Live Well And Strong

Diana laughed hard crazily. "You still dare to dream about MY ALDRIN? To keep you away from him I tried so hard… I fixed your fate to be a whore for a gang bang with my men. But my plan got messed up because that bastard interrupted! I must say you have a charm that draws some men towards you and also you have good stamina, better than that bastard that slept with you."

Diana narrowed her eyes and continued, "You woke up sooner than him and that bastard is still unconscious struggling to survive… Ha… such a weakling. I had to clean up a bigger mess because of him. But again that asshole messed-up everything I had planned for you so he also deserved to be punished. It will be easier if he stay unconscious forever and that will save me the trouble later."

"Who are you talking about?" Cecile muttered.