Win Her Heart No Matter What

Karl was hesitating if he'll walk towards Cecile. He was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw his father.

He must have returned for lunch. Elder Master Ken preferred to have his meals at home if his schedule was not tight.

"Son, I understand how you feel but you've been carrying that baggage for so long now. It's time that you take out those weights off your body. I can tell that your wife loves you and I'm sure she'll understand you. All you need to do is be honest with her, tell her everything and how you truly feel. With those years we've been together, I'm confident how big Cecile's heart is and how broadminded she is. I'm sure she'll understand everything... It's not your fault. All you did is to love her by all means on your own ways..." Elder Master Ken said smoothly as he smiled to his son.