Real Family

Arya came down and saw auntie Sarah, Dean's mom and Ryu's auntie, in the dining room sitting with Grandpa.

Arya came near her and greeted her with excitement as she had heard a lot about her from Ryu and others. In fact, she was very gentle and clear in her perceptions and very fair in taking decisions for things, be it in business or personal life.

She had been a savior for Ryu and Dean when they were reprimanded by their grandpa and was also very strict with them when it came to studies and work. She was an idol of perfection for the boys.

This was the first time Arya will meet Auntie Sarah in person.

"Oh so you are Arya. It's so nice to finally meet you. We arrived very late last night so Mark and I just went straight in our room and both of us were like dead meat afterwards." Auntie Sarah said laughingly and winked at her as she hugged her tightly.