Magnetized All Over Again

"Let go of my wife's arm!" Ryu hissed still glaring at Shawn. His look was so shard and deadly that Arya almost paled. There was something that was off about the whole thing Ryu said but Arya couldn't put a finger on what was it.

"Please stop this. We are getting too much attention already. Shawn please let go of my arm. I am sorry about this and let's talk later. I will call you." Arya spoke in her apologetic tone while she looked at Shawn.

Shawn sighed and let go of her arm. "Alright, call me if you have any problem," Shawn said in a low meaningful tone.

Arya nodded and quickly pulled Ryu towards the exit before he makes any scandalous move because his face showed he's going to burst-out anytime soon.

However, instead of going outside, Ryu pulled her inside the elevator.

"Hey where are we going?" Arya asked with a confound look.

Ryu sighed and looked at her with narrowed eyes, "You really are testing my patience huh?"