Do you think you have a choice?

Arya's hands were cold. She was nervous since last night. She left a long sigh before raising her hand to buzz the doorbell.

It was still early at quarter to seven. She gasped when she heard the door click and was opened.

Ryu looked at her with his poker face and said, "Come in."

Arya followed and stared at his handsome silhouette. 'Is he mad at me? Is this payback time?' The questions were still haunting her though she knew the answers for that already.

"Please sit down," Ryu said coldly. Arya bit her lip as she followed and sat on the couch. She was not used to it, such aloofness and coldness from Ryu.

Looking down she tried to strike a conversation, "I am really sorry about what happened. It is not my…" She paused thinking what kind of words can justify her actions for the staged heartbreak of Ryu.

Ryu smirked and said, "Sorry about what? Let bygones be bygones or are you referring to your barging in here last night and peeking at my nude body?"