips pursed when she turned around and saw it was Chen. So the man upstairs was really Ryu, the CEO who was claiming her beach resort.

"What is going on?" she asked wearily.

Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "I believe Attorney Stark discussed everything clearly. The owner of this resort is CEO Ryu Ken and he said that if you want to negotiate, you can discuss it with him directly in his room tomorrow at 7:00 AM sharp. If you are not present by then, we will immediately proceed with the necessary arrangements for the possession of the resort."

And quickly added, "Please don't ask me anymore and talk to our CEO directly if you have further questions."

Then he bid goodbye and strode back to his room.