Fake Love Story (3) – Maybe She Could

They had a short break. Denver excused himself…

Shawn sighed and raised his hand that was still held by Denise.

"Would you like to accompany and help me also inside the rest room?" he asked with an exasperated tone.

"Would you like me to? I'm willing to help if you want." Denise answered with her provoking tone.

Then she smiled at him and winked. Shawn crumpled his face and abruptly pulled his hand.

"Careful darling… watch your steps and open that narrowed eyes to avoid tripping," she added laughing.

'Did he cut his tongue off? Should I be alarmed with that silence?' she murmured.

As weird as it may be, but she really didn't feel a bit scary even though Arya had called her and informed her that the Lee Family was the Masters of the underworld.

Instead, she felt the other way around – SAFE with Shawn. That was her gut feeling which she usually trusts.

When Shawn returned, Denise quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Wait, did you wash your hand?"