Fake Love Story (2) – Good In Acting

"Oh, I can't wait where you will bring me later and I'm sure I will not disappoint you. I will definitely blend in well like I used to…" Denise answered sweetly to Shawn while her eyes narrowed at him saying, 'Do you think you can scare me? Bring it on Mr. Villain!'

''What the hell is with her look? Is she not scared a bit of me? I should teach this woman a lesson so she wouldn't take me easily whenever she like.' Shawn thought irritably.

This Denise was all over him as if she would like to dominate him. No, she was really trying her best to take him under her jurisdiction.

He was the master on the underworld; he shouldn't get swayed by woman like her. He smirked at the thought on what kind of place he would bring Denise.

'Let's see if you still wish to see me after I bring you to that place.' Shawn hissed silently.

Denver couldn't help but say, "Hmm, I guess we should hurry and wrap this interview sooner then."

Then he looked at his note and asked the next question.