Say It **

"I want to make love to you..."

Denise's mouth opened, she wanted to say something but words did not come out.

Shawn got up from her body and stood on his knees on the bed, unbuttoned his shirt and trousers, undressed himself and removed his brief as well… exposing his hard erect manhood in front of Denise's eyes… and Denise… she at first watched him strip his clothes one by one admiring his sculpted body…

His abs and his biceps, his chest muscles… in awe still stunned with the last words she heard from him. And when she saw his erection… her eyes flew wide… she didn't know what to say… to be happy or be afraid.

All she thought then was….

'How will this fit in my body'

Once done stripping, Shawn bent down again and tugged at her clothes. Indicating her to remove them.