Call You Love Always*

"Do you really think this would be enough? Maybe we should stop over to shop a little more. I don't actually know what your family would like so I asked Chen to buy what he thinks is best to bring." Ryu asked as he showed Arya the gifts.

Arya's eyes widened and with creased forehead she said, "Not enough? You almost filled the bus with the gifts? These are too much!"

There were too many gifts inside and all were expensive and branded.

"Your sister is home schooling right now so I thought to give her these gaming console and some games also some educational tutorials and other materials to help her with her studies as well. But I think these are not just enough and I should have bought some toys as well for her... Besides, this is just nothing. They're also my family now so I want them to have the best." Ryu explained pertaining to new and latest gadgets where he noticed Arya fixed her eyes at.