Missing Puzzles

Elder Master Ken called for Arya and Rita for an afternoon tea break in the mansion's garden.

The two arrived and he gestured them to sit in front of him and join him for a cup of tea.

"Do you both know that this garden was the favorite hang-out place of your grandmother Livy. She was an awesome woman. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She loved this garden and the watched in equal amazement every time a new flower bloomed here. She loved her family also in same way. She loved each and every member of the family and was very happy and excited when her children did anything big or small," said Elder Ken as he looked at the beautiful flowers around them.

Then he added, "Before she died, I promised her that I would take good care of the family… and I'm trying my very best to fulfill my promise that I had made to her. But I can't actually do it alone so I keep asking everyone to help me out. So this time, it's your turn… help me out by helping yourselves..."