
After a tiring makeout session Arya slept snuggled in Ryu's arms and was woken up by Ryu when they were about to reach Arya's house.

They had arrived in the province early in the morning.

Although Arya had called beforehand to inform her parents that she will arrive today, she had not mentioned that she will be with Ryu. Therefore, her parents were surprised to see Ryu along with her.

Her parents welcomed them both and Ryu greeted Arya's parents like a boy next door. Because Arya's father had once seen Ryu during his court trial he recognized him immediately and looked at Arya in confusion.

Arya asked Ryu to wait in the living area and she walked with her parents to the study room to talk with them alone at first.

Reese who was still yawning because she woke up early was looking with a questioning gaze at Ryu. She walked towards the living area and stared at Ryu who sat on the couch. She creased her forehead as she approached him.