Act Natural

Cecile was looking around, standing in front of the grave that she had mourned for years, her eyes wandering in almost every corner of the graveyard; hoping for that little chance of Shawn being around.

She got a letter from her purse and gently put it inside the flowers she had brought.

She made sure that the letter was visible and could be easily seen if one sees the flowers kept on the grave...

'Oh God… Please let him see my letter…' she whispered a silent prayer.

She was so desperate to see her son but couldn't do so.

She so much wanted to hug him and tell him everything that had actually happened while she was pregnant with him up to the delivery and how she was falsely told about his death.

She wrote everything in that letter like she was talking to him whenever she visited this graveyard.

She would do it every day, leave a letter for him, for that hope that one day, he would come at this graveyard and see it.