Pure Hearted

The morning rays entered the room and lit every corner of it with its brightness.

Denise woke up when the sunrays fiddled with her eyes and she moved a bit. She saw a hand on her waist, reminding her of previous night. She looked at the person sleeping beside her and was amazed to see the handsome man looking ridiculously sexy even in his sleep.

She smiled and touched his face softly with her hand and then tried to get up but Shawn's arms were still holding her tight…

She did not mind the heavy weight of his arm on her waist; she liked the feeling of waking up cuddled in his embrace with her head on his bare chest.

She could smell his body's fragrance being so close to him, being able to see his beautiful handsome face in the morning and she loved the fact that like this, she has the liberties to even hold him tight in her arms, keep him only with her, forever….