Favorite Dish

Denise quickly called the maid and instructed her to clean her room as she ran towards the bathroom to take a shower and fix herself before Shawn arrived.

She looked at her reflection at the mirror. She wore a navy blue turtle neck knee length dress. She needed to hide her neck full of hickeys because of Shawn. They were still visible as if she was bitten by a bug.

'"Yeah… I've been bitten by that big bug…" she murmured and giggled bashfully.

Shawn was the type of a handsome and charming bug that she wouldn't mind to get bitten by all her life.

She felt giddy as she looked at the clock, Shawn will be here any moment. She did not bother the suspicious look of their maid who was still fixing her bed.

"Please tell our cook to prepare a light snack. No, ask him to cook pasta also…" she instructed the maid before she got out.

She wished she could cook by her own hands for Shawn but she had never cooked.