You Are Mine, Completely

Chen drove them to the hospital where Dean was admitted. Ryu was very uncomfortable and worried and kept telling Chen to drive faster.

They arrived at the hospital in less than fifteen minutes.

When they reached the ward where Dean was admitted Ryu saw Dean was smiling widely and he apparently looked fine.

'Are you kidding me?' Ryu hissed silently as he narrowed his eyes as he looked at Dean.

"I got her big bro. I got one of their lackeys under my hands." Dean said with full of amusement.

Ryu let out a long sigh. "Damn Dean I was so worried that I thought something bad has happened."

"Ahm, sorry about that. Wait, my timing is bad again?" Dean asked maliciously seeing Ryu was with Arya and they both looked little… mmm… different…

"You're always a pain in the ass don't you know? What happened?" Ryu asked obviously annoyed.

"I got hit by Rita. She is at the police station right now and will be held captive until I say so. She is in my clutches now." Dean grinned evilly.