Stop This Drama

Cecile was in a shocked state and had become completely silent. Her eyes fixed at a point on the wall, like a film playing in front of her, the scene of Aldrin getting shot, falling down, her taking his head in her lap and trying to keep him alive…

His men arriving and bringing them to the hospital… all these scenes kept coming and going repeatedly. She was numb, couldn't understand what actually happened. She was not able to accept that Aldrin was dead.

She sat on that hospital bed like a stone statue neither her eyes blinked nor did she move. She didn't even utter a word from her mouth.

The bodyguards that brought Aldrin and Cecile to the hospital were in grief because of Aldrin's death but were worried to see her shocked state.

When Aldrin's family arrived at the hospital they received the news of the death of their son.