How Durable Your Bed Is

'Why is he too active in teasing me? Am I a food now?' Denise complained inwardly.

Her face was turned to crimson color that she was not able to look into Shawn's eyes anymore.

"Are you not going to show me your house darling? Uhm or we can go directly to your room to have my favorite dish but my t-shirt is not available so an alter…" Shawn was stopped by Denise's pal that covered his mouth.

"Stop already all your favorite dish will get rot easily! Let's go and I'll show you around our house you hungry beast!" Denise said as she made a face on Shawn who laughed at her funny expression.

She showed him the kitchen and guest rooms in the ground floor and the back garden and a small kitchen garden behind the kitchen. She then took him to the first floor, where all the family members had their bedrooms and started to show him his brother's room.

"Hey! Wait, why do you have to show your brothers?" Shawn complained.